We can't defeat them conventionally, Shepard. Not conventionally.
Did you get that, Shepard?
We can't defeat them conventionally, Shepard.
Not conventionally.

Fuck yourself over conventionally, Shepard.

Other urls found in this thread:

>somebody actually played ME3
I'm impressed

You couldn't, though. You can't win a conventional war of attrition against a foe who can defy logistical constraints, is more powerful, and has effectively unlimited manpower. Blame Drew for writing them into corner back in ME1.

Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.

So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.


Fuck this game just fuck it. Bioware are the biggest hack devs in the industry.

I guess you could say Drew didn't write the plot of ME1 in a very conventional way.

I swear to god Carlos go fuck yourself

Wait, Drew? Like, Drew Wagar? That Drew?

>foe who can defy logistical constraints, is more powerful, and has effectively unlimited manpower.
where was this established in mass effect 1?

I actually kind of like ME3, if only for the character interactions and some missions like Tuchanka. Also there are a few good mods on Nexus for it.

the multiplayer is good

>Gather a huge fucking army and distract as many of them as possible while a Deus Ex Machina assblasts them all with creative color powers.
Friendly reminder Harbinger gets away with everything if you don't pick the red ending.

probably during the part where Sovereign talks to you about how eternal and powerful the Reapers are.

Yeah but you have to buy this shit game to play it.
Not worth it.

Oh, y'know, just ignore everything Sovereign said, surely the reality was the opposite of what he implied. Surely.

Man, I'm remembering playing the online religiously for 2 months straight.

That whole 2 months I always asked myself "Why the fuck are you playing this?"

Mass Effect has a weird hold on me.

Well, had.

Don't really give a shit about most releases now.

That multiplayer was fucking top tier though, I wish I could go back to the days when the new characters and shit were still coming out.

ME1 establishes that the Reapers can control the Mass Relay network, shows Sovereign pretty effortlessly facing down the singlemost powerful ship known to the council races (and he's only defeated because of an asspull regarding Sarenbot taking down his shields for some reason), and has Sovereign talk about how the Reapers would blot out the sky across entire worlds. ME3 actually nerfed them considerably.



Not to mention the fact that the Reapers were supposed to warp to the Citadel ( either with through the Citadel or using other Relays), take it over and shut down the entire relay system in the galaxy.

But i guess that would have been too easy for them so they never did any of that.

How can a company drop the ball so hard

they got anti-white poo in loos making andromeda btw

They wanted the COD-audience

The ending was shit but I didn't hate the rest of the game. It had flaws and is the weakest of the trilogy but it had the best combat and most of the characters were still well written. The citadel dlc should have been the actual ending

Drew Karpyshyn.

oh, ok. For a second I thought that it was Drew Wagar (writer of the Dark Wheel and other Elite/Frontier novels

Saren did nothing wrong

I think Sovereign is just talking shit, a lot of the stuff he says later turns out to be flat out untrue.

Yeah but have you seen the ASSES on those Andromeda females?


Right before you blew him up, conventionally.

I have. Not into flat asses myself, user.

After his night immortal shields are taken down by completely chance since he was taking personal possession of Saren at the time.

Hack it out.



And he's actually the best boss fight of ME 3.

I guess Kai Leng was a cereal killer.

Can somebody tell me just how exactly did the Reapers come here? Sovereign failed in ME1 and we blew all those Batarians in 2.So how did they arrive?

The plot had to advance. It wasn't explained at all.

They flew. Seriously, that's the only explanation.

They just flew, which means it only takes ~3 years for reapers to fly here from dark space. Which really begs the question of why even risk sovereign flying around when you can just fly in and warp to the citadel without needing an agent and shit.

They flew because apparently they can fly from a galaxy to another in 2 years but never thought to start their invasion 2 years sooner so they don't have to rely on the Citadel to get here.

Or maybe they just did that to appease Sovereign. Maybe he was the retard reaper nobody wanted to argue with when he kept saying "No guys I'll stay back and open the gate for you".

They are far beyond your feeble comprehension.

Just dont think about it.

>want to replay the series
>remember ME3

"Just dont think about it."

The whole point is to abuse the mass relay network to knock out galactic civilisations quickly. Because of what we did in number 1 and 2 they couldn't cut off the head so to speak like they could in previous cycles. That's why we even have a fighting chance. There is a lot of dumb shit guys but don't pick the part that makes sense.

I can't get mad at that cameltoe.
I just can't.

That happens to me monthly.

Original plan was to use the citadel because it's the fastest way to get ride of all of the leaders and confuse everyone.

Except as demonstrated in 3 the people with real power are on the home planets.

Not in ME 1 tho.

It was implied that Sovereign was gathering allies and biding his time for hundreds of years before making the attack.

If the Reapers had just set out in full force they would have exterminated everyone centuries before Shepard was even born.

What is the best alien race and why is it the Drell?

Years after the release of ME3, reading that email for the first time is so vivid a memory, and the emotions so clear. Like remembering the first kiss you shared with your first girlfriend or your first breakup.

A piece of time of my life, stuck in my mind till the day it shuts off for good. First, nothing. Then, upon reaching the conclusive remark; profound confusion from pure shock and horror, as if someone just played a terrible prank, and I the victim. A confusion that would quickly morph and arrange itself into a tragicomic realization: This is very set of paragraphs made it into the game. Multiple people read this over, and it made it through the final cut.

