Ross's Game Dungeon: Human Revolution

So why is this guy getting so much praise?

>Doesn't understand that the head of security would be known by staff, despite trying to deal with a recent terrorist attack, having his girlfriend killed/kidnapped and coming back heavily augmented - not to mention having had emails sent about him.
>Found an old scientist hunched over when talking to Megan 'immersion breaking'.
>Doesn't see why so many people would become augmented despite the game going out of it's way to show you that it makes you more competitive, and many employers are making their employees become augmented.
>Complains about the colour scheme, as if it's objectively terrible. Doesn't understand why it was used, and can't see why the colour scheme would be acceptable for this game, but not for others.
>Praises the game for maintaining the RPG features of the series, without mentioning the lack of skills.
>writes off Mankind Divided despite not playing it, even though it has a much different take on the augmented issue, and is clearly establishing ties to the original Deus Ex.

His criticism is based off of misunderstanding the game. Even the shit about the clothing and advancements in technology - does he not know that between 2027 and 2052 the United States goes to shit? Human Revolution is taking place during a Golden Age, whilst Deus Ex (and even Mankind Divided) don't.

don't viral your shitty gaming channel on Sup Forums please

I'm almost positive Ross is on the spectrum so I'm assuming yellow tint is his blue arms.

Why would you ever listen to Ross' opinion on any game that's released post-2001?
He's one of the biggest cases of nostalgia goggles around

Viraling a YouTube channel by criticising it seems like a great idea.

It's the first I've heard of him. I just see his videos getting brought up in all of these Deus Ex threads recently, and I can't understand why.

People could start to parrot his terrible and uninformed opinion of Human Revolution, in the same way people parrot Matthew's opinion of Bioshock: Infinite.

His first two videos are pretty good, even if his autism does show. With Human Revolution, however, it just feels retarded. I can understand why DUDE CYBER RENAISSANCE LMAO is not everyone's cup of tea but how the hell did the whole "cyber renaissance" thing manage to go over his head?

I have no idea, it's baffling.

I may check out his other Deus Ex videos if they're fine, but this Human Revolution video has just put me off watching him. How can you miss the point so badly?

I love the game but nothing he said was wrong. Its ok to accept criticism of games you like. The fact is, it misses most of what people liked about the original, which I doubt you've played, even though you will claim to have.

Why does this guy talk like he's shouting all the time? It's kind of distracting

It took 5 fucking years for someone finally getting my point why Human Revolution is fucking overhyped trash.

Srsly couldn't stand Ross because he sounds like a dumb retard but damn he nailed all my grief with HR.

But he's right, I like Human Revolution but it would work better as a reboot/alternate timeline, or even a new IP. The cyber renaissance is fine but it's not really Deus Ex.

yeah most of his complaints are completely subjective. Not invalid, but utterly subjective.

The real thing he doesn't seem to get is that human revolution is supposed to be set in ... well ... like an enlightenment era or ... revolution. That might just be why it's in the fucking title. That's why the architecture is so crazy, why the clothes are so weird and indulgent (as well as being a nice little nod to the actual enlightenment / renaissance with the styles) That's also the reason for the gold tint. It's supposed to look luxurious, decadent, slightly unatainable.

Sure the yellow can be a bit annoying but desu they fixed it massively in the director's cut.

The biggest problem with these hundreds of video game "critics" who are basically all in some way emulating Yahtzee or the AVGN is that they insist on spending literally all their time on the negative aspects. I mean seriously he just says "the gameplay is good so I won't talk about it." Really? The gameplay is "good"? You mean, like, 90% of the game is just going to be described as "good" with no further discussion?

Oh, I guess if you actually spent time doing a fair discussion of the strengths and failures of the game you couldn't upload it to youtube with tags like "EPIC RANT" and "ANGRY REVIEW" or whatever this boring ass brand of criticism is up to nowadays. Yeah, fuck that. Even Yahtzee was more nuanced than that in his early days, despite being apparently the patron saint of the angry critic.`

Sounds like you haven't understood the concept of subjective opinions yet.

Maybe it will come when you become an adult.

What? Then refute what I've said in the OP.

I have played the original, but it was after Human Revolution. You couldn't sound more pretentious - why would I not have played a game I've claimed to have played? You expect people to go on and prove they've beaten a game they're talking about? Not to mention the game in question is Human Revolution.

Can we create a seperate board for eceleb shit? I do not know who these youtubers are.

so to ignore whole game and say it's bad without playing it is just subjective opinion now?
age of enlightenment and education we live in!

this thread is nto actually about the review, shh

So a lot of the stuff he says is completely subjective.

