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>having to replace all my HDTVs with HDR-capable hardware

I just bought these fucking things in the last year.

>pls buy TLOF a third time we have no more ideas to make games.

Tfw want to join Sony league so I click on article to get hyped.

>One of the nicest things about Sony’s PlayStation 4 Pro announcement event
>instantly close tab


They know they can't make their games look the way they want with the current hardware so Sony invested in HDR technology and the 4k upscale gimmicks.

PS4 games look fine, the PS4 Pro is a gimmick.


Are you like 60 years old

>They know they can't make their games look the way they want with the current hardware
Ofcourse they can, HDR is just emulating 10-bit color pallets, which already exist.
And upscaling to 4k is effectively just emulating 4k, which already exists.
All they really need to make "games look the way they want" is to use ACTUAL current hardware, instead of cheap dated shit.

Sounds like you have downs.

>removing the smudge from your glasses

That's what they said about the shift from SD to HD. How long before they say this about 4K and HDR? I might as well just wait for the next thing.

When are we getting REC. 2020 compliant vidya?

>removing the smudge from your glasses
>That's what they said about the shift from SD to HD
I think the real lesson here is that sony thinks all their customers are dirty, and have been dirty for the better part of the last decade.

The Trinity is the gonna be called "Vita Pro".

Screencap this post.

~4 years,
10-bit color depth is expensive as fuck, don't expect to see it standardized on tvs for a minimum of 3 years.

Colors are looking just fine on my neat high-res IPS monitor and I hardly play on TV anymore, since devs killed off splitscreen multiplayer to sell more copies, so you can keep your shit stale rooty tooty point and shooty movie game famalam.

>tfw you have a 4K but its not HDR compatible

Looks like it's time to throw it in the garbage and buy a brand new Sony© 4k HDR™ television!

Can someone explain in non-meme terms what this new HDR is? I'm guessing it's not the same "HDR" bad camera simulation that HL2 Lost Coast did 11 years ago. All the screenshots I've seen just make it look like a Reshade filter that bumps up saturation and contrast, which any PC game can already do.

>tfw you have a 4k HDR TV but don't give a fuck, since PS4 Pro doesn't do anything in 4k

That is too far away.
Sony's been teasing quantum dot displays since 2013 and I am getting impatient.

It's lost-coast HDR computed on the console, sent to the tv via the hdmi, to manipulate the backlight for dynamic contrast
So in general it's just the lost coast thing.
I think the point was to emulate 10-bit color pallets on a 8-bit display, which is the color equivalent of up-scaling 1920x1080 to 4k.

You realize HDR 10 is open source right?

In photography it's taking an over-exposed shot and and under-exposed shot and merging them with a normal shot, to get brighter brights and darker darks all in the same image than would otherwise be possible.
For video I think it's just being able to show more colors than is currently possible on standard HD displays.

Well, if you're going to be that impatient guess you have no choice but to buy a monitor with a 10-bit color pallet to drive the market towards 10-bit color pallet gaming Inc-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10440897&PID=5961731&SID=0

10 bits is inefficient as fuck, your final pixel always use a power of 2 for its size, so either 32 or 64 bits.You'd better just jump to 16bits directly.

I think you're confusing color depth and color palette/index
The jump from 8bit to 16bit would be 50 years of technology.
8 bit = 2^8 = 256 possible shades per color. (0-255)
10bit = 2^10 = 1024 possible shades per color. (0-1023)
16bit = 2^16 = 65536 possible shades per color. (0-65535)
The jump from 255,255,255 to 1023,1023,1023 is about $3000 difference, by the same logic if we had anything that could emit light so accurately as to have a difference between 65535,65535,65535 and 65535,65535,65534 it would probably cost billions of dollars right now.