>They remade one of your favorite game
>Everything about it is wrong
Name her Sup Forums
They remade one of your favorite game
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But the battle backgrounds are an improvement and the sprites while questionable still look fine when you turn off the shitty blur filter.
The only thing wrong about it is the sprites and world map. The rest is the GBA version (aka definitive version) with:
Unfucked music,
Unfucked color palette,
Unfucked font
With several life improvements like:
Relics being in the equipment menu instead of it's own,
Espers menu being on the main menu page, instead of being inside of another menu,
You can tell which character have which esper equipped and you can unequipped his/her esper even if he/she is not in the party,
Cyan charge his bushido skills passively,
It's easier to input Sabin's blitz skills
Triangle Blue
>FF1 and 2 get a remake
>FF3 gets a 3D remake
>FF4 gets a 3D AND a 2D remake AND a sequel
>Fucking FF7 is getting remade
Fuckers, why skip 5 and specially 6?
Square has been saying for over a decade that FF4 is for the most part their favorite game in the series which is why it gets the most love. FF1 and 2 tend to just get bundle together easily. And DS was the first time FF3 was remade so they just made it and used the same engine for a lot of their 3D games like FF4.
FF5 and 6 both got a GBA remake. And they said if FF4DS sold better they would have done a FF5 and 6 3D remake. But these are the same people that said Chrono Trigger didn't sell enough.
FFIV got Re-release / remade on:
The Playstation,
Wonderswan Color,
Nintendo DS,
IOS / ANdroid,
So much remakes.
PS version was a port
Wonderswan was a port
GBA was a port
DS was a remake
Wii was a port
PSP was a remake
iOS/Android was a port
Steam was a port.
It had only 2 remakes.
>FF5 and 6 both got a GBA remake.
It was a port, not a remake you inbred moron.
With that said, those retards actually think that the DS port of Chrono Trigger selling 1 million copies was a flop.
Yep, they actually expected a RE-RELEASE OF A 15 YEAR OLD GAME, to sell 5 million copies.
On a handheld.
Silent Hill
It's literally a different code. It's a complete remake. It might look like a SNES game but it's not a fucking port.
This IS Square Enix we're talking about here. So yeah, they probably did expect that. Shame only thing it did was show how much SE had declined since Trigger was made.
>mfw new area in the DS version
I kind of want to play one of these NTR games just to see if I can understand the appeal
You still hace chocolate doom at least
Thanks for proving you know jack shit about programming you moron.
t. Masters graduate in CS working for Accenture PLC
>only avoidable netorare scenes
The game doesnt force you to be a cuck
but I know where you're coming from making a romance into cuck porn just for shekels shows how much they actually dont care about fans and their product and choose money instead
They were hardly the worst thing ever, but holy fuck Director's Cuts of the first two Broken Sword games.
>deaths taken out entirely
>simplified and automated puzzles
>new added segments don't get with original games at all
Just stop it.
There were 4 new areas.
The 3 story-based dungeons and the 1 random generated, repeatable loot dungeon with reptites.
Of course the random generated one was trash considering it was, you know, random fucking generated.
I bet what you didn't notice is that they redid the entire world map of 1999 AD despite it being seen only in the Lavos emerge cutscene.
CT DS was a training course for their new JRPG team at the time. They would eventually make Bravely Default and it's sequel, as well as Setsuna more recently.
that lack of nico porn is disturbing.
FF8 is the game that deserves a remake the most.
What kind of brain damage do you have where right looks better than left to you outside of color palette?
The people that made Setsuna literally did not work for Square before they made Setsuna.
This game was butchered on the DS. Easy to cheese, a number of sprites were partially or fully grayscale for some reason, trash and vomit sprites were switched around, the UI was a pain in the ass to navigate (but looked really nice and all the info you needed was readily available)
There was something wrong with the back of the box too but I forget what it was. Awful. Bullfrog's corpse paraded around for a cheap buck
Why does it look like Celes is flipping the bird?
