Is it too late to get into WoW for a total noob? Or is game too old to start now?
Is it too late to get into WoW for a total noob? Or is game too old to start now?
I've been playing it for like 11 years and thinking of quitting now.
Blizzard thought that it would be an amazing idea to start removing things from the game, which ended in two "ability prunings" where they removed about 80% of the utility spells and abilities from each class.
I used to have a lot of fun with the game, but the gameplay is trash now, and every class feels like a hollow shell of what it's used to be. I wouldn't recommend playing the game at this point, unless you enjoy class mechanics that are simpler than Diablo 3.
It's not too late to join though, as WoW always has catchup mechanics that let you get to the endgame part in a matter of a week or two.
Yep that's why it's better to get into FFXIV instead, it's a newer better version of WoW really.
yeah, because if you start playing now, it's the most casual it's ever been and you won't have to worry about challenges or exploration or grinding, as at this point, the game basically plays itself for you.
Does this require a subscription? I feel partial to playing wow because of that dere blizzard polish. I just want an mmo diablo 3
I don't understand why people bitch and moan about having to press 100 keys like a fucking autist. How is that "good" gameplay? Almost all of those abilities were worthless anyways.
It's shit now. Vanilla to Burning Legion or whatever the fuck it was called was great. From Lich King on is complete shit.
Honestly buddy, you're late to MMO period. It's all shit now, I can't think of a single good game. [Spoiler]I would recommend you play the re release of Dark Age of Camelot. But shh, don't tell too many people about it.
Why on earth do you have the desire to play it after it's been out for a decade at this point? What about it right this moment that for some reason makes you want to play it but not before?
Yeah man, it's so much more engaging when you press 3 buttons over and over, and occasionally a 4th and 5th for a cooldown.
Ehh just different place in my life. Need a good game to play and sink some hours into over the weekends at college when I dont have anything else to do. Also have some friends that play it and I miss memorable loot and level coop experiences