Not very hyped
They need to show towns and interactivity with NPCs

I even have this picture.
Am I hyped?

I want it to be cancelled.

>another open world game

I'm sure this will be very different from the 1000s already released these past 5 years

On a scale of 1 to 10? Probably about a 4. Besides Zelda and Pokémon I've lost almost all interest in Nintendo. But that's their fault.

Considering it's Zelda, you'd better be.

It will turn every boy who plays it gay.

I mean, even I want to tap that ass now.

There are no towns. It's very Nes Zelda in 3d.

on a scale of 1 to hyped i'd say about 73.8

Like 6-7/10
Hype levels were maybe like 9/10 when it was revealed but, you know.
It might go back up as more stuff gets revealed, but I feel as though the best has already passed.

Looks meh compared to horizon


That box is a photoshop isn't it?

I'm actually pretty hyped for it. Might ask my brother to send me my WiiU to play it. I don't really like the voices though. Wish they'd kept the made-up language. Other than that, everything looks great. I just know this game is going to trigger my OCD so bad though. Open world usually means things to miss.

Going camping in the wild with this guy doesn't sound bad at all. Especially since I'll mostly be in that 3rd person view of his voluptuous firm tempting boy butt!

don't own a WiiU, probably never will unless they get ridiculously cheap.

Don't care for NX either.

Game looks fun but I really don't give two shits about it.

Nothing has ever been as hypetastic as Twilight Princess.

The combat looks llike it will be good for the first time in zelda history

Gay paradise manot

Gay paradise

No homo, but link is worth like three women

If you dont like puzzles sure

I'm really not thrilled with it.

The bullet-time horse vaulting seems stupid, and I can't imagine it isn't just used for hitting boss weak points.
The arbitrary amount of 100 dungeons reeks of filler.
This highlighted expansion of crafting, the breaking weapons and cooking food just seems like a bunch of busywork.


I wonder what the NX boxes will look like.

Green and blue are taken.

Will they go white again?

It's over 100 mini-dungeons, not just 100.

And the crafting, weapon degradation has been a thing in Zelda since OoT. Deku Sticks and Biggoron Swords. And cooking is a plus, since there are no hearts in this game. Do you see yourself doing a lot of cooking user?

no, green and blue are the official colors of MS and sony, as red has (recently) become nintendoìs official color. And yest ps4 and xbone all come in black and white variants. It'll likely be the same for nx. Bright colors are just not a e s t e t h i c for a home console

> Legend of Zeldarim: Elder Scrolls of the Wild

It's shit.

This game will be like NMS or Syrim you can do anything type game.

They've said there are towns, they just chose not to show them yet.

i'm a little excited, it seems like it's gonna be a fun game. too bad i don't want to buy a inferior version of it, and i don't want an nx either.

Yes sir.

Anyone here hyped for Skyward Sword back then? Well, I won't make the same mistake now.

Can people stop saying this shit? They took towns out.

I'm hyped, hoping it won't be reported.

This time will be different though. I can tell it. Got a feeling in my bones.

This is the one Sup Forums. This is the Zelda that will be so popular it will break through the confines of the medium, like Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 and Batman Begins.

First Zelda I've been vaguely interested in keeping an eye on since OOT. So long as they don't do anything stupid like charge for online it might just be the first Nintendo console I've bought since the N64

>comparing this game to NMS

kys pls

I'm hyped for high test trap link.

Those are histill actual in game hips. I fucking wanna bury my face in his ass. Look at that sexy back arch. Link is the best waifu out there. What the fuck has peach or zelda ever done for us. I wanna live in a tent with link in the fields of hyrule. Fuck towns! All you need is link. All you need is link. All you need is link! LINK!

Link is all you need.

Careful user, i thought the same thing about Zero escape 3.

You're very gullible if you think the final release will look anything like that tech demo.

And you're not very cultured if you put so much stock in graphics as being the most important aspect of a game.