It doesn't even pass as a practical joke from Bioware's side; for it's genuinely not unlikely for them to let something like this out of their artistically deprived minds. Their writing throughout the game is literally so fucking bad, that I'm unable discern a possible joke from a serious attempt at a mysterious and cool cyborg ninja.

That message from "KL" is a written manifestation of the quality of modern Bioware games.

>anything other than a desert is a death sentence to them.
For fucks sake, they could follow the Quarians and Volus and get protective gear.

It's either the Turians, Krogan, or Asari
Geth is cool too but they're robits

>race that can't handle water saved from extinction by race who lives in oceans

It's like pottery

>Asian fag acting as though he beat the shit out of you.
>he had a squad of goons and a fucking attack ship backing him up.
>what he actually did was knock you over, throw a flash-bang and then ran.
>In this game where the Galaxy is being destroyed by Alien robots, some Asian-Who is supposed to be our big bad.

me3 isn't THAT bad, especially with the fixed-ish ending patch/dlc

They had to hike for about 3 fucking years to get there which is why they're all so pissed off.

Multiplayer was great. I didn't expect it would be so much fun.

It's all I care about for andromeda. Please don't fuck up the multi ea.

The ride in Great America destroyed all Mass Effect lore. It only took a few shots from a super old frigate to the eye and a reaper got destroyed.

How did they get away with that walking dead rip off? Or that winter space thing? They didn't get sued for those?

Are you still mad, Sup Forums?

I'm still mad.

Entitlement issues

The Walking Dead thing can be attributed to parody and laziness.
The use of stock images can be explained by laziness.



Not good enough for Carlosposting, sorry.

>hey lets attack the reapers from the front
why didnt they divide the fleets up, hit them from above, below and behind simultaneously

Looks like someone shoulda stayed home today

That only happened because he transfered his mind to Saren.

>kill rachni queen
>there's still rachni in me3

>choose anderson for the council over udina
>he leaves and udina takes his place anyway

>destroy collector base so cerberus doesn't get it
>they get it anyway

I didn't even see the ending everyone hated. Never got that far into 3, dropped it because it was more action than rpg for my liking.

I keep saying i'll finish it but I look at the story dlc on origin which never goes on sale so I can't be bothered if i'm missing story stuff. Not going to spend all that much money on dlc for a game I don't even like much. I guess I could pirate it with all the dlc instead of buying the dlc, but I can't be bothered with that either. Rather pirate other stuff.

And I pre ordered it too

The real reason the hit the Citadel first is because they could disable the Mass Relays from it. After Shepard and Cerberus get the Reaper IFF that plan goes to shit.

If you're retarded enough to install Origin to your system I really suggest you experience me3 ending in its full glory.

>hurrr only steam is allowed

You're kinda right, but even thinking about ME3 triggers bad memories, not of the game itself but of all this shit surrounding it, all that it could have been, all this wasted potential and broken hoped and dreams.
Might finally give it another go in a year or two.

No, I only have GoG client installed currently.
Im just saying installing EA spyware is reserved for a special kind of person.

It sold like 4 million copies.
A lot of people played it. And many people were disappointed in it.

>missing out on games because he's that paranoid

i bet you're on a toaster too. i bet you're sat there on win 7 knowing you're going to upgrade eventually anyway


Where is my porn, Hacket?

I initially thought the girl on the left was an uglified Ashley and she was going to be the link between the games.

I think I would have preferred that.

i cant bust my nut to Conventional porn

she looks better than ashley


But user you didn't answered the question, you just said what the game outright tells you.

The only explanation, like the other anons said, is that they just flew to our galaxy. Which is fucking retarded for a turbo super intelligent beings to do because they could have just send an entire battalion to the citadel and then see if there are any advanced civilizations to kill, instead of sending one agent (and they sent a literal fanatic retard just because) to do the damn reconnaissance.

Does anything look worse than ashley? I think the developers went with "shes rotten on the inside, and rotten on the outside" trope.

Fuck off Brad.

She has that greasy Inquisition face going on so I disagree.

Actually, a lot of the shit so far looks like Inquisition. I thought DA was made by the new guys as a learning tool or something. It's pretty worrying if they're now allowed to touch Mass Effect.

Maybe the Asari from Andromeda's trailer, they look like straight garbo
Ashley looked alright before Mass Effect 3 made her uglier for some reason.

Reminder that the definitive edition for ME4 is the PS4 Pro as it is getting exclusive DLC.

Pee cucks BTFO again.

Thank you for that insightful comment, Mr.Sony shill.

I don't think very many of the people from the first mass effect are still at the company.

The only game that made "whiny rival" right that I currently remember of, is Arkham Knight.
But that's mainly because of 10/10 NPC banter. Main story itself wasn't that good.

ME3's plot would have been infinitely better if Shepard instead takes direct control of the mass relays from the Starchild, and reprograms them to destroy Reaper ships on transit, but leave organic vessels alone. Now, galactic forces can move nearly instantly across the galaxy and Reaper ships must slowly traverse the galaxy in a long, long war of conquest. Organics basically become space rebels fighting a series of assymmetric battles and constantly whittling away at Reaper forces.

Shepard possibly survives but depending on your choices through the trilogy and the example you have set, the Long War goes very differently in the decades to come, etc etc