So now Hitman actually has a bunch of episodes, it's starting to look like a real game. What do you think, does it stand up to blood money? What's your favorite episode?
So now Hitman actually has a bunch of episodes, it's starting to look like a real game. What do you think...
I don't know. I don't pay for incomplete products and there are lots of other games to play in my limited time.
Sapienza or Bangkok is my favorite Night-time marrakes is a close 2nd
IMO it's as good as blood money, or maybe even better at this point.
it looks really good, shame they priced it so stupidly, if you buy individual eps you get jewed pretty hard and i really don't see why.
Imagine having to really take a piss/shit and you run in there.
Wat do?
Is the music in Bangkok an actual song or just a snippet? I like the baseline
>console game tries to cover up lack of mirror reflections.webm
>buying episodes individually
Not memeing, explain your reasoning behind it as here are your options
>buy intro pack
>play for up to 2 hours, if you liked refund and buy the whole thing
>refund and don't buy the game
>if you liked it and can't refund, just get the upgrade pack
actual song
>missing out on the events
>missing out on the anticipation of a new contract
Damn that music is actually really good. Still not as good as the trailer music though.
>they'll never release that music
>bunch of explosions and massive noise
>throw a coin
>"huh? what's that?"
Gotta say, IO's done well in the marketing department. Crafty danes.
I'll considering buying denuvoman on a steamsale maybe.
I've been really enjoying it, but the next episode is going to be fucking terrible
>300 armed guards
>always hostile territory
That's one hell of a way to win your fans over. Remind them that you remember games 15 years back AND make levels that are better than any of them.
Whip out your wrench and smack it until it stops.
Well, you'll probably be able to get a disguise fairly quickly.
paying 100$ for a game.
HAve fun faggot.
Ill pirate the whole thing when they decide to release the defenitive version.
Thank for alpha testing the game user, without you I wouldn-t have a glitchless experience.
>being an industry whore who buys incomplete games
Picked this up because some streaming videos looked really good, I'm extremely impressed with the scope of the levels, they're all gigantic. I'd have to say I still prefer Blood Money as I'd rather have loads of medium sized levels than a few gigantic ones, but it's an excellent game and I'm glad Hitman isn't dead.
>miss an event
>never have the full game
Jewery literally banking on OCDfags.
>100 dollars
I paid $30 for it actually. Got a key off eBay
The most you can possibly pay for it is $75 because you bought the intro pack and the episodes separately.
The absolute madmen stay behind not re-releasing Elusive Targets!
But yeah, all trailers look great, the story happening in the background is interesting as well.
All the hits in the trailer except absolution one are 1:1 recreations of past games, only more smooth and cinematic. Very well directed.
Yeah I'm really impressed by that. They even brought back a level from Codename 47/Contracts for the trailer. That's fucking awesome.
I'm sure they'll rotate the events post-launch while waiting for season 2
>tfw we never got the level about the photographer killing girls in his studio
That looked so comfy in the trailer
The absolution one is in the game tho, what are you talking about
It's actually impossible to pull off that kill in Absolution, you can't wear 47s suit in the strip club.
We're probably going to get it by December
>go into woman's restroom
>drop the biggest shit
>pull out the transgender card if anyone decides to make a fuss
I meant that In absoluteshit 47 hides behind the 2-way mirror, and waits for the fat fuck, in trailer it's the opposite, and the guy looks a bit different.
imagine if you took a huge sthit and can-t get out because it started spraying when you were wiping your ass
>Being this easily excitable
I wish i was your age again trust me.
What do you mean, that would just speed the wiping up
Imagine using that torrent of watery death and destruction as a bidet
Why shouldn't I be excited? Every level has been better than the last (except for Morocco), and the first level (Paris Showstopper) beat every single level from every previous game.
The Morocco level was kinda disappointing but it was still a 9/10 Hitman level
is 1:02 meant to be A Vintage Year?
because that looks nothing like the mansion in the slightest
when is the full game out?
Probably my favorite way to assassinate someone yet. Too bad I can't find any video of it but you can let cross see you sitting in the chair and have a slight back and forth before shooting him.
