End of the dungeon

>end of the dungeon
>not a single word of thanks or appreciation for keeping your sorry asses alive the whole time
Where did basic gratitude for healers go?

Please don't bait the healslut fags.

>end of the dungeon
>not a single word of thanks for carrying you with my damage

Your gratitude was paid when you were selected to the party in less than 5 minutes on party queue. You don't need any more.

thx for run, user

>end of the dungeon
>not a single word of thanks or appreciation for killing everything quickly
Where did the basic gratitude for us dpsbros go?

Good run :)

>playing the easy fun class
>thinking you deserve to be thanked
Healers are thanked because they took up the role nobody else wanted to do.
Their job is stressful and requires constant awareness of their surroundings, their party, the enemies and they're in charge of the important mechanics of the fight because you're too busy tunnel visioning and tapping 1-2-3 over and over to be able to do half of what a healer does.

>wanting thanks for doing your job
Is the fucking spoils of the dungeon not enough? Are you so entitled that you think you deserve praise for doing something you signed up to do? Fuck you.

>healer died every boss fight and every other trash pull
>my defense cooldowns kept me alive long enough for us to finish boss
>healer complains a dps sucks and tells him to killhimself when the dps tells him he sucks and has died like 20 times
on normal

>Playing whack a mole with health bars
Healing isn't any harder than tanking or dpsing.
As long as you aren't a brain-dead retard, all three are fucking easy.

>things that didn't happen
>the post
Well except for the dps sucking that was probably true.

I haven't played any conventional MMOs in a while. Mostly Mabinogi. What MMOs are you guys playing?

besides Final Fantasy

Dungeon Fighter Online

>be tank
>always the tank
>even when I go dps I tank because the tank dies
>whisper my healer smileys when they do good jobs
>winkeys when they keep up as I shift into maximum overdrive don't even stop moving between pulls
>trade them homemade food and pots before bosses
>toussle their hair
>hold their hands in broad view of the dps
>accept their friend requests
>greeted with =) and ^^; when I log in the next day by everybody else I've done the same to before

I'm more than grateful, friend.
Hope to catch you out there.

Who is this semen demon

why can't healers be badass?

pic related, it's a modern fighter/cleric multiclass.

>Cohealer sitting at almost full MP the entire encounter claims he's 'MP managing' while I have more HPS than him, am giving the DPS a run for their money and don't even come close to bottoming out on MP.
>Someone claims I spend too much time in cleric stance when I'm already doing the bulk of the healing and I get kicked

Healing as such a low skill floor it's not funny. Good ones are few and far between.

Why would I thank my healer when I'm a Blood DK? I'm doing 80% of their job for them anyway.

Why do people expect to be thanked for performing their function? If you do a really good job maybe, but just making it through the dungeon doesn't warrant a thanks. Any retard can heal/dps/tank these days.

If you want to be a DPS/Healer hybrid with some additional support tools FFXIV has you covered.

I feel you.

The first two comments bottom left are accurate but if you're a healer and you don't do everything in your god damn power to keep people alive, no matter how stupid they are, how fast or slow they go, etc, you are a shit healer and need to kill yourself.

Funfact: If you need a healer, then you should uninstall because you suck at the game.

You know who receives absolutely zero gratitude?


Yes, DPS is for retards. Yes, you don't need a lot of good DPS like you need good healers and tanks.

But you need some good DPS. You needs guys that spreadsheet their shit and try to top the charts. Because in a group, it's only a matter of time until someone royally fucks up, and you have to down shit before that happens. If you've ever tried to kill a boss without doing enough damage, you'd know. In fact, it's more annoying than if you died quickly for some easily correctable reason and got to start over.

Is literally everyone who plays a healer an attention craving autist?

I don't heal avoidable damage, faggot.

I parse all the time so I can identify and commend exceptional DPS. Most of the time I don't end up commending anyone though.

if by attention you mean dick then yes

> doing nothing but pressing 1 here and there to keep the tank alive
most healers are really fucking lazy

You're the faggot, faggot.

