I'm in the middle of my first 3-Heart Run of this game. I'm all the way up to the Forest Temple and I can count on one hand the amount of times I've even taken damage. Mr. Sequelitis Man almost died to the very first enemy in the game, which doesn't even move or attack.
I'm in the middle of my first 3-Heart Run of this game...
Who gives a shit?
Cool, come back when you beat shadow temple.
I'd play ocarina but I hate waiting
I really keep debating a replay of OoT sometime. I literally haven't touched it again since it was new.
eh, don't rehlly care
No worries, user! Like most Zelda Games, Ocarina of Time allows you to use different Items to make combat easier and quicker! Did you know that you can instantly kill a Skulltula with an arrow or your Hookshot? Or how you can force Poes to reappear by using Deku Nuts? Or how the Wolfos can be one-shot using a jumping slash? The possibilities are endless! :^)
I'm doing one too OP, currently done the ice cavern.
The only enemy to give me trouble was the Big Octo miniboss, fuck that fight.
I have a trick for that one, I just boomerang his face and either get lucky while he's spinning or get him when he starts to go the other way. Regardless of which works first, he goes down in two jump attacks.
good job user. It's not that tough a game though. Just don't get complacent and you're good. I should do a 3 heart run of MM.
My next playthrough for OoT will be something I've dubbed Cinema Mode.
No B presses (or melee attacks unless needed), and Z-constantly held.
This makes it very intense because you have to outgun enemies like Deku Scrubs with your slingshot or bow, which means you have to move forward with A, because Link doesn't step forward while aiming, except you can't even lock onto them, because Z is already on. Meaning every fight is a game of wits.
Are you man enough?
I beat the shadow temple without the eye when i was a kid. Didn't know it existed. Come back when you do that. I'll be impressed.
Wow man your dick must be really not small
I laughed at this post
This sounds GENIUS.
That sounds pretty neat, actually.
How the hell did you do that? I mean, the reaper statues don't do a lot of damage and you can see their path i think, but finding all those false walls must have been a royal pain in the ass.
Those n64 boxes sure were shitty
that just shows you were a stubborn idiot
I started to, and ventured a decent amount in, then said fuck it. Something has to be wrong here. Backtracked out.
(But will note, I felt conflicted and vaguely ashamed while doing so.)
Shadow temple is supposed to be any hard ???
Only """"hard"""" part in a 3 hearths run is the fight against ganon and ganondorf because every single one of his attacks one shot you. And it's not hard if you concentrate a little, it just that it punish your mistakes heavily (have to start all that over for a little mistake)
I don't get your post, are you trying to be sarcastic ? Because all of what you say effectively reduce the waiting part of the game to a zero, nullifying all the complaints about waiting.
It's almost like any person who complained about waiting didn't actually play the game and was just parroting a guy who hated the game then and hates it today because he can't into 3D games and hates change.
Is this kino?
That's cool n' all, but how the FUCK would you beat the Twinrova sisters that way? The fight would take for-e-ver without aiming your shield.
Pannenkoek12 is that you?
It'd take a fucking long time but still doable. You'D have to wait for her to be in front of you and shoot the correct element 3 times to get a chance to attack her. It'd be autism to commit to this challenge for this boss since it's just fucking long but still easy.
I was talking about the first phase of the fight, THAT would take forever.