Another mousu garbage "game"

>Another mousu garbage "game"

Fuck off. They're worse than CoD and Assassin's Creed at this point. What are there, like fuckin' 100+ of these copy and pasted games?

Other urls found in this thread:

>finally a new berserk game
>It's a musou
Fucking WHY


Looks fantastic, honestly. This is in my top 3 games I'm most hyped for at the moment. I also legitimately enjoy musou games so I couldn't give less of a fuck about people bitching and moaning about that.

I dont give a fuck what people say, this shit looks fucking awesome.

Skull Knight confirmation WHEN?

Musou is the casual anime game genre. Why make interesting stages when you can just have players run around map whi9le beating millions of weak mooks?

this, there's nothing wrong with musou games especially when omega force themselves are handling it
hoping this is as good as hokutou musoun and that it has as good a what if mode

Well the Omega Force Attack on Titan game was pretty good, so I hope the Berserk game is also good.


18/09 4pm JST there's going to be gameplay and interview.
Hopefully more character reveals.

But Hokuto Musou 2 was absolute trash, and they said they're using HnK Musou 2 as inspiration for this.

Ergo this will be trash, but that's not hard to tell since it already looks like massive trash in the trailers.

really? that's a shame, i didnt like the 2nd hokutou musou that much
at least this is on PC so i can just pirate it to test

are you fags hyped?

fuck, wrong thread

Based on all these trailers the entire game is about blasting away large groups of weak enemies.

wow, its like its a musou game or something

>From Software will never make Berserker game

why? it would be perfect

>it's another wahh musou sucks thread

They haven't shown boss battle gameplay yet, which is supposedly more indepth.

>Slow combat


>those monster designs

>Armored Core

Where did they say they're using HnK2 as inspiration?

Boss characters will probably end up like Hyrule Warriors bosses.

haha lol yeah xd
jojo thread by platinum when Sup Forumsros????

Kill yourself. Guts is supposed to be fast, not slow as shit.

I never played Hyrule Warriors, were they any good?

One of the siliconera articles about the game mentioned it, but that was few months back.

Hah, killing 'em.

Was that siliconera making the comparison or did it come straight from the devs? I never actually played HnK2, only the first one, so it doesn't mean a lot to me personally. But I have heard that just about everyone says HnK2 was worse than the first.

They were alright the first time, but most of them became a total chore after you got used to the patterns. You generally just had to stand there with your guard up and wait for them to be vulnerable to a specific weapon, then pick away at their unreasonably large health bars until they died. Gohma and Argorok were the only ones that stayed fun, since they revealed their weak points fairly often, whereas King Dodongo and Manhandla would just waste your fucking time.

Interesting, well it sounds like it beats just fighting Cao Cao and juggling him over with the same moves until his life bar is gone. I suspect we'll see some boss battle gameplay this weekend so hopefully they've improved upon what they did with Hyrule Warriors.

I would be fine with it because they are very talented and it's probably Miyazaki's wet dream after all.
That being said and as much as I love Souls games, I think they would have to try something different for a Berserk game. In a superficial way they may seem very similar, but they're actually quite different in the way they approach many things, and stuff like gameplay, storytelling, pacing and level design would have to reflect that.

So, Berserk game by From Software yes.

Berserk Souls no.

Berserk game by From would only work if they took cues from the PS2 Berserk game on how Guts should move and how fast he should be. Levels would also need to be bigger obviously and less claustrophobic.

Agreed. I'm perfectly happy with a Berserk Musou and I think it actually does fit the gameplay better than slapping a Berserk skin over a Souls game. But I would love to see FROM tackle a Berserk game where they make it it's own thing.

>Enemies doing jackshit while in the manga they're the most fucked up horrors one can face
Seriously though, this game misses the point of Berserk so much.
No it's not satisfying to destroy training dummies over and over, making me more powerful or increasing the number of enemies doesn't change this.

But Guts gradually progressed with the berserk armor, by the time he faced the Sea God he was a super powered Dragon Ball Z character

>no dismemberment
annnnnd it's shit

>>no dismemberment
Every fucking thread

The game looks pretty good. I just wish it wasn't the Dynasty Warriors style mowing down 1,000 enemies a second nonsense. I don't know, I always feel like those games sacrifice combat for spectacle. It usually just ends up being button mashing since no one enemy poses literally any threat to you at all.

What do I know though, I've barely played them. Maybe they get better later on. I just prefer games where you have a few really threatening enemies over 1,000 glass boned, paper skinned, toddlers.

There is dismemberment. They've also basically confirmed that the Japanese version is toned down and the western releases will have the violence fully intact.