> EV
> EV
> EV
> EV

Fuck this frame .And fuck the faggots who didnt pick zenurik.

you can be the best of a dozen of dps by a large margin and still getting completely ignored
and people daring to wonder why the damage is so low then

its the same as playing supports in mobas

some of us liked to get bullied lewdly idk what to tell you chief

It's too bad 'good' DPS are still too mentally challenged to avoid aoes.


last run I did we actually kicked the healer because he was fucking up the mechanics, and got a new healer. your as disposable as anyone else on a team.

Do you thank whores once you cum?

>the state of healing in current WoW
I'm healing myself more as a prot pally then any of you cum guzzling fuccbois can. Finally I'm free from heal sluts.

This, literally every single group wants only EV because they were stupid and didn't pick up zenurik.

Also this, I can get instant ques by queing as healer then just whacking things with the Silver Hand because tanks have such an assload of self-healing that I don't have to even bother most of the time. Especially if its a DK.

If I want to suck dick I'll grab the tank, fuccboi

Tank here. Healers have always been the most important member of the group, and everything we do depends on the healer's ability. I appreciate you, healer. Don't listen to the DPS fags. They're all interchangeable and can be switched out within a second.

>enter dungeon
>tank pulls like a mad cunt
>does absolutely fucking nada to reduce damage he recieves
>barely does a passable job at keeping aggro on the +30 mobs currently on his ass
>mobs are scattered everywhere
>DPSs all go for single targets that couldn't keep up with the tank, ultimately getting aggro
>mobs keep heal interrupting me, stunning me, silencing me, etc
>get aggro from casting 2 heals
>distance from tank to the DPS the furthest behind is well over my heal radius
>have to keep my healing game up at 100% the entire fucking time
>no fucking break to write anything, or people die
>tank messes up rotation and dies / DPS gets too much shit on his ass and dies

Being allowed to be the group's healslut is its own reward

>Dungeon end

>Nice heal, thanks bro

While getting thanked once in a while would be nice, pretty much this.

>"Where are my heals!"
Healers should be allowed to leave without penalty.


Honestly if you don't appreciate a good healer you're probably bad at thinking and started playing Wow once WotLK came out and stuck with it ever since. I've been in every position and I can say that DPS is the easiest job. You get 1 tank, 1 healer, and the DPS is just there to speed things up. You need a tank and a healer at all times. You don't necessarily need DPS. Which is unfortunate, because all of the kids go with DPS so they can be coldsteel. You need your tank and healer, they don't need you. They can kick you and find another DPS in two minutes because there's so many. Face it, DPS is useless for anything but speeding up a dungeon and 1v1 matches.

In FF XIV I always commend good DPS at the end of the run instead of the tank. There's nothing worse than bad DPS but I can deal with bad tanking.

some caped baldy

This. "You better thank me for playing the role I chose correctly and not being retarded". Is OP fucking joking?

Did you thank the tank?

>tfw prot warrior
I literally take no damage for anyone to actually heal. Healers exist to wipe the DPS' asses when I tank. Shit's glorious.

What is it about tank classes that makes it so inviting for retards
>be me
>playing earlier version of tortanic
>playing fem sniper because Jo Wyatt is her VA
>Battle of Ilum Flash Point
>We keep on getting wiped by the first boss over and over again
>Tank always seems to die last
>turns out he isn't taunting at all
>he also has only level 38 gear for a level 50 quest
>I talk to healer into just healing me to see if it works since I have the highest aggro because tank isn't taunting
>run through rest of flash point easily

Tanks progress too quickly and don't get much responsibility placed on them early on.

>tank pulls a couple groups, takes a little while to get through them since both dps are single target but it's otherwise business as usual
>whm: "ok so I don't have a parse going or anything and I know I wasn't doing any damage but I that took way longer then it should so dps should check their rotations"
>whm was correct, she neither had a parse to give any specifics nor did she do any dps, even though the tank was using cd's to mitigate most of the damage
>and even then it's fucking 50 roul who cares if we aren't going balls on fire fast
>whm stands in the next groups aoe's and dies

>I know I wasn't doing any damage but that took way longer then it should
>literally being afk and complaining that you aren't being carried fast enough
>healers genuinely have this mentality

Feels good to be the tank, and know that most of the time, if you don't commend the healer, nobody will.