But mainly there is kinda a running theme in the video that he's pissed off because the game looks too futuristic, and less down-to-earth than the original Deus Ex.

It's fine to prefer one atmosphere over another but he should have at least acknowledged that HR's "opulent technology / design" was a major theme of the game and extremely deliberate. It wasn't like they just said "let's make the game look cool with all this random OTT shit" - it was in there for a very specific thematic reason.

All his points are fucking valid, especially the point about augs taking away jobs. The augs available in the game wouldn't help most people living in a first world country to do their job any more efficient.
Augs are literally only 'necessary' for construction work.

Cutting off one of your limbs and having a life long dependancy on a super expensive drug is a dumb thing to do. Almost nobody would do that.

The augmentation issue in Mankind Divided is even more retarded than in Human Revolution.

>complains about unrealistic human behaviour

Oh right, because Deus Ex was totally grounded and realistic and didn't have ridiculous lines or anything.

It is actually. Post faux-outrage as OP so everyone calls you a faggot and watches the video to prove you wrong.

>what are chips that enhance intelligence

woah, there is whole side mission about clerk jobs taken away by augmented rich people
you people aren't even attentive enough for content shoved into you never mind subtle messages

I agree with the guy
also his video on the first game is pretty good too

>in the same way people parrot Matthew's opinion of Bioshock: Infinite.
Please don't tell me you think Infinite is a good game.

>there is whole side mission about clerk jobs taken away by augmented rich people

I would like you to stop for a second and think about the logic of that.

Fuck off. There is one sidemission about a real estate agent that sucks at her job.

If she wasn't shit at her job she wouldn't need an augmentation for it.

His points are fucking retarded in the sense that he's nitpicking with most of them and completely misses the real writing issues in the game
>But Darrow was completely sensible and so was Barret, Sarif, Zhao, and Jensen
>But I have no issues with the absolutely atrocious level design

>Mankind Divided? Why would I bother checking that out when I have other people to form opinions for me

Like Jesus fucking Christ I have never been mad at a person shitting on a game I really don't like before. He's mostly criticizing it for all the wrong reasons.

A social enhancer would be of benefit to everybody. Having much imrpoved reflexes would definitely give you the edge over someone with worse reflexes. Speed and strenght augmentations are obvious.

Not to mention a very small population actually have augmentations. The issue is quite clearly the potential of augmentations, you think augmentations just stop with what's available to the player?

People have to get augmentations for their jobs. Look at Belltower for example. If you aren't forced to get augmentations by your employers, you may even go ahead and get them yourself, as an investment in your future. They're even comparable to student loans for unvierstiy.

How is it more retarded? Mnkind Divided deals with the fears of augmentation. It's not about people annoyed they might not get a job - it's they're afraid something like the Aug Incident could happen again. That's presuming the augmented don't willingly go out to start trouble.

Not really. It's more a case of HR being played by more when it was topical so there's more moronic about the game floating around. Not that he HASN'T fucked up previously, like that one game where he refused to use magic and wondered why the game was suddenly so difficult, mind you.

>having to type with your fingers instead of interfacing directly with the computer


>having to type slow as shit with your shitty human fingers instead of robot fingers

Your counter arguements are feeble. Having Augs only "makes you more competitive" Because the game says so. Not because the game shows you anything of the sort.
If you really think tchno megacities are going to pop up and disappear by the time the first Deus Ex game takes place thats silly.
Just accept that the two games don't really take place in the same universe.
The Eidos sequels are more like Abram trek.

>blind people just suck at navigation if they didn't suck at navigation they wouldn't need canes,other people, dogs to help them

So I'm not the only one who was disappointed

I haven't played it, I just know about his video and how that opinion became the 'mainstream'. I don't know if he's right or wrong, but that doesn't matter.

See, you're still not understanding subjective opinions. You don't like what he's saying so he must have formed his opinion "without playing it", etc. It's like you have the mind of a child. Do you think everyone has the same favorite color as you?

pretty sure his point is a rich person wouldn't work as a clerk. if augments are so expensive rich people who can afford won't be coming for your shitty jobs in the first place and will be a minority.

Why are people even giving this idiot attention.

It's unbelievably obvious that the reviews are entirely constructed to push his dumb narrative of "the Deus Ex series is going steadily downhill." The fact that he was ignoring invisible war flaws and playing up its good parts, while barely even touching on any good parts of HR should be proof enough for any idiot.

There are definitely valid criticisms of HR but this video series is fucking trash.