10/10 hype, can barely contain myself at this point and it's still so far from release =(

>I thought the same thing about Skyward Sword before the trailer came out

100 mini dungeons. rumored 4 main dungeons so large they're split in different sections or however it was explained. Either way, each mini dungeon is like 3-10 min long depending on you.

Bullet time uses your stamina and only when you're in the air pulling out the bow. Kinda a necessity as jumping and aiming without the slowmotion would be horrendous experience.

Just like said about crafting, it's been there. Now if the shield durability works the same way as in skyward sword, perfect timed shielding means no damage to your shield. Otherwise it's just shit you pick up on your way.

>100 mini dungeons. rumored 4 main dungeons

I've no idea why people keep getting this wrong.

There's around 100 mini-shrines and 4 larger shrines.

They have nothing to do with the dungeons. They're a separate thing.

The 4 larger shrines will likely be the ones where you learn a new power for the Sheikah Slate.

The 100 mini-shrines will probably just be for heart pieces and treasure and entirely optional.

No-one knows anything about the dungeons yet. There could be 6, or 8, or 10. Nintendo are keeping that under wraps.

"Waiting for two years to go into Selects" hype.

Unless the towns become faithful recreations of past games, I'm not into it at all.

source? I'm sorry I just keep reading that there are 4 huge dungeons.

good job OP


You know, I just realized Skyward Sword is pretty good. Maybe even one of the best.

What point are you guys trying to make about OOT? You don't craft anything in Ocarina of Time. If you're alluding to quest strings to acquire items as creating them, that at least that goes back to Link to the Past, but that's in no way conflatable with a crafting system.

Deku Sticks were consumable items, you might as well argue that arrows were a bow's durability gauge if you're comparing those. And the Giant's Knife breaks after 3 hits, while it clearly has a durability statistic you're not playing the game managing that durability. That's a joke placeholder and not an overarching game mechanic like shield durability was in Skyward Sword.

No. You realized you didn't, and it's not.

Sticks break in Ocarina of Time/MM. You can argue crafting by bringing a shroom to Granny. after which you can buy Blue Potion. But Wind Waker would be a better example with the Boko seeds and blue chus.

This game is going to be shit, I really hope Nintendo bankrupt before it's release

>there are no hearts in this game
>you have to cook instead and make potions and shit
>also crafting weapons is obligatory
Why can't modern games stop trying so hard and just be fun?

What makes you think that?

Not him but the "100 Shrines of Trial" was from Nintendo's press release.

The 4 larger shrines was just a rumor that emerged at the same time.

But it's worth noting that they were referred to as "shrines" rather than "dungeons".

There's no way that 100 shrines will house important artifacts. Most or all will probably just be optional treasure.

Having 4 larger shrines to house sheikah slate powers makes sense, it would differenciate these shrines from the smaller ones, emphasising their importance.

Nintendo have never referenced the dungeons as yet but the media jumped on the shrine rumor, thinking that those were the game's dungeons, but they're most likely not.

Death Mountain, for example, will almost certainly be a dungeon.

super hyped. most hyped game of the last 10 years. it's really amazing, plays so well. wii u version runs surprisingly great. just a few frame rate dips here and there, and yet the game isn't even finsihed, so this is just a minor thing. everythign else, absolutely superb!

What would you rather read about -

>Twilight Princess Link trapping as a fairy at the fairy fountain, and being tenderly gangbanged by several Dark Links
>Breath of the Wild Link jerking off bottomless in a field, passing out, and waking up with a surprise (you suggest what the surprise is)

Or suggest me an entirely new idea

The sticks are a horrible example though. They meet a technical qualification of "breakable weapons" but it's at best an extreme stretch to hold it up as an example while the complaint raised is about the implication of Diablo gear.

The Razor Sword on the other hand does have a defined durability that is long enough to both be a factor in using the weapon, but it too is just a placeholder for the Gilded Sword. Which like Biggoron's Sword and Hylia Shield are not breakable.

I'm as hyped as fuck.

