Dex build has higher DPS than Str

>Dex build has higher DPS than Str

That's bullshit and you know it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>dex build attacks much faster than str
found the flaw

>dex attack faster=more dps
>strength buils has higher base+ slower attack=more burst dmg

>pleb not knowing how to utilize DEX build

uninstall please

Str builds are usually tanky and resilient. Dex usually needs constant buffing and heals because they're paper thin.

Any strike str lands has way higher chance of killing your opponent though.

>hurr im not gonna buy this game
>hurr but i'll play it anyway

STR should be tanky and slow to attack, but do high damage on a single hit, while DEX should be fast/weak but do more damage with consecutive hits.

They should both be fun to play in their own rights, but some games fuck it up. Dark Souls does str alright but dex is cancer

Give an Olympic fencer and a bodybuilder a sword and see who can swing it faster. Fencers have better technique and more attuned twitch muscle fibers and would easily cut down any brutish thuggery

>muscular man and skilled man swing a sword
>muscular man doesn't know shit about stance, edge alignment, overswinging etc.
>skilled man does
>it't still a fucking sharp ass sword so skilled man already bears the minimum power to fuck muscular man up

When will STR fags ever learn?

but who can dual wield two massive warhammers?

Not really, they won't hit critical areas.

Why the STR guy doesn't know how to wield weapon
Give them same experiences with their respective weapon and we can now debate

>DEX has better DPS
>But STR has higher damage per hit
>DEX can burn through bosses and tough enemies HP way quicker, but STR is better at popping shit in one swing and for hit and run tactics

Sounds balanced to me

>trying to hit DEX guy with two massive slow as fuck warhammers

Doesn't matter if the dumb fucking ape is too slow to be effective with them

>one handed warhammers
>telegraphing as fuck
>easily pushed out of the way because tip heavy

>Get hit by a video game STR hammer
>Four ribs cracked
>Not critical area

>trying to hit a guy with a massive attack range/area with a dinky little sword

>why doesn't the str guy have dex too?

>inb4 arguing semantics

another question:
against which kind of bosses a STR buil is more usefull than a DEX build

>Dex determines the ability to wield weapons and unlock techniques etc
>Strength scales linearly and improves raw damage
>not putting in the bare minimum Dex to learn specific techniques and wield specific weapons then dumping the rest into strength

>tfw hybrid build

Gee I wonder why

>jack of all trades
>master of none
>no damage or godo defense but just annoying fly to enemy

Who are you quoting


if you cant understand this instantly
go back to school

>repeatedly stabs the one guy with your cooking knife, 16 times a sec
>more DPS

>hit all enemies in 5 metre radius at once, every 10 second, with a coffee table
>less DPS but better at mob control

One were the vulnerability state is short and moves predictablly in a large area

Depending on how the game mechanics work, after a certain point you get accurate enough that pumping Dex yields less and less, while Str is needed to bust up fuckers with tons of armor or health.
Rush Mid Dex to Mid Str to High Dex to Max Str.

>str is hitting a piece of armor with a stick over and over
>dex is stabbing them one time right between the gaps of the armor
Which one REALLY does more damage user?

>this thread again
>first one was created with a Barneyfag lure
So, is setting up a loosely vidya thread calling out for blatant shitposting a new meme?

But really, there's no tradeoff for quality.

>Dex and Str are separate stats
Because acrobats and ballet dancers are skinny, and professional soldiers are sluggish oafs who can't aim well.

I cringe whenver I see an Archery skill scaled to Dex in an RPG. Archery requires strength and that's it.

>Dex arbitrarily makes your character more "skilled" at fighting
>fighting skill isn't 100% based on player input

Button inputs should be the Dex stat.

do you wanna shoot fast or shoot hard

>dex is stabbing them one time right between the gaps of the armor
>hurr ddurr my katana will cut thru the smallest gap in ur armor.....

>implying people aren't actually discussing the subject the OP posted
>implying his bait didn't fail miserably

This. If anything, it requires strength for the full draw, and maybe intelligence would be a better representation of being able to aim accurately/predict target movement

> INT does not have the highest DPS
game dropped

English longbowmen did both.

you can't fire arrows if you lack the strength, especially if its a Longbow. Xbow on the other hand, might be dex since it requires aim more than str

Quality build ftw

>hitting a piece of armor with a stick

>implying you don't need to be buff as fuck to be able to load a crossbow, even if using a crank

>it has to be either or.
medium dex to hit enough, rest str.

>max fai+luk

Okay. Then I'll just pirate it so I can have the game AND hurt the developers, instead of just hurting them for no reason.

>dex man has the str to hold his sword
>but str man doesn't have the dex to properly use his

Biased much?

does dex affects hit chance in this scenario?

Depriving a company of value for a product is theft :)

>hurr you never played it you dont know if its bad
>hurr you should buy it to find out

>Depriving a company of value


It's called "competition".

