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Damn, I wanted to make fun of FFXV with TLG releasing earlier.

Both are two of my most hyped games

Honestly sorta surprised it's happened again. But whatever, I can wait. Just hope it recaptures the magic of Shadow of the Colossus.

I believe same thing has been said by people who bought PS3 for Last Guardian.

> waiting for the last ps3 game

Pretty sure it will recapture nothing of SotC.
Looks more like ICO.


We're never gonna get this game


It's never going to come out, is it?


They obviously achieved the ceiling of gaming with the help of Sony's superior technology. When they realized that all other companies would just stop trying, Sony probably ordered it to get delayed, because they need to come up with an excuse for others to strife for same perfection. Being ahead of the curve so much can ruin business.

what the fuck is with the cookies on this site?

Yeah, that was me as well. I purchased a PS3 for VersusXIII, Last Guardian, and MGS4. But just because I've purchased another system for the same game(s) doesn't make me any less hyped for said game.

PS3 ended up having plenty of other games I enjoyed, so I don't feel like I got gypped with it.

Wasn't that game supposed to be a launching title for the PS3?
Thanks god the people who're waiting for it are turbo-fanboys

>nobody even answering the thread

holy shit, looks like the hype for this game has finally died

Everybody is hyped for Breath of the Wild

This game took too long cause they didn't have a Zelda game to rip off so we lost interest.

wew lad, I sure wasnt waiting for this game.


Expectations are too high everyone's b on a be disappointed

What the literal fuck is wrong with the dev team?

>STILL being a sonycuck in the current year

I really feel fucking sorry for the PS4 early adopters.

Name one (1) game that was actually good after being delayed a trillion times.

>mad that he'll never ever play Bloodborne

I actually waited to buy one as soon as the game came out but now I don't even want one. I hate current gen.

They must have gotten orders to prepare Pro settings. Its okay its only December. Merry Christmas.


Yeah whatever, you pcfags just wait, when this comes it out it'll be a real goty, not like that stupid Witcher 3.


>Witcher 3
Is this bait? Thats a multipat and released in 2015.

lol delay FF15 and TLG cause they loo like an early PS3 game. This is exactly the same thing that happened with Fed force and it looking like a DS game.

Why are jap devs so incompetent this gen? Seriously they're taking 5+ to release one game. Only exception is From.

Why are ALL devs incompetent this gen? Video games are dead.


This isn't subtle enough to be good bait.

this is obviously to cater to the ps4pro

Sony is Sega-tier now, they don't even care about their own IPs

Then the game comes out and everyone's shitposting would be wasted in a span of one day.

Sorry, sonygger. Looks like you'll have to settle for playing Bloodborne again.

Its looks pretty bad for sure. I mean they listened to the pcucks, who complain about graphics and framerate, and wasted resources producing the pro, and pcucks aren't even going to buy it. I mean look at the articles on the pro. Doom and gloom. Stupid Sony why'd you give in? The pcucks are in on this just to wait for ports of games coming out on PS4. They will never buy a PS4, not even a pro.

Everything they do is to kill playstation. Look at xbox. Stop trying to be kill like them.

Fucking this. We spend more time waiting for the games to release than playing them.

Official Trailers:


Trico's feathers are more numbered now but smaller, I think it looks a lot worse.
Fog and color grading was changed drastically. Environments look fullbright now most of the time or just bad.
They added more bloom to the game and it's not the good kind.
Less particle effects(dust and dirt for example).

Here's smoke being downgraded and you can clearly see the lighting is completely downgraded as he climbs up the tail. Basically 10x less shadowing now.

Trico doesn't even cast shadows on his own body anymore and there shadows on the temple barely exist.

Unlit braziers so no smoke, shitty environment lighting again(look inside the building, HDR is fucking gone), and Trico still has no self-shadows.

As always, the lighting and shadows are less striking.

This is a disgrace, after nearly 10 years of Sony talking about this game it's finally a reality but it doesn't look any better than what we saw back then, it looks worse. The downgrading is real.

The game looks almost identical to how it was before but without fog and shadows mainly.

Kek, you beat me to it

This is literally JUST the game

What studio is making this game?
I bet Sony is not going to work with them ever again.

What have they even been doing for the past decade? How has anyone on team ICO payed rent after a decade of no releases?

It's being delayed to work on the PS4 pro version

Sony is the one making the engine and delaying it, you retard.

So its Sony studio developing the game?

The engine. From the start it was a joint-op. That's why it didn't come out, Sony doesn't give a fuck.

Any of you faggots from the last thread wanna eat crow now? It was so fucking obvious but hope springs eternal in the breast of man I guess.