When Nintendo announce the NX, we will likely get more BotW footage and info as well.



Give me link and I'll give you Link

Nice bait.

The game has been finished for fucking ages.

It would have been a holiday release this year but Nintendo wanted a killer app for NX.

>Iphone 7M(ario)



if nx is a handheld i will get both day 1

Nothing will ever surpass the hype I had for Twilight Princess. That game taught me a lesson I will never forget.

I was never hyped for Twilight Princess.

Considering I didn't fall into the hype trap with TP AND it turned out to be my favorite game of all time, no. I'm interested to see where BotW goes, but until I see some dungeons and towns I'm keeping everything in check.

Not hyped. I can't afford any console right now.
Why would I in the first place, I don't even have a TV.

What unique type of setting or mix of locales do you want to see?

That looks so retarded. Like Sonic Heroes movement.

Can you explain?

I'm kinda hyped because there wasn't a good single player video game in 10 years now and this looks like one so far.

Considering there actually is interactivity it will be different from the other adventure/RPG open world games, yes.

>special thanks SATORU IWATA

holy fuck it hurts all of a sudden. It hit me hard that he won't be here to see his vision of NX and what seems to be a fantastic game come to fruition

eh it looks like it could be alright

Stop feeding literal

In all honesty Witcher 3 was the freshest open world game in a while, despite its repetitive combat and inaccurate movement. The world feels alive and it's good looking as hell. Haven't even gotten to the DLC.

Zelda looks competent as an open world entry but barely. I'm more hyped for FF XV for the story alone.

they should've released it for cozy holidays

but where the fuck is the NX though

>witcher 3 was good
>FFXV story is good

how to make your opinion trash in one post: the post

>I'm more hyped for FF XV for the story alone.
>after the leaks
jesus dude
BotW will probably have fuck all story and it will still be better written than XV

I haven't enjoyed a Nintendo game since DK64

I don't see any similaities between these titles. Not sure why everyone is comparing the

>jesus dude
>how to make your opinion trash in one post

Tryharding this hard.

Witcher 3 is the new standard for open world games and I'm really hyped for FF XV after watching Kingsglaive. The concept is really awesome.


I don't buy nintendo hardware so it's impossible for me to be hyped


>The concept is really awesome.

>its a bunch of emo fags on a roadtrip

yeah, sounds great

seems accurate to me

just like tail's gameplay and flinging sonic around

Everyone's getting punished!


After sealing ganondorf away Link is returned to his own time. And there he meets Impa and Zelda who needs to extract the hero's essence. Thus cab only be done by the magical huge Strap-on dildoes of legendary butthurt. They subdue link and spit roast him until he cums the hero essense.

>trying to summon xv-kun so he can wage shitposting war on this game like he did xenoblade x
Noose yourself, right now.

I lost most of my hype when Nintendo announced that it would be on NX as well.
Its kind of dumb, but I don't like playing games if I'm playing an inferior version, and I won't be buying an NX for a while after how sparse the Wii U library was.

And the blond one isn't fuckable. His face looks all kinds of busted.

>shit talking my waifu

you are cruisin for a bruisin m8

>This sleek red case mock up

That said, yeah, I'm pretty excited for it. But I always get excited for new Zelda. Something keeps coming back, even with the less than stellar entries in the series.

don't you know yet?

XV kun hung himself after being proven wrong about the downgrades and delayed release

RIP in peace astral cowpoke

So am I.

FF XV is definitely a potential GOTY 2016.

The art style is rather annoying but i cant say why

>Twilight Princess
>Skyward Sword
Absolute crap.
>Breath of the Wild
Probably just as shit like the rest of the Zeldas that has come out the past twenty years.

I can't believe people still suck Nintendo's dick of these games and actually expect something. There has only been disappointment upon disappointment after Wind Waker released in two thousand and fucking two. We're soon twenty years since a good, new, original Zelda game. So no, it's shit. Just like the rest of the Zeldas since 2002.