>CHA: 19
did i fucked up?

>hurr i'm not going to play this game to see if its bad
>play through entire game
>that was pretty good...
>don't buy it because you already beat it and you are poor

Nah, who needs to be smart when you can be stronk and ballin as fuck

I can understand Dex being tied to accuracy for bows, though. Dexterity should be a matter of finesse; less finesse means shakier hands, means worse aim with ranged weapons. Damage with bows should scale with strength, though.

>fags who never used a bow in real life

the only bow that could benefit str at all is a longbow meant to have the arrow power thru leather armor(or better)
and to shoot from really long range

all other bows for a skilled archer aim at weakpoints like neck, under shoulder and legs and dont require str to penetrate, only speed. used to kill or wound for other fighters to finish them off

>more dex than str
are you retarded?
trying to reload a xbow is pure str, real life fags didn't needed skill like bowmen to fucking shot a bolt

Depends on the enemy, faggot.

>I don't understand how much strength is necessary to pull back and load a bow
>I've only ever used a compound bow in my life

It's actually called theft.

I mean do it if you want, I don't care. But the mental gymnastics required to "explain" how piracy isn't theft is pretty ridiculous.

A $60 game has a $60 value, a company is entitled to the full value/price of their product for every copy that is played, not including special circumstances (like winning the game, or the company giving the game to you for free, etc)


Company selling me its product in a bag and doing its best to prevent me from looking inside before the transaction is completed does not engender loyalty. That's before we get into the constant decline of quality and quantity of content, publishing games before they're fully tested and selling incomplete games at full price, then selling cut content at prices that rival or exceed those of entire expansion packs of yesteryear. Piracy is the only customer protection mechanism we have.

>numbnut who has never trained with bows

i went thru a bow training course where we didn't use modern compound bows with pulleys, we also had to MAKE our own bow.

come back when you know what you're talking aboot kiddo

>implying piracy is the only way to make the product of a company lose its value

Except 99% of the time aoe damage gives more dps overall.

v, are we arguing about str vs dex or just babbling about piracy? I don't understand

>every enemy is an accuracy check
>every made class is higher dps than the best meltee because 1INT = 1 magic attack plus 1 magic accuracy
Thanks Tanaka

Go back to plebbit or lurk the fuck more, faggot.

why not both?

Piracy literally isn't theft by legal definition user, keep up the mental gymnastics though, copyright infringement is not theft and never will be.

sup reddit XD

Unless you were wearing any armour

I used to be STRONG but now I'm more of a dex tank, as stupid as that sounds.

Toy bows you shot in your local archery range are not the same as bows used for war, which had significant pull weight in order to fire heavy as fuck war arrows that can retain their kinetic energy well enoogh to harm an armored man at range. Contrary to what you might have learned from comics and video games, chainmail is excellent at stopping arrows and steel plate will take all bite out of longbow arrows fired at point blank. Causing significant harm to an armored man at 200 paces was an ordeal even after personal firearms became commonplace.
>aim at weakpoints
Get the fuck out.


Are you stupid?
>The test is sword swinging
>Dex example is a sword user
>Str example is a builder of lean body-mass
Spoiler alert: Bodybuilders don't train for strength

Let me re-write it for you.
>Give a speed-stacker and a powerlifter a sword and see who can swing it faster.

>Dexterity means skilled

>Most bows in game have a million pullies

>Piracy is the only customer protection we have
Read reviews, watch gameplay on the internet, wait for price drops, rent it, play it in a store, borrow from a friend if you have any, don't buy it day 1 and wait for patches, etc. The idea that you're entitled to a full refund if you don't like it is complete absurdity.
>buy chocolate bar and eat iut
>it doesn't taste good
>give me my money back

>That's before we get into the constant decline of quality and quantity of content, publishing games before they're fully tested and selling incomplete games at full price, then selling cut content at prices that rival or exceed those of entire expansion packs of yesteryear
That doesn't give you the right to steal it and it doesn't happen nearly as often as Sup Forums think it does. You can simply wait for price drops as well, as mentioned earlier. You don't need to buy every game day one.

Never said it was.

>I'm not using mental gymnastics, you are!
Come back when you're IQ is above 85.

>Never said it was.
You implied

Well that's pretty ironic. Couldn't press the post button again fast enough.

Bully me, I deserve it.

Nope, but nice try.

>Bodybuilders don't train for strength

ya it doesnt take str for them to lift 400+ pounds of weights
they just each protein powder and sit in front of the boobtube all day

>Dex build has higher DPS than Str

>That's bullshit and you know it.
Not necessarily.

The difference is that the STR guy does more damage at once.

The DEX guy might do more damage over a longer period, but it doesn't help him if he dies in a single hit from the STR guy before he kills him.

Dex is a great suppliment for Str, but as far as fighting goes if you're weak you're going to have to work a lot harder to take down somebody a lot stronger than you. It's why there are different weight classes in boxing, the most skilled featherweight boxer will more than likely lose to an okay heavy weight.