Why the fuck would a rich person become clerk?

he fucking outright says: he will not play mankind divided it sucks

Augmentation is literally a nonissue. No one is going to cut off their arms so they can be a better construction worker. Yes, there will be people who go "muh humanity! Augs are unnatural!" But these people won't be large enough to start riots or anything. Neither HR nor HR ever explain well enough WHY augmentation is even an issue. It's a made up political "controversy" which takes the focus away from war and economic issues. And that's probably the point of the game, that people are using augmentation to distract people from real issues, but I still think it's unrealistic.

traders,bankers, accountants, realtors are technically clerks

I know you aren't required to watch his other videos but it's painfully obvious you havent.

Because they've spent all their money on augmentations and neuropozyne?

>Neither HR nor HR ever explain well enough WHY augmentation is even an issue.

At the end of HR a switch got flipped ON and everyone with augs globally went crazy and attacked people around them.

How do they not, well more so Mankind Divided? Augmented people were forced to carry out attacks that left many dead. Who knows if that will happen again? Mankind Divided makes it very clear that there is more to consider than just 'Augs are taking our jobs'.

you seem to have missed 3000 years of human history and millions of riots within it about the most stupid things possible

I liked his video about BattleForge. Mainly because the game deserved more attention.

No he doesn't, he says he won't like it. There's a difference. Opinions. IT OK TO LIKE DIFFERENT THINGS user

so it's okay to say I won't like it outside and never go out in your life?

>The issue is quite clearly the potential of augmentations, you think augmentations just stop with what's available to the player?
Yes. Considering that Adam ends up stuffed to the gills with the latest aug tech available. If Adam doesn't have it it doesn't exist.

>A social enhancer would be of benefit to everybody. Having much imrpoved reflexes would definitely give you the edge over someone with worse reflexes. Speed and strenght augmentations are obvious.

Most of that is true. But what use would the average wageslave have for all of that? None. Did you somehow miss the list of the most popular jobs in the US? Most of them don't require people to get augs to improve their performance.

>People have to get augmentations for their jobs. Look at Belltower for example. If you aren't forced to get augmentations by your employers, you may even go ahead and get them yourself, as an investment in your future. They're even comparable to student loans for unvierstiy.
That's retarded. Most of the Belltower dudes you fight in the game aren't augmented. Only the absolute elite get augmented. It's also a PMC. What percentage of the work force would end up working for a PMC? It's miniscule.
What kind of employer would force you to get augmentations? I think Sarif is the only one in the game, forcing augs on Adam far beyond what was needed to keep him alive. That shitter in Hengsha wasn't forced to get augmented by her employer, she did it because she sucked at her job.

>How is it more retarded?
Have you played the game? What is not retarded about it?
>Hurr, augs were tricked into having a mind-control chip installed
>Hurr, Darrow told everybody on live television that he would use the mind-control chip to turn them into zombies
>Hurr, let's blame the augs despite it being 100% clear they're not to blame, instead of directing our anger towards TYM, who developed and provided the neuro chip, and Hugh Darrow, who forced them to sperg out.

And how does he know he won't like it? There's no piss filter, the renaissance look is gone, augmentation issues aren't just about jobs anymore, there are plenty of connections to the original, and more e-books talking about different events around the world.

He said it looked like HR 2, which 99% of people on Sup Forums thought too. he'll probably play it eventually but he tends not to play new games period.

How do you know you won't like a big black cock raping your asshole if you've never tried it?

Views are views fagget


>Yes. Considering that Adam ends up stuffed to the gills with the latest aug tech available. If Adam doesn't have it it doesn't exist.
He literally finds out in Mankind Divided that he has more augs than he had before. Augs are still being made, they didn't decide to stop because Adam Jensen got augmented.

>Most of that is true. But what use would the average wageslave have for all of that? None. Did you somehow miss the list of the most popular jobs in the US? Most of them don't require people to get augs to improve their performance.
As I said, the point is the potential of augmenttions. If augmentations are made that can be of benefit to wageslaves, why wouldn't that be an issue?

>That's retarded.
>What kind of employer
Belltower are said in-game (well MD anyway) to pretty much force their employees to become augmented. You meet someone who became augmented when working with Belltower, so that they could be more effective during the Austrailian Civil War.

I'm not sure which Hengsha character you're talking about, but prostitutes are forced to get augmentations because it gets the clubs more money, and gives them more appeal.

>Have you played the game? What is not retarded about it?
Oh I agree the anti-aug sentiment was pretty bad in Mankind Divided, everyone seems 'racist' rather than focusing on the real issue. But the reasons people fear the augmented are legit.

