Post your hype levels
Post your hype levels
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I still haven't decided if I want to keep Sun or Moon. Sun because of Gold which is my fav, Moon because of Blue which was my first one.
was a 3/10
after seeing those new UB02 shits im probably at about a 1/10 right now
Already looks better than XY and ORAS. Looks like it's actually somewhat changing the formula this time too.
The ultra beasts feel somehow out of place
won't have the content b/w2 did
>mfw the new reveals
I'm getting interested. The only thing that could make me full on hype though, is if the game was more difficult, and the hand-holding was toned way down.
looks nice honestly
Was a tentative 6/10 with a preorder made before the corocoro reveal.
Now I'm 0/10 and preorder cancelled. I'm not interested in playing Pokemon vs Aliens.
Nintendo is doing a very good job lately of killing my interest in their franchises.
I just can't get that excited for Roshambo the video game.
Looks like they really want to make a b/w 2 hit again, so I'll wait and may be it will get the 10/10
5/7, it's ok
Keeping the hype low for now. Maybe when they release the demo and people datamine it, if there's decent post game content then i'll hype
i want to cum inside meowth
most hyped Ive ever been for a pokemon game
2/10 because of XY and ORAS
10/10 because day 1 pirate
9/10 yesterday
5/10 now
Maybe a 4
I really want to be hyped for it, but I've been disappointed by the recent games, excluding X/Y which I didn't play.
Also I think the difficulty of Pokemon Omicron ruined the regular games for me.
>potentially night/day branching evolution for the starters
This would be the GOAT if its true
Thats really understating the system
If it was only 3 types and all were either super effective X2 or X0.5 when hit with something non effective then you'd be right
But theres 18 types, different types of moves, different abilities, different evs, some types do nothing to other types, etc.
Still getting it even though I'm wholly expecting another babby easy mode, and missing features from previous gens such as:
>flying to routes
>good customization
>walking pokes
>Battle Frontier
Am I the only one who thinks Type: Null is one of the best designs so far? I didn't expect something so evil-looking from nu-Pokemon
>Rugarugan’s Midnight Form and states that Rockruff turns into this form when “met with the night’s power”. The second page shows Rugarugan’s Midday Form and that Rockruff “takes in the sun’s power to turn into this marvelous form”
Oh shit, leaker was telling the truth
0. XY ruined the series for me. I skipped ORAS and I loved RS. SM looks worse than XY
So you wanted even more of the same?
This game finally removed HMs
It's the most intrigued I've been by a Pokemon game in a long time. Some of the new gameplay features are interesting, and some of the new story details like Ultra Beast sound really crazy but fresh.
Shame that like 90% of the new Pokemon they've revealed are fuck ugly though, almost as bad as generation V.
I'm taking you don't like any game that has a type advantage mechanic then? Fuck off.
7 out of 10.
Already looks and sounds 10x better than X/Y.
hoothoot is ugly
>This game finally removed HMs
what, really? First time i read this.
Sounds really nice. having to waste skill slots on HMs was allways shit.
or you had a hm-slave which wasted a pokemon slot, also shit.
More porn/1
You can also train IVs now so no more bike simulator to get viable pokemon
There are also no more gyms but trials, trials are more than battles they also involve quests
I cannot understand how anyone couldnt be hype, unless they never liked pokemon in the first place
>customization is already confirmed and way better than ever before
>dexnav will probably be back
Battlefrontier dunno. I never played that in Emerald, because I didn´t understand CP and now where it is easier than ever I wanna have it.
>walking Pokes
Don´t care.
literally just another cgi pokemon game with nothing new added
why should anyone care
if they are happening 12 hours apart this time, doesn´t that means that you have to complete one and then the other?
You're ugly.
at least they're breaking away from the status quo
I wonder if those three are related in some way, like siblings.
ORAS was incredible in my opinion. I loved r&s so seeing them redone with all the same music, gym leaders, secret bases etc, it was like being a kid again. I was about to cut ties with the series after x&y but ORAS saved it for me. I'll give them another chance. Hype level 6/10
Holy shit I just realized that this fag is quite literally doing Kars' pose
No no we don't talk about gen 5
Five dollars from anonymous.
>customization is already confirmed and way better than ever before
Wait, what? sauce?
get out
Who cares. Japs love all that flamboyant shit. I say judge the game based on story and the new pokemon not the faggy poses characters do
Fuck the haters, the aliens sub plot and regional forms are way better than the bullshit mega evolution and genocide sub plot.
I care because I think its kinda weird that after 20 years they finally reference jojo now despite being in the height of popularity in the 90s
Its also pretty cool
>not world or music
except the pokemon and the story are complete shit too. everything was shit past gen 2
>it's a Sup Forums hates on gen 5 because trashbags and ice cream cones episode
Gen 5 had two, maybe three bad designs but the rest were GOAT.
>jojo invented poses
Not this shit again
Reminder: Those japanese jews at Gamefreak teased Battle Frontier in ORAS and we haven't heard a thing since. Refuse to get hype for another Pokemon game.