>Netorare type B
>type B
Setsuna was a brand new dev team you retard, they were hiring students from out of school and the job ad explicitly didn't mention they'd be working for Squeenix since they wanted to fish out people who actually want to work on retro RPGs and not just work for famous corporation.
what kind of brain damage do you have where it doesn't?
>a lot more detail on the left
>can actually see the face
>bandana actually properly visible and reflects the artwork
The only thing I like more about old sprites is the darker, more muted colors.
Lufia 2
Yeah. I do like the curve her cape does in the older sprite.
the right has every pixel colored specifically to try and convey a more complex image than shown. The left has huge tracks of solid color because they just took the colors from the right one and turned it into 16 pixels instead of 2
>he doesnt know NTR Type-A, NTR Type-B, NTR Type-C, NTR Type-Z, Nu-NTR and NTRxNTR
Educate urself
Metroid zero mission
.t Masters Degree in Cuckology
What the fuck is up with Maxim's finger?
He's a treasure hunter.
Every single change made to Mario 64 on DS was horrible.
It's still the same artist that did both sprites.
Her art style simply changed, or rather Japan's taste changed.
Left literally only has more pixels. It's otherwise a shittier job in every way.
It should have kept the original combat and art style, not try to be Ys.
I will never not be mad about how fucking horrible that was, and the worst fucking part is that THEY DID IT RIGHT FOR FFIV. This isn't even some case where the dev and franchise in question has never had a clue, they just fucking did some amazing remakes that were genuinely great. God damn it.
No. Look at FFIV PSP for how Square could have actually done it and then be ashamed.
That sixhead tho
>bandana actually properly visible and reflects the artwork
What artwork? Her in game character portrait doesn't have a bandana. It does, however, have a hair ornament which is what the original sprite conveys.
The left sprite barely adds any detail and her huge, bare forehead looks ugly as fuck. If you're going to redo a sprite in higher resolution, it needs more detail to not look like shit. There's a lot more space to work with with the original, but they did fuckall with it.
Another example, in battle. This is fine.
This was the original artwork for the chibi sprites in FF6.
The same artist did the sprites themselves in FF6 on SNES.
And she did the new sprites in the remake as well.
This would be my favorite FFIV remake if it weren't so god damn easy.
How could they?
>He doesn't autistically 100% every game he plays
What the fuck is wrong with you user? Get help.
Left has no contrast or color control. It looks sloppy as hell.
Still mad, fuck Gameloft.
real talk with me Sup Forums
what are some good NTR games?
i've already played To-H, NTRPG2, and Emma and i need something to tide me over until the release and translation of NTRPG3
>but why do that for FFVI when you could go the top mobile quality route XD
The only cure for your shit taste is death.
This. The game was damn well worth it for playing Poker and Blackjack with Luigi, though.
How does that even work? I mean, for NTR to even do it's thing I'd need to first be a raging faggot that cares about poorly written characters in nukige, then I'd need to put up with endless exposition about men in porn and worse, their fucking feelings.
I just literally cannot even, NTR is the single gayest fetish that still involved women, worse even than pegging.
PSP version of IV had great sprites, but it somehow manages to be even worse than the shitty iOS remakes of V and VI thanks to the completely broken game balance and a bunch of awful PS1 tier 3D cutscenes that mesh horribly with the style.
The DS remake, however, is excellent. You should have posted that instead.
Those chibis have always been hideous though, so I don't see faithfulness to them as a positive. Her original sprite is consistent with her character portrait, which I feel is more important than being consistent with some disgusting concept art.
I don't care if that shit was what the sprites were trying to replicate, the resolution limitations only did those designs favors.
FF3 and FF4 are some of the most popular FF's in Japan.
FF5 and FF6 aren't so nostalgically remember there so no one really wants a remake.
>tfw finding it in my drawer and realized i hadn't played it at all.
There are so many Whys to the game it just made me go replay the original Lufia 2 instead
A lot of VI's sprites seem to have that problem
Every remake ever.
Has there ever been a good remake of any game?
Whether Zelda, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts or any other franchise, remakes manage to fuck something up every single time.
