Here's your controller bro

Here's your controller bro

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that side/touchpad has better be damn near weightless if it's gonna be shaped like that

sweet, thanks

Not a bad idea, but does it have enough buttons to replace a keyboard and the other part of the controller?

why wouldn't this be good?

Cause there's no way to reliably switch from D-pad/thumbstick to shoulder buttons. Consider how the fuck you'd manage that with 1 hand.

do you use the shoulder buttons with your thumb

Fuck off Woolie.

People use this in high level half-life deathmatch.

I've actually considered doing something like that for fps games. You get the precise movement of an analog stick and the precise aiming of a mouse.

what are you on about? It would work like a normal controller - your index finger works the shoulder buttons and your thumb works the d-pad and stick. You can rest it on your leg for stability.

If you can delegate enough buttons to the side of the mouse and some extra triggers/bumpers, it would work. (At least for controller-based console games like shooters) ASDW and any other button are covered by the thumbstick/click, though having to remove your hand from the stick to press the d-pad is pretty shit design, and the whole center section of the controller is a waste of space/weight.

A better setup would be something like Nintendo's Nunchuk, though make it a little beefier and add more buttons like has. If you could work in paddles like the X1 Elite has, then you'd get even more functionality for space, though I'm not sure if that would work reasonably well.

why is this not popular?

I'm fine with the d-pads location but other wise I agree with you that the touchpad is a bit much also shows that it has plenty of buttons.

Anyone know of a nun-chuck controller for pc? Wanna use my own mouse but it would be cool to have analog on the left hand. Some games dont allow you to mix controller input with mouse and keyboard..

Now I've put it away but you should see my X3 setup with HOTAS, two pedals and one steering wheel.

>I don't know what I'm doing.jpg

Not bad, but you almost never want to move any other than the fastest speed in games anyway. The only real benefit of this would be that I finally wouldn't have to alternate between run and walk mode when following some faggot in Skyrim

I played that fucking shit meme game superhot like this. It worked pretty well. Only real downside to this control scheme is that you don't have the raw configurability of a keyboard.

Thanks breh, but I already have the far superior and more versatile option, so no need for that.

Yeah ok but are you sure you want me to play at gigantic advantage?


Jesus, with all those shoulder buttons, you might as well play with a Nostromo + Analog stick

Looks like a PET. Net navis when?

Why not just make a keyboard with analog WASD keys that replicate the input of a joystick so you can have variable movement speeds and more than 8 directions?

lmao. the amount of shit pat and liam gave him was amazing

This actually looks like a pretty neat idea. Does it have a name? What the hell is it called?

There are mice with 6,7 or 12 side buttons aside from standard left, right, middle+scroll
wish there were chinese naga hex knockoffs

Looks pretty good, though the mouse should/could have 6, 7 or 8 buttons on the side without any problems.

That actually is too good for this thread op

Haha, Don't worry bro we got one spare

You are the controller, bro

just buy a Xim4, it's literally the only good conversor out there.
You can use any weird combination of peripherals out there, wireless or not (PSMove navigator + mouse? No problem. Joystick? No problem? small "gaymur" keyboard with an analog + mouse? No problem, etc), and adjust settings of each and every game individually, even while playing, from your phone.

Every other conversor doesn't allow for individual game settings, at least to the same extent, which is very shitty since ever game has different acceleration, auto aim, and max turning speed limits. Hell you can even change settings while hip firing or aiming down sight or driving a vehicle within the same game with the Xim4.
And the "from your phone" thing might seem minimal but it isn't. Unplugging the conversor from your console, plugging it into the PC, opening the program, changing a couple of settings, plugging it back to your console again only to not like the new settings and repeating the process is really frustrating and time consuming - doing it from the phone helps more than you think

How does it feel to crush people with a mouse on console? Thinking of buying a XIM4.

this controller too spooky for me :c



Like this?

>PS4 Elite
>has the same fucking problems as Xbone elite




>same fucking problems as Xbone elite

What the fuck are you talking about faggot? It is still a DS4, I just put xbone sticks in to be extra comfy.

Sorry i thought it was the DS4 Elite with Xbone stick problems like last time

If you dont know, yes there is an elite for the DS4 Controllers now

K. Sounds gay.

Funny because there's a plague of people using those now

Here is your controller, bro

Except that's not even a first party controller. Jesus dude, don't believe everything you see posted here.

This and even if it was, like...don't buy it...

What a retard.

I'm okay with weird attempts at improving controllers and mouse+keyboard. Keyboard is fucking terrible and controller is objectively better for movement but mouse is objectively better for aiming.

>Your turn bro

Where can I get good Xbone replacement sticks? I saw some at Amazon but I'm pretty sure they're cheap Chinese knock offs.

I'd rather use the TAC Pro

I have a TAC3 and it's good, but I can tell just from the layout that the TAC4 and TAC Pro are superior

Not paying 100-150 bucks for a keyboard controller though, I already paid 30 for the TAC3 used.

Not sure where to get genuine ones. I got the chinese knock offs from ebay. They are still worth it.

I just cleared an outpost in Farcry 4 getting 8/8 headshots and auto aim turned off. It is pretty ridiculous the difference it makes. BF4 online is gonna look like hax.