Unless they did something extraordinary I don't thank them individually, I'll just say "good run" or "thanks for the group"
I don't say how awesome a job the bagger at my local grocery store did just because he managed not to ruin my groceries

Something something penis in male ass.

should the DPS and tank be thanked for doing their jobs too? fuck off

>getting yourself hurt by being a retard then expecting to be healed

>tank all day every day
>invite the "qiuck and effectiv" healer
>invite the "pull everything so i can AOE dps"
>invite the "ill heal when the dps stays in shit and healer refuse to heal em" hybrid
>invite the "im going to pull agro of you even if i have to taunt" dps
>thank everyone at the end for the run
i love you faggots, no homo

>dps pulls adds and dies
>TANK?!?!! HEALER?!?!?!?1?
>dps over-agroes and dies
>TANK!?!?!??!?! HEALER?!!?!?1?!

Meanwhile the tank is red with rage and the healer is jerking off to the abuse. And thus MMOs continue existing.

>Keep HOTs up on everyone
>Tab out for a few seconds to change some music
>Tab back in
>Everybodys dead

>did dusk vigil in ff14
>tank is getting low but I have lustrate
>doesn't see that his ass stayed alive and I'm dotting the fuck outta mobs
>doesn't pop cooldowns once outside of bosses that hit like wet towels
>no comms

FUCK YOU STUPID TANKS. Now I have to switch back because healing idiots is more stressful than fun.

I do healing because it's generally easy.

>Not playing a DPS with support moves to heal one's self and allies, keeping pressure off the healer in PvE and giving you a nice in PvP

The more popular MMOs don\t have these.
Man, I wish Warhammer Online took off instead of dying like a bitch.

>mfw I main role tank
>always thank good healers, good run those that were decent
Good healers are a bit hard to come by. But damned, if I don't love what they do. Especially when you have been in parties with those that think the run should revolve around them. Then get mad and stop healing in spite.
Oh, and pocket healers. I hate when they just heal their friends

>main drg
>get like 6 commends
Not sure if actual good job commends or headpat 'hey good job you didn't die!' commends

Because you didn't polish my tank schlong good enough

Remove pacification next time, fuckboi

The quality of the tank and healer decide whether the run is successful while the quality of the DPS only affects the time it takes.

I specifically don't heal my friends just to hear them scream. They think cause I'm there I'll put up with their standing in aoes shit.

>healer dodges aoes and accidentally pulls a patrolling mob
>tank refuses to take aggro
>maybe you should be more careful :^)

Enjoy never getting past enrage.

We're talking about avoidable damage, fuckface. In other words, if you pull shit you could've gotten past or stand in an AOE, I'm not healing you.

>tfw your trying to keep a dps tank up
>tfw hes not holding most of the mobs and they go for the casters
>tfw HEALER!?!?!!

Types of healer personality archetypes in multiplayer games

1. The Normal Guy.

Prefers to play other roles but compromises out of knowledge or assumption that his teammates are too stubborn, comfortable, or inexperienced to bite the bullet and play healer. Just can't bring himself to pick his preferred class when he sees his party already has 3 of them.

2. The Non Gamer

Not really into whatever game the group is playing, but still wants to play for the sake of socializing. Since he knows he's probably not familiar or comfortable with a "spotlight" role such as damage dealing, he sees healing as an easy, back-line job that is integral enough for him to not seem like too much of a hanger-on.

3. The Healslut

Plays healer out of reflexive deference to, or even reverence of, one or several other members of the party. Will do anything. May have an ulterior motive, such as trying to appease one of the players outside of the game's context.

4. The Stoner

Perhaps not literally. Picks healer because it's a focused, nonconfrontational role where he can just sit back and watch people kill things better than if he weren't there healing them. It's almost a therapeutic experience for him.

5. The Altruist

Just wants to see his teammates have a chance at doing their best without getting bogged down by the whole limited hp pool thing because it gives him the warm fuzzies inside.

