So I built a gaming PC. What big budget AAA video game that makes use of high graphical fidelity which justifies this expensive build should I play?
So I built a gaming PC...
Jackson Cox
Asher Green
the game of Sup Forums
Jose Taylor
Jayden Richardson
battlefield 1 and gears of war 4 next month
Isaiah Baker
Fallout 4, VR eroges.
William Davis
>Not buying a PC to play DOS games and crpg's
You wasted a lot of money, OP.
Gabriel Flores
Brody Gonzalez
You should try playing good games that you might be able to make look pretty, not pretty games just for the sake of looking at pretty things.
Also you should try justifying purchases before making them, rather than after.
Elijah Phillips
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Metro LL
Watch Dogs modded
Charles Allen
I want to /pet that lala