The stuff with TYM is all a cover up. Darrow was blamed, 'one man' was planned to be seen as the hero of Panchea, and the truth that TYM had installed the chip to actually CALM DOWN the augmented was kept secret.

I'm glad he mentioned how ridiculous it was for people to shame you over murdering the terrorists. They're literally armed and holding people hostage, that's not a controversy. I feel like stealth games should only shame you for murdering
>cops and security who are only doing their jobs
>innocent civilians
>unarmed criminals that don't pose a direct threat to you
Armed terrorists with a bomb are fair game.


HR just has shitty bland writing.
They know if they put politics, economics, religion etc in the game like the first two had, then someone might get offended

So instead the whole game is based on this made up abstract social issue. People like the first Deus Ex because it took issues from the year it was released then logically extrapolated them a few decades into the future.
HR is just plucking some high sci fi concept out of thin air and then running with it.

That's why nothing about the universe feels like it really makes any sense

>He literally finds out in Mankind Divided that he has more augs than he had before
He had those installed over the course of a year while he was in a coma in Illuminati custody. Those are experimental augs not avaiable to the average consumer too.

>As I said, the point is the potential of augmenttions. If augmentations are made that can be of benefit to wageslaves, why wouldn't that be an issue?
They don't exist. Why should something that doesn't exist and might never exist be an issue? The whole augmentation 'controversy' is blown all out of proportion in-game.

>They know if they put politics, economics, religion etc in the game like the first two had, then someone might get offended
Mankind Divided is all about race and segregation though

I think there's a difference between taking current events and extrapolating them a few decades later, and taking current events and replacing something with sci-fi.

> See everyone? It's like what's been happening with black people, but with ROBOT HANDS!!!

Literally who, also you seem legit buttmad someone doesn't like your edgy wannabe 80's sci fi adventure blade runner clone.

> we can continue having wageslaves if we make them undergo life-altering medical procedures that literally take away their humanity.

This user sees no problem with this.

>All his points are fucking valid, especially the point about augs taking away jobs
That was his worst point, he used the one info broker in china as an example claiming she never explains why she needs augs for her job despite the fact she explains it vividly.
It was because her rivals in the field were able to augment themselves to be far more intelligent and completely invalidate any edge she had through years in university and steal her clients so she had to get augmented to compete with her rich posthuman competitors.

>Creates a list of the most common jobs to see if they would be threatened by augmentation.
Just because certain jobs are numerous doesn't mean they are desirable.
Most high pay work was looking for augmented workers for example the Panchea project which basically required it's employees to be augmented.

>Augmentation is literally a nonissue. No one is going to cut off their arms so they can be a better construction worker.
Today there are idiots that will have magnets surgically implanted in their fingers so they can "feel magnetic fields" despite no practical application existing Your argument is invalid.

I thought this was one of the best game dungeons Ross made.
I think everyone can agree on the Eidos wanted to make some other IP that isnt tied to Deus Ex in any way.
The game looks more closer to Mass Effect universe than reality in 2027. The themes arent really tied to original game in any way.
Tinting is pretty subjective, I think most people would've preferred it toned down.
Ross doesnt like "unrealistic human behaviour" but for vidya the target audiences generally have low expecations to begin with, however Eidos doesnt have good writers and this was the best they could do.

As for augs being mandatory to do a job.
To gain strenght you literally need entire body supported from toes to your fingers, otherwise your back or something would snap. Why not just use an uninvasive lifting device you operate?
And almost everything else you dont need to stuff anything inside you. If you wanted more intelligence theres no difference if the pc is inside your head or outside, and if its ouside you dont need expensive surgery or the drugs, so why would anyone choose to put augs INSIDE your body?
Also appareantly no goverments regulate this in anyway which is comical.

I never noticed this before because I've only done a non-lethal playthrough, it is really strange.

The vast majority of people today won't even get tattoos since it's permanent. Let alone have an arm or leg chopped off

>Mankind Divided makes it very clear that there is more to consider than just 'Augs are taking our jobs'
Only within the context of the game's fictional universe. If the game has to make up contrived, outlandish scenarios involving the Illuminati mind-controlling augs en masse and commanding them to attack random people to justify the conflict between augs and non-augs, then it doesn't seem like it's very good at exploring the actual social/ethical/etc. issues surrounding transhumanism that might in the future cause conflict between augs and non-augs in reality.

Which would be fine if it didn't push this aug vs non-aug shit constantly like it was in any way relevant to hypothetical advancements in human enhancement technology IRL.

The fact that he's only just reviewing this now heavily implies that he got it for free on the 360 and therefore his poorfag opinions are utterly voided

I just turned it off when he spent the first 10 minutes sperging about how much he hated the art direction and fashion in the game.