>There is nothing wrong with musou games
Actually I don't think there is a genre more shit than Musou

It just feels like a sub-genre designed for low budget crap, like:
>So let's try to make a great beat em ups guys
>Huh it's actually hard to make great fighting system...
>We ran out of time and budget and all we got is a bare bones fighting system with a grand total of 5 different combos.. literally no level design.. puke inducing graphics.. No physics engine... Greg over there managed to model one enemy... fuck...
>Guys I got an idea
>Keep the shitty fighting system as our core gameplay,
>But it's shi...
>WAIT! Mike can you make a plane and color it green? That'll be our level. Greg, that enemy, how many time can you duplicate it?
>"I don't know, if we keep these puke-inducing graphics, I would say.. a fuckton of times sir"
>alright do it but then take the texture of the model and slide the HUE bar left and right a bunch of times, then duplicate these again and give more health to these recolored enemies, scale up one of them we'll call it a boss.
>But sir, how do we make money?
>That technique I gave you to create new enemies, we'll use it on the main character and sell the recolered ones as DLCs

At least some of you fags admit it's a shit budget genre, but trying to defend this genre is completely retarded since it's a genre designed to print money with minimal dev time, often using popular series.

I've been playing video games for 20 years, I think I heard this excuse enough, half of the time it turns out both version are identically toned down.


As you level characters you unlock combos. Yeah, it's still the same two buttons, but it becomes much more fun on higher difficulties with more combo options available. Most people don't stick around these games for that long though, which is why the currency-for-levels in Hyrule Warriors was good.

The same thing happened with the HnK musou game, though. Japanese version had toned down violence. It's not unheard of at all.

i love berserk, i love one piece, and thats why it hurts the most seeing fully fleshed out games being made in this shitty fucking genre for subhuman apes

Hey attack on titan was decent.

Nigga I ain't reading all that.

You probably don't have a counter argument anyway. Just stop posting.

>hurr why is it a musou game
Have any of you even read Berserk? That's basically what Berserk is when Guts fights. He just mows down hundreds of mooks without much effort. It's a perfect fit.

something akin to legendary dark knight mode from DMC4 would still be better

>buyers remorse

most mousoes have difficulty setting but by standard you are not fighting to win the game but to get the best scores possible, and that consist of fighting againts time and doing the best combos on the most target possible. It's as hard as high score you are aiming for.

I still don't get it how can everyone in the west love mindless cookie clickers like diablo3 or Poe so much but shit on mousus because their gameplay being about hacking weak enemies.

But the enemies actually move during the fight and can be intimidating. Here they could be replaced with sacks of sand and nothing would change.

diablo has better combat because its condensed into single characters instead of spreading a hundred attacks between 40 characters also the enemies variety is larger as is their arsenal of attacks

What are you even suggesting? Something akin to a bonus mode that the original game wasn't designed around that the devs decided to include in the PC version for shits?
>But the enemies actually move during the fight and can be intimidating.
In Berserk? Only the bosses and the elites. All the mooks and regular monsters can barely take a step before Guts slices them in half.

Everytime I hear japanese anime shit, I cringe with my whole body. It's like the fucking weeaboos saying dubs are shit because muh voice actors, yet they cant understand a single fucking word of what they are saying.

As it turns out being an indestructible killing machine that can cleave a dozen chumps in one swing translates into a shitty videogame.

Plenty of videogames have defenseless swarm-type enemies as well as a ton of other enemies with varying difficulty.

I don't understand why so many people need a challenge in their video games nowadays. I play musou to kick back and fuck shit up at the same time. That arcady, score attack gameplay keeps me coming back.

>Plenty of videogames have defenseless swarm-type enemies as well as a ton of other enemies with varying difficulty.
And you think Musou is any different?

both diablo 3 and poe are both about using aoe attacks to twoshot weak as fuck enemies who rarely have more than one attack move and any kind of difficulty only shows up after you already beat the game 2 or 3 times.

mousos usually more than 50 character with a pretty huge arsenal of moves who also fight againts each other during combat

>decide to buy HnK musou
>go with the second one because I didn't believe it could be as shit as everyone claimed since usually with musou spinoffs the latest entry is the best one
>mfw they were right
Jesus christ the combat was so fucking weightless. Everything had the same fucking hit sound effect and the range of attacks was so iffy.