6. The Tactician

He could be playing Tank. He could be playing Nuker. Personal preference is not a factor, he simply analyzes and then does what is needed to win. A strictly fill-in-the-blank sort of guy. Naturally, the Tactician may or may not consider healer to be an optimal use of his talents, but unless he has the authority to get his teammates to reorganize into what he sees as best he will simply pick what is best for the situation handed to him.


>Palace of the D
>floor 28
>healer is afk for a while
>comes back to the group dragging a green slime behind him
>it explodes right as he reaches us
>everyone instantly dies

I had no words.

Just play disc priest and enjoy being a jack of all trades but master of none

Maybe you shouldn't be playing the game in the first place if you're such a petty faggot.

7. The Bitter

Plays healer to power trip. Knows full well that the success of the team lives and dies with him, and at all times acts like the downtrodden, beleaguered savior of the match. In reality, he cares little about any of that. He is the demanding bitch-queen of lifebars, and if something goes wrong then it's unimaginable how you could leave him to die, and guess who's not getting rezzed you naughty naughty boy.

8. The Psychopath

This person is clearly a DPS player at heart but for some unknown reason willingly plays healer. Constantly angry, as if he was cursed into playing healer instead of DPS, but at the same time seems to manage to squeeze some amount of satisfaction from his job. Does not stop at healing his teammates, he goads them into battle like some kind of satanic, self-loathing bard. For him, healing is a twisted proxy for his virtual bloodlust. Similar to The Bitter in the sheer air of criticism and vitriol that surrounds him, which may or may not be directed towards his team at any given moment.

9. The Adrenaline Junkie

Not quite a Rambo healer, but he doesn't settle for that petty crouched-behind-a-wall healing. Always pocketing the DPS or diving to another target like he's a superhero. He wants to be close to the action. He is addicted to the clutch save.

10. The Robot.

He just heals wordlessly. He does not complain, and his performance does not change whether his team is flailing on the ground in eminent defeat about or taunting in victory. Completely impenetrable.

11. The Jokester.

Plays healer to power trip like The Bitter, but instead of doing it to aggrandize himself he does it to be sophomoric. He picks an integral back line job so that it becomes more apparent when he goofs off. Maybe he'll go rambo! Maybe he'll rez you in a bad spot! Who knows, LUL!

It's not the healing part that's difficult though, it's that staying alive as a healer is far more difficult than the other two, provided the enemy knows how important targeting the healer is

Maybe you shouldn't be playing the game if you can't pay attention.

>tfw fill none of these

Being the healer ALWAYS sucks. no one gives to shits about you til they start dying then they yell at you "for not doing your job" when you were already healing them or someone else. Don't even get me started about "Buffs".

Yeah. Killing healers is just so satisfying.

Maybe you should've been aborted.

You're not my real dad.

>play healer
>guy runs into crowd of enemies
>busy healing others
>im reviving people next to objective
>he dies
>respawns at base instead of revive

only nigger ive met in BC2 2bh

>Bitch healers think having the easiest job deserves praise

Tanks > DPS > Healers

>tank pulls a big group
>DPS focus on aoe damage for most efficiency
>healer uses cooldowns to keep up with all the damage coming in, eventually tank dies and it's a wipe
>maybe you should heal more efficiently :^)

As a Discipline Priest in WoW, I was queueing for random instances just for shits and giggles. I asked the Mage if he could spare me some mana biscuits and he didn't say anything and proceeded to try and keep pulling before the Tank. After asking him a few times and still no response, I decided to pop up Recount and see how much damage he was doing and, somehow, I was doing more damage than him.

Decided to be Tom Petty and not heal him - and only him - through the whole instance. Felt great.

Nothing's more satisfying than being able to be a cunt to people who try to tune the world out in MMOs, knowing their enjoyment of the experience is in your hands. You're gonna' socialize and you're gonna' fucking like it.

Reminder, you dont thank, I dont heal

You need to be thanked at the start of the dungeon so you will throughout it?


Where does the "DPS player sick of 40 minute queue times and does the same job as any other healer" trope fall under?


And you fucking better thank me after I heal you as well


That's a girl!