It's what they would have done with Vintage Year if they had the rendering capacity to do so
I've seen a webm posted a few times with the whole thing
they reward costumers who pay in advance like at other services
Did the night version of Marrakesh take place before the daytime one in the main story? I just noticed the fortune teller in the night mission becomes a beggar in the daytime mission
The last level is Japan, and releases in December.
what happened to your apostrophe key, mate?
Season 1 in January 2017. Full game in ~2020 or never.
dat leather jacket
unless they remove the online you'll be shit out of luck
I wonder how the terrorists will be related to the shadow client.
is it still gonna be online-only?
The game benefits greatly from being online only. Unlike games such as Diablo 3 and Spore.
It, as well as most other opportunities, can be found in ManyATrueNerd's 'full story' video for Bangkok. He does one for each episode and basically shows all possible instances of dialogue or story progression, which naturally includes most kill opportunities.
I wish they would fix the trigger happy guards who shoot at the speed of light.
The shadow client is just the Russian guy isn't it? These extremists are probably funded by providence or something.
I wish the scores would also have negatives.
yeah, no. i get the temporary targets being an online-only feature but not the full game.
The only thing I see online being necessary for is contracts, escalations, and elusive targets. I don't give a shit about high scores, and I don't understand why saves can't be handled client-side.
Guards feels less trigger happy here than in any other Hitman
you can play and save the game offline
you wont unlock new weapons and gadgets
I wouldn't call him russian, but yeah the "4D chess" grey haired man.
It's laughable that people claim that the offline mode is worth anything. It's barely a demo.
but still. cops gun you down because you walked into the kitchen of a caffee.
can i get the gadgets/extra stuff online but still have all the content when i go offline?
Only if you run away. If you stay calm and do what they say they'll just escort you out most of the time.
>that comic
Not really. Unless it's specifically marked as a hostile area, they only get trigger-happy if you choose to escalate it.
made this yesterday
fuck that then. i was really looking forward to this game, being an old hitman fan, but i can't stand behind shit like this
I have this weird feeling you forgot one game but I can't remember any other Hitman games
very weird...
stop living in the woods because the rest of the world has constant internet access
Why the fuck do you need to go offline when playing games?? Why the fuck do you need to go offline at all ever?
it's missing absolution
SE shills out at full force today
stop avoiding the question. why is it a problem to be online?
because why would a singleplayer game need to be always online? how am i benefiting from this?
>why is it okay to force bad consumer practice, have a game that will be butchered whenever the servers die and have bad ethics?
stop protecting your tortanic-tier failure just so you can get jewbux off squeenix
Because their servers are shit and even when I can connect everything is slow as hell.
There's no level with a pool you fucking retard..
On the pipes there's a cap, remove cap facing you, there's a crew thing you twist with a flat head. Should stop it.
You've seen every level they're doing? So far, they've made a mission for every person they showed in the trailer. I have no reason to believe that won't persist until the end of the year.
I have over 70 hours down and have been disconnected only twice in the first 2 months and never since. Get a better ISP or move to the developed world.
Caruso mansion's backyard...
Great tip thanks.
We've seen the American level and the concept art for Japan. And even if that weren't true no one in that section of the trailer is Japanese or appears to be in Japan.
You're an absolute fucking idiot.
I enjoy this game, but defending an always-online requirement for a largely single-player game is still retarded.
>why are you complaining about getting fucked in the ass for no reason? i only got fucked for no reason twice
i wish people like you were shills, at least you'd have an actual reason to suck corporate dick
>just get a new internet provider
>just move
How about just let me use my stuff offline? Seems s fair bit simpler than the alternatives
B-B-But; PIRATES!!!!
it's funny there's so many people defending it when so few people bought it. I guess they hired a ton of shills once they realized their microtransaction model was failing. Check the steam stats; games never been a top seller and has less active players than a game like Prison Architect.
Hows the AI in this one ?
It's GREAT it's amazing! I'm constantly surprised by the cool things they programmed it to do. I'm totally for reals gamer bro I'm not an indian being paid 5 dollars an hour to shill!