Higher-difficulty musou is more firefighter simulator than anything, and it can get pretty tense since you need to figure out the optimal order of putting out fires (killing officers, capturing fields so the enemy doesn't head straight for your commander, etc.).
Officers/Commanders can't be killed easily either due to recovering almost instantly out of juggles and will usually gibe you in a few hits.
Plus mooks can be an annoyance if you don't keep them in check since they can flinch you and put you into the kill-zone HP-wise for enemy officers.

The problem is, a lot of musou games tie character level to stats, so you can't even take on the hard content from the get-go because you simply won't be doing enough damage.
So that causes people to drop the game after an hour and cast it off as "casual shit".

no just enemies that arent completely retarded like musou enemies are and instead of 200 bags of milk maybe 50 enemies that can actually do something if you fuck up

Dante in canon is playing around with the entirety of DMC4 but he can still die because its a video game user and having a fail state is one of the very basics of having an ok game

>also the enemies variety is larger
>in a diablo game

Yes. Because you spend 95% of the time fighting the shitty swarms and there are few midrange enemies.

It's a good idea to limit these clips to 30 seconds so you can't see you'll be repeating the same 3 moves shown for 12 hours.

americucks like you don't know what it's like to live in a non-english speaking country

only little kids watch english speaking movies with dubs because the original voices always fit the characters more,

not to mention that in the case of animes, japan always uses high-paid and high class voice actors for japanese voices while they doesn't spend half of that for english dubs. The quality between them is huge.

just learn to read

Berserk wouldn't have interesting stages or good level design anyways, most of its just straight forward.

What's the dark souls of musou games?

>americucks like you don't know what it's like to live in a non-english speaking country
I'm from Québec.

>forests full of trolls "elves" wyald
>city port
>tentacle island
>belly of sea god

Fighting Lu Bu in DW8?

Straight forward so a musou suits it well

He did nothing wrong

I know the game comes out in Japan on October 27th, but is there a confirmed date for the US and EU releases yet?

Not yet, there's a rumor that it'll be December based on some Amazon listing but nothing confirmed.

>dubs are shit
They are and not just for anime, any media in general. You need to go back.

I think Gematsu is reporting this fall.

>triggered weebshit

>triggered EOP

Berserk really isn't vidya material. Only enemy Guts has a problem with are apostles while everyone else gets one-shot.
Also it that video Dragonslayer has no impact, it's like fulfill ball bat

>Berserk really isn't vidya material.
A video game is, you fucking retard.

>Also it that video Dragonslayer has no impact, it's like fulfill ball bat

Évidemment, je dois clairement être un EOP de merde et ce n'est pas parce que le japonais est une langue atroce :^)

Except that there are other characters in this game, none of whom really mow down hundreds of mooks without much effort.
And to my knowledge this also covers golden age where mowing down 100 mooks is a famous accomplishment of Guts.

I'm from Germany and I've suffered through bad dubs because sometimes the people around you just really want to watch the dub (And this really goes beyond just little kids).
I'm still of the opinion that it is entirely possible for a dub to be as good as the original property and that unless the dub is true trash tier the only thing subs add is plausible deniability of QUALITY if you don't speak the native language.
That said sometimes you really need that plausible deniability and I'm not averse to just watching a sub.

What the fuck is that "special" move or whatever he does at the end? I don't remember anything like that in the manga and it looks kind of retarded.

(hai yai forces intensifies)

He's so consumed by bloodlust that he forgets his sword and just rips everything to pieces with his hands and mouth. It happened once in the manga too.


>It happened once in the manga too.
No, it didn't.

Doesn't let go of the sword in any of the Berserk scenes, besides where it got knocked out of his hand at the Ganishka fight.

>baguette's gonna baguette
omelette du fromage

I'm not digging through my volumes but I 100% remember a time during the BOAT arc where a big tentacle monster had its eyeballs ripped out with the mouth of the Berserker armor and the stalk was just dangling from it when Guts landed from the air.

lmao he is triggered.

>First Berserk game in ~13 years
>First Berserk adaptation that isn't meh in 19 years
>We finally got off the boat last year, after 7 years of infrequent chapters
>The manga is back to a monthly schedule now
>Casca might finally get cured in the next chapter
>>>Complaining about anything

Fuck you people. This is the best time for Berserk fans in years. I'll be blasting Hirasawa's music as I play this and will have tons of fun doing so.

He's bitten stuff. But he's never dropped the sword and clawed anything.

He always uses the sword. Berserk Guts isn't stupid, just consumed with rage.

Is it coming to PC?

Yes, a little after the Jap version (October 27th) is all we know for the release date though.

I know right? Its not like Judeau throwing daggers causing people to fly like ragdolls, that was canon as fuck right?

Its a musou autist-kun.