What the fuck did they do to ash, he looks like a chinese bootleg or a bad print on some local mexican food brand

what the fuck did they do to ash, he looks like a chinese bootleg or a bad print on some local mexican food brand

oh, the anime is now slice of life btw

He lost so badly in kalos that he actually gave up

>oh, the anime is now slice of life btw
>[citation needed]

>no Serena
>show tries to get the yokai watch audience
>Ash is now insane

Lost so bad in Kalos that he's being sent to school.







>translations confirm Ash is so broken he literally has to go back to trainer's school

he's literally wearing the outfit from the game now. Pretty lazy

pretty much this, alain broke him.

What else is new?


>that BDSM charizard in the top left

>In the series, Ash is going to school and his goal is to graduate "like never before".

jeuss fuck

that's like watching your bro turn himself into a nu-male cuck

Replaced by superior alolan hottie

>Lose the pokemon league
>Go back to school

It's already better than the old one then.

Replaced by thick

Well at least that's easy enough for him to actually accomplish right?

Then again never underestimate Ash's ineptitude.

Guess Greninja and Ash were not such good pals afterall, hope he enjoys Oak's farm.

There's something quietly disturbing to me about Ash. Like, I know it's anime and all that, but fuck, couldn't have they aged him a bit. Or done a time skip?

>Ash is now insane
When did he ever not be insane?

I'm more wondering what the fuck did they do to rockruff evolutions

>We COULD make this feel new and refreshing by having him do something different after winning.
>Or we could tell kids that if you fail you should just stop trying.

These writers are an inspiration.

>BDSM Charizard

Are they still following the
>ash goes to new town and meets person with a new pokemon
>team rocket try to steal the new pokemon
>pikachu blows them up
>ash leaves for the next town
formula 20 years later?

I think they should make Ash commit suicide after his loss
And in Kalos he is replaced by a pretty articulate Ditto

If he won, people would tune in to see where the fuck things go now.
Instead this is essentially a dedicated filler series to anyone young enough to think he'll ever win, so ratings will drop.

This time he is in school so he won't be moving too much

Yes. They also recycle old plots.

They did Pikachu refusing to take a Thunder Stone point for point all over again.

Well, he is going to school, so it will be mostly SoL stuff which I'm ok with.

Yokai: we want the pokemon audience
pokemon: we want the yokai audience

whelp, fuck

That's almost as sad as Simpsons repeating old plots except stupider and worse.

Is he trying to solve a murder mystery with his friends and his nephew who is actually older than him?

The only possible good part.

>that charizard

It's a saddle, there's obviously someone on his back. Fuck off back to your fetish subs faggots.

It gets worse

Since when has anyone EVER needed a saddle to ride a flying Pokemon?

Why don't you get fucked?


>yfw Ash got Cosmo'ed
feels bad man.

Augh what's with those croc shoes? Who Japan honestly thinks crocs are cool? I mean they've had somewhat fashionable characters the last couple gens then they go and put crocs on everyone...

He's disabled and blind the charizard serves as his mobility and eyes.

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door. The reddit club's two blocks down.

Please tell me this isn't what I think is happening.


Nice macho brace user. How's them Pokemon gains?

Future "pokemon champ" right there, boys

>he actually was preparing himself to become the boss of the gym
absolute madman

I'm the boss of this forum, sounds like you're the one looking for Reddit to me.

>no serena
best girl always loses...

Everyone's going to keep their expectations in check this time and we're all going to enjoy three cutie girls call out Ash on being a kid.

Ash only has one love in his life

Black and white was fucking stupid.

>Watching past Johto


kindly delete this from the site if you would please


what were you expecting charizard to do on vacation? sit on the beach all day drinking Mojitos?

but pikachu is a boy

M-More please


The chick behind him looks like a slut.

what happened to serena


Looks like the Pokemon Origins team passed the test and they get to animate the main series now.

how does that equal slice of life, exactly

He'll fail the final exam. The writers can't afford for him to succeed otherwise he might win a league someday.

and now, the final nail in the coffin...

>animation looks better than a fucking still image
rip whoever was in charge of drawing that

I'm so glad Aonuma wasn't afraid to break Zelda's formula and/or return to its old roots.

> gero gero point!!

Pretty much yeah. It's ending right now so Lysandre's a huge bastard, Rocket is helping with cleanup, and Steven/Dianthia are protecting Totally Not Paris. I believe /m/ will enjoy the episode this week though.

My blood is fucking boiling right now. I've given my fucking life to this series. I've personally drawn 2,000 pieces of fan art for Pokemon alone. About half of those are SerenaAsh. I've even been featured on Pixiv about two dozen times. They represent thousands of hours that I've invested in this ship.

SerenaAsh is the basis of this series. It all starts with them and ends with them. They saved each other and they love each other. It was so simple and so perfect. I have nothing more to say about this.

Pokemon is dead to me. Masuda is dead to me. And soon I will be dead to me. It's ok, friends. I've had a good life with loving friends and family. But I die with SerenaAsh. I don't think I'll post here again. To my SerenaAsh comrades, I love you. To everyone else, I'll see you in hell. Good bye, Sup Forums. Goodbye, Sup Forums. Goodbye, world.


Her good bye episode is coming in a month or so. We don't know.

And gen wunners called xy ash soulless...fucking hell. I'll take the league lost and serena can go full yuri with pic related but don't do this to ash. He looks like he just fucking gave up and broke

Couldn't they just, I don't know, move out of the way or something while the fireball was coming at them?

Pikachu's tail says otherwise

Yep, seems like if you like pokemon you should actually watch yokai now.

so given serana is going to be dumped like all the others I'm assuming /vp/ is on suicide watch


That show's gotten fucking crazy since the 90s.

What the fuck

This better be a pasta

Is that from the official manga? Is Pikachu urm...humansexual?

Are you stupid?

Talonflame got such a good debut compared to every bird that's not Pidgeot.


But I do
>Too scared to go to the Yokai movie
I do hope YW2 does well enough. With Pokemon only 2 months away I feel like even that amount of time isn't enough.

Lucky digimon wants the me audience.


Why are there so many naked little boys in this kids show exactly?



>the anime is now slice of life
that sounds alright.

Major improvement.

Where's the JUST edit ?

>Made by Level 5
I wonder...

I want the one on the left so bad

If by /vp/ you mean /padt/ then 1/2 is. Only Waifu fags who wanted serena to follow ash or chicken fags who thought their Waifu wouldn't become white 2.0 are on suicide watch. The rest are just optimistically hoping for xy and amour to get a decent conclusion before moving on. The rest is just a bunch of false flaggers on damage control

Just this season and the Mega Specials. The visual quality has increased since then, and the I would argue the writing is on par with the Diamond and Pearl days.


>he's in school