Best remake I've played is Odin Sphere, but even that did fuck up several bosses due to not retuning them properly for the vastly changed gameplay.
Lufia's seen worse on a handheld
I guess not available if you're unfortunately EOPped.
It was fine
Ys III had the greatest remake of all time and is objectively better than the original in every way
The thing with this is that the game is still pretty good. The combat is varied the level design is decent, and the ancient cave is still a blast.
It just has fuck all to do with lufia 2. Like I don't get how it got made.
That's wrong though. Legend Returns was an alright game that actually had some interesting mechanics.
What you should have posted was this turd.
>it didn't sell much so that must mean no one is interested in this anyway :^)
>it sold well, everyone loves this style :^)
You already did.
Even all of the desperation attacks are missing 95% of their effects.
It had the exact same story. They were trying to reboot Lufia as an Action RPG series, but it didn't sell so they didn't remake Lufia and the Fortress of Doom (obviously their plan from the start, the final boss music is the FoD boss track)
>forehead is 2/5ths bigger than her face
>cape isn't even curly
Yeah this was rough. The game was slow and clunky, the battles and stat mechanics were fucked, and the taming monsters really didn't work well. Plus the whole multiplayer-only ancient cave was a fuck you.
Did it ruin its lore?
Spoken as someone with no artistic ability.
Left might have looked acceptable in a different game with a pastel look, but FFVI has a very specific, high contrast high specularity steampunk design and the sprite on the left shits all over it and meshes terribly with the whole.
It's made by someone who was never taught how to make sprites. One of the first things you learn is the importance of contrast, and especially using hues for contrast rather than just brightness. The right sprite does this masterfully.
The point though in this case is the graphics and that it's possible for Square, even modern Square, to do it well. We know they can do fixes on bugs and decent pure straight ports already because they've been doing that for a while. Getting into the mobile remakes though the point is that they didn't need to be so terrible, hell it's not like they didn't even have the teams and experience for it. They just clearly didn't give a shit.
No, Edgar
Oh no, I dig. But it was sort of like, a paraphrasing of the story. Tons of random shit and events happening out of order, lexis had an entirely different role in the story, as did dekar and Tia.
It was like if you told a friend the story of the game in explicit detail, and then five years later he tried to explain it to someone else from memory. Riding giant missiles and TECHNOLOGY everywhere.
As total reimagining it wasn't awful, just kind of unnecessary. Like I said I actually played the game through a couple times cause the mechanics were solid and fun, and the ancient cave as an arpg endless dungeon was a blast.
Given the simplicity, Celes' sprite was leggy as fuck, which was really all middle school me needed
Then Ayla came along
I completely agree.
I do wonder if Fortress of Doom would have been any good
Probably would have been decent. Worst part is the series is probably perma dead. I'd like them to at least put Lufia 2 Snes up on the eShop or something just so people can get into how ahead of the curve that fucking game was. It was like proto wild arms, but with waaaay better puzzles and on-map monsters.
Today, I have found my Sup Forums-bro
honestly, I just don't get why they tried to reboot it as an action game. I agree that it wasn't a terrible game (though I didn't ever finish it), but I just couldn't get over how they were trying to convince me that these characters were the characters I knew and loved growing up while completely altering their designs and rewriting their character arcs. It just didn't sit right with me - especially with how anime the new designs were (seriously, what the fuck was up with Tia's retarded weapon and Guy and Dekar looking full homo).
I think I would have liked the game a whole lot more if they'd just made it a completely new game in the series with action combat instead of trying to reimagine a game that didn't need to be reimagined. I tried to be impartial, but Lufia 2 is my favorite childhood game and I just can't evaluate the DS game without drawing comparisons to the original.
Learn the differences, it could save your wife.
Oddworld Abe's Odyssey
That fucking song they added on to the end credits.
Battlefront EA edition
They should of made it 3D like PS2 FF games
Goldeneye Reloaded. All I wanted was a classic with better graphics/controls and instead I got Call of Duty
Imminent trainwreck