Does this mean we hate Human Revolution now?

Lets not forget, HR is set in 11 years from today.
Which begs the question, why is it Deus EX ip when they put all that far future scifi stuff in it?

His Deus Ex and Invisible War reviews were great though.
>>Complains about the colour scheme, as if it's objectively terrible. Doesn't understand why it was used, and can't see why the colour scheme would be acceptable for this game, but not for others.
my main problem with the colour scheme is that because everything was piss coloured none of the locations were really all that memorable. i remember almost all of the original deus ex's levels yet can't for the life of me remember the characters or levels in human revolution.

I enjoyed his videos on the original and IW, but this was kinda shit. It's basically just
>The game focuses on Augmentation too much (Which in all fairness I do agree with).
>I hate the art direction so I'm going to rant about it for 70% of this video

Most of his points are valid but extremely nit-picky, down to splitting hairs about the clothes people wear.

Has he ever heard about style? 20 years ago we thought neon coloured clothes, heelies, mullets and frosted tips were the new definition of cool. What's bad about the game's very capable art designers coming up with semi-futuristic clothing?

And why does he complain about people's animations and body language, when his beloved Deus Ex hardly has 4 movement animations?

Though I'm biased, I think HR's atmosphere, aesthetic style, and soundtrack are incredible, I still agree with his points about the story and how the game would rather reach out to the player about their gameplay decisions rather than have consistent, believable storytelling.

He completely missed the renaissance theme throughout the game. It's one thing not to like it, but he never even mentions it in the video.

>And why does he complain about people's animations and body language
dude human revolution had dated graphics the moment it came out. some of the worst character models i have ever seen for a game.

>heavily stylized architecture, art and fashion
>everyone is wildly overanimated and personalities seem a bit unrealistic
>literally everyone talking about the same issue, no one actually has an opinion on anything other than the main theme of the game
Oh god he's right, Human Revolution is an anime game disguised as a WRPG.

Its probably something to do with 1 great modeler costing 200k a year and theres so many ways for them to make money in the US, and Canada definately bleeds talent to the billion dollar us companies.

Anyone who thinks these games are anywhere close to the original is an idiot

>Deus Ex
>tasteful themes
>very cerebral
>actually about real philosophy

>Human Revolution+
>Continental Identity Politics Bullshit: The Game

People protest stem cell research and some people have even bombed some biotech labs.

You know people can disagree on whether games are good or not. I adore Human Revolution and its story and interactions but at the very least he backs up his points so I can see where he's coming from.

Christians protest stupid shit.
They're going to die eventually.

HR is only 11 years into our future, these same people would be completely livid over the idea of people using extensive optional cybernetics.

Hell do some research into anti-trans-humanism groups. We don't even have comercially available cybernetics or extensive human gene manipulation yet but these people are already getting the pitchforks and torches ready.

I think the point was everyone has the same fucking clothes with a different colour.

Stem cell research also operates on the basis of taking potential life away for the benefit of others (not that I have a problem with this, seeing as "potential life" refers to something not even sentient). Augs operate on the basis of spending your own money to make irreparable changes to your body and then be tied to a drug the rest of your life. One has clear benefits for all involved at the expense of one who arguably is dehumanized or taken advantage of, whereas the other is completely optional and often detrimental to the person it's applied to. Augs are niche at best and like anything niche, tend to be a nonissue

Which is another issue with the game. That it basically won't touch religion or mention it, even though that would basically be the biggest opposition to augmentation

see: They don't want to offend so everything that could be a remotely interesting parallel has to be as totally detached from reality as possible

So Sup Forums's turning on Ross now because he disagrees with the majority of them?

If u watched ross vid on Invicible War all the religions are consolidated into one religion "the order".
Thats so retarded HR had no choice but to not touch it at all.

They won't even touch real life racism in MD even though it's blatantly clear they want to. Instead they settle for more poorly thought out aug analogies which don't even work because the nature of your "oppression" is the ability to move faster, think faster, and blow up everyone around you in a 10m radius

Oh man, how dumb can you be.

>>But Darrow was completely sensible and so was Barret, Sarif, Zhao, and Jensen
Barret? He has almost no lines and barely has a characterization. Just like Zhao.
Come the fuck on.

The fuck are you talking about, did you see some alternate version of IW video?
He complains about the game, the writing, everything.

So is Mankind Divided worth getting?

A group turning against a dissident opinion?

Are you some kind of moron?

I love infinite. I think it's a great game and with the DLC the story gives me good feels. Bioshock trilogy is fucking AAA.