Haven't bought a pokemon game since Gen V
jojotards are just narutards that jumped ship after naruto end, of course they'll repost that shit over and over again. They are literally retarded.
Well obviously music and the world are important. But if the storyline (which now involves no gym leaders and separate islands) and the new pokemon are shit, the visuals and music won't save it. Like look at banjo kazooie for example. Amazing game with amazing music and visuals but if the gameplay was shit it wouldn't be remembered the way it is
The new pokemon are just as good as the old ones
Fucking hate your kind
No ruby and sapphire were incredible
look at the trailers + ingame trailers? The characters have different shirts, trousers, skirts etc. You can take off your hat, more hairstyles.
is this a new meme or what?
>direct refrence to a specific pose
No fucking shit you retard
about 5
i dont really know what to think atm
I never said that they weren't. I own all of them, and all of them have their good points. I was simply saying music and world design won't save the game IF the rest is shitty, that's all
>>direct refrence to a specific pose
jojotards are really that uneducated, people, this isn't an act despite is upcoming "I trolled you bra you le mad XD" post.
you fags have actually reached the point where correct spelling is a meme?
Gen 5 introduced the Genies tho.
Not really. What it means is that the game clock is 12 hours ahead of the 3DS clock. So, if you play at midnight, it will be noon in-game.
1/10, I'm really just buying for tradition and her.
Yeah, no. I said 90% of the new Pokemon in Sun and Moon were ugly. The same applies to Black and White.
With a few exceptions, the majority of them are either disgusting or bland rehashes of existing Pokemon because LOL WE HAVE ALMOST ALL BRAND NEW POKEMON IN THIS GAME INSTEAD OF A MORE BALANCED MIX OF OLD AND NEW!
It's not a coincidence that gen V has both the largest number of new Pokemon AND the largest number of shitty, forgettable new Pokemon.
Nice projecting faggot but its very evident that gladion or whatever that faggots name is is doing kars' pose. You probably didn't even look at it the comparison but I guess your opinion is right.
I'm 100% sure the japanese company would never reference one of the biggest manga of the 90s in any way, its not like theres multiple poses that directly reference that (there is).
Not a fan of the theme personally
It's a fucking generic chuuni pose faggot, literally "2edgy4you" pose.
No one cares. You jojo fuckers are just annoying with your constant referencing.
>Not a fan of the theme
Not jojo enough you faggot? Go away.
I've played Pokémon since Gen 1, and this is the first time I've genuinely been excited for a new Pokémon since Gen 3.
>different color on what's otherwise the same clothing
It looked mostly the same to me.
Oh yes, even though theres other references its obviously not jojo
>constant refrencing
>2 poses in the game
>you react like that
Did jojo rape your mom or something user? Because your very obviously mad over something that holds absolutely no importance, apparently.
>don't like a song
>you're such a jojofag I bet you're so mad it isn't the first opening of the show
Wow I didn't realize that I could have different opinions! I thought everything had to be related to jojo right?
Nice try autistic manchild
I would of agreed but considering this is in the game I believe its a reference
But please, correct me where this is in japanese media
I want her to step on me and tell me how much of a failure I am
i mean, im buying it because its a mainline Pokemon game
but i cant say im that hype about it
the dancing supers and some of the new pokemon just look like too much and/or they've given up
i do like that they are changing it up abit but im afraid they'll break it because they dont know how to make anything other than the standard formula
10/10 both wererockruffs look neat.
>lol you're just mad
Yeah, because of faggots like you. It's like every time there's a giant robot with a drill people love to spout TTGL references.
And it makes me cringe that you're still trying to argue for the sake of having muh jojo references. Everyone hates you, so stop posting.
>Jojo invented poses
When is the release date I need to preorder Sun. Have they announced which pokemon revealed so far are exclusives besides the Legendaries?
Already said that it didn't but ok you autistic faggot
>this pose CAN'T be a jojo reference! Theres simply no way based gamefreak would include a reference to such a plebeian show!
>everybody hates you
>two people
fucking lmao
But yes everybody on Sup Forums hates me
Honestly user, I don't know what you have against jojo, I like the series, and its very obviously a reference to it because theres multiple specific poses that originate from jojo.
But you know jojo didn't invent poses as a concept so its not like they couldn't of come up with a few new ones, because the first piece of media to poses is what pokemon's referencing right?
Its not like in the more recent games they've been referencing pop culture either
Worldwide: November 18, 2016
EU: November 23, 2016
They've announced some but it probably won't be till november that we see them all
>These long driven out posts trying to defend you autistic show
Pure autism
Quite hyped.
Everything about them looks good minus the UB-xx stuff, but whatever.
Lots of quality of life improvements to the UI, battle royale mode, totem pokemon fights, hyper training which helps legendaries and shinies so much, many cool alola formes of gen I mons, ultra comfy hawaii region with ocean/beaches/nature that I like and overall a decent ratio of good vs shit mons revealed so far
another pokemon rehash but this time there are dance moves
scuse me, Imma go take a nap... zZz zZz zZz