>Read reviews
You mean those thinly veiled advertisements?
>Watch gameplay videos
Just doesn't work, it isn't the same.
>Wait for price drops
Missing the point entirely.
>Rent it
Not available anymore, what year do you think this is?
>Play it in a store
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>Borrow it from a friend
If companies had their way this wouldn't be possible anymore either, much of Xbone's failure was due to initially suggesting they'd crack down on this.

>The idea that you're entitled to a full refund if a product isn't as advertised or what you expected is complete absurdity
>Even though this is true for literally any other product you purchase, which also come with actual warranties and shit in case it breaks.
>B-but muh entitled!
Stop being such a retard.

>Buy chocolate bar and eat it
Yea no that's totally the same as using media that literally costs nothing to replicate. One is product consumption, the other is product use, how fucking retarded are you to not know this basic difference?

>N-no I said it first! I'll completely ignore the actual point of the post and meme around this instead because I literally have no comebacks!


go to your local mc donalds and order a burger, eat it and then tell them it didn't taste good. you will get a replacement, no question asked.

This, it also doesn't take armor in account, where slow big hits will do more damage to armored guy whereas fast hitting weak hits will be absorbed by armor.

>get hit by a video game dex weapon
>hole in heart
>somehow able to move around for more than a second


>The opponent needs to literally be asleep for the dex guy to win
Yea sounds about right.

It sure helps that strfags move like they're asleep at the best of times.

Fuck Strengthfags, and fuck Dexfags, where are my Defensebros?

>You mean those thinly veiled advertisements?
Yeah the Gamespot review of ReCore giving it a 6 is a great ad. You can read more than one review, user. Choose the ones you think are the most trusthworthy
>inb4 none of them are
>Just doesn't work, isn't the same
Didn't say it was, but they can give you a good idea of the game. If you're that terrified you won't like the game, don't buy it. Nobody is forcing you to.
>Missing the point entirely
No it isn't
>Not available anymore
Depends on where you are, actually.
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
Nice argument
>If companies had their way this wouldn't be possible anymore either, much of Xbone's failure was due to initially suggesting they'd crack down on this.
Good thing it never happened then. Also, starting an argument with "if" means it's a hypothetical, and therefore is invalid. Try to stick with facts, please.

>>The idea that you're entitled to a full refund if a product isn't as advertised or what you expected is complete absurdity
What do you mean by advertised? If a game is advertised as a $60 single-player game then it's as advertised. If it's literally broken or not as advertised, yes you should get a refund, but that has nothing to do with piracy. You've stolen the game before you even know if it's faulty. Again, check with people who have bought the game.
>>Even though this is true for literally any other product you purchase, which also come with actual warranties and shit in case it breaks.
Not true, and you can buy warranties for video games.

>Yea no that's totally the same as using media that literally costs nothing to replicate
Not talking about that. Talking about your logic that if you think a game is shit you should get it for free. Not how the law or the world works, sorry.

You repeated my argument back to me, sorry I didn't take it seriously. Try to come up with something different.

Talking about refunds as in getting your money back.


It's never a failure when there are replies.

>One dev didn't pay their contribution to the review mafia
>"Oh shit a low score they're totally legit bruhs!"
Come now, how old are you really? Surely you can't be this new.

>Nice argument
We were using arguments? Feel free to start, I just see a bunch of vapid claims that get swatted down as such.

>If you're that terrified you won't like the game, don't buy it
Except that's terrible and the devs actually would rather have people buy games they're on the fence about, because even if half of those people refund it afterwards the other half doesn't.

>Depends on where you are
So it's a pointless statement.

>Good thing that never happened
Since we're arguing hypotheticals and you're going with the 'we should let devs do whatever they want' it's not so strange to get an example of what would actually, factually happen if consumer censorship was no longer an option in lieu of consumer abstinence.

>What do you mean by advertised?
Overselling of underrepresented features, misrepresenting features, using marketing bullshots, come now, there is no shortage of examples here, acting willfully ignorant isn't going to move this discussion along.
>You've stolen
Copyright infringement is not theft, and never will be. Me copying your notes in class is not theft, me taking your notes from you is theft. How are you having this discussion if you do not even understand the basic definitions that are relevant to it?
>Not true
Except it is, at least in pretty much every European country any kind of hardware has a default warranty, and even consumer goods do in many cases, if you buy a head of lettuce, eat some and find it tastes uncharacteristically for lettuce you are legally in your right to a refund.

>You repeated my argument back to me
Except I didn't, pay attention to what people tell you, you absolute clown. You argue time and again that copyright infringement is theft, and that sentiment is ridiculously retarded. Again, learn the fucking basic definitions first.

>OP tries to create a shit piracy debate thread with his bait picture
>People end up talking about the topic in the text instead

Joke's on you OP

Luck + Agi > everything else