I unboxed so many duplicates of this skin, it's so annoying.
I unboxed so many duplicates of this skin, it's so annoying
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If "SJWWatch" gives us skins with midriffs like that? I'm game
>No one cares
Have you done a search for overwatch in the archive my man? That's a pretty big 'no one'.
>multiple threads across multiple boards
>goes into the one he dislikes
Just for you, i'll make another overwatch thread.
Why? Because they have characters from different backgrounds and both genders? Like fucking Street Fighter? Diverse doesn't always mean SJW. It's not like Battleborn that has the line "feminism is awesome!" for no good reason.
This is bait.
Just trade them for the skin you want.
I fucked up user. My bad.
Why does she have spaghetti arms? She should be fit as fuck.
I assumed he called it SJWwatch because it's casual as fuck so lots of faggots play it.
You know, like tf2, except that's filled with horsefuckers.
That's ok
Thanks big dick gorilla man.
>"feminism is awesome!" for no good reason.
The line is said by one character when you kill a female multiple times. It's a joke. A shit joke, but a joke.
>gorillas have the smallest dicks out of all the great apes
Us """"""hardcore"""""" gamers, right?
>this will protect us
first it was s-m-h f-a-m and now this, stop being so easily word memed you fuck.
>still uses the word "gamer"
Casuals everyone.
can you get these skins anymore or nah
I wish there was a trading sistem in the game, so you can find use of these dupliskins.
I wanted Lucio summer skins but i got 2 duplicates of both Zarya summer skin and 4 regular legendary skins.
Wow, it was all true, this really is an sjw game.
>mfw I got that good Lucio skin
>mfw dumped 40 bucks
Are you the gorilla dick nigga that makes dyke pussy wet?
Only thing worthwhile in Overwatch is the ass.
I wish Tracer had an ass, everything else about her is great
It's better than nothing. I didn't get a single Summer Games skin when I opened around 20 boxes (from level ups) during that time.
Holy shit do you kids still not get the joke behind feminism is awesome?
If not, kys.
Next you'll tell me you think millenials are people born after 1999
I came into this thread thinking that was Jo Beth Casey. I was fucking lied to.
I just wanted either mercy's or zarya's and got like four tracers, croissant widow and two weeb genji
PC, open 10 boxes, end up getting 5 summer games skins
PS4, only get sprays fuckkkkk.. I still do only get sprays
Kiss me
>Only skins I really wanted were American McCree and Not Shit Hair Zarya
>Grinded for hours during the event and opened dozens of loot boxes
>Didn't get them, and now I never will
>Instead, I got OP's skin four times, Swedecuck Torb 3 times, Mercy who I will never play and Soccer Lucio
>Meanwhile, my friend got at least one variant of each legendary and McCree on the first fucking day
Somebody put a bullet in my fucking skull right god damn now.
Get through ten matches.
>Finally a new box.
>Open that shit up.
>Already see three greys and a blue.
>All duplicates.
>Go through it all again.
>See a purple.
>It's just gold.
This was even worse during the goddamn summer boxes. Who makes a limited time drop system but includes duplicates? Assholes.
Who lied to you fag. You thought it was x when it is y.
Maybe next time your will take advantage of the abilty to buy loot boxes! What do you have to lose go- I mean guy??
>do you kids still not get the joke behind feminism is awesome?
No I don't. Because it's unfunny and I don't really see it as a joke. It just seems like an out of place comment.
Same thing happened to me, I just wanted freedom and blonde Zarya, but I got every other skin instead. I think I opened like 70 boxes.
You've obviously never heard her speak.
It was awful at first, but I don't mind it anymore
>haven't got around to buying overwatch yet
>tfw missed all these skins
I know it shouldn't bother me, but for some reason it really does. Fuck my autism.
Is that supposed to be an insult? I do enjoy many other activities such as going outside and showering, so yes I am a casual!
You also play games that take zero skill, hence why you are a casual.
I play Restricted Rock Paper Scissors
Don't worry, you can try again next year.
No doubt with a hundred new trash sprays and player icons to dilute the good stuff
Why is Eichenwalde such garbage.
Yeah, it's going to a complete bitch next year. New skins mixed with the old, all kinds of other shit added to the pool. Fuck my life.
>Haha I got a summer skin guys
>you hear that?
>you guys didn't get any but I got fucking 50
I bet you spent hundreds on all of the skins you got anyways
I bought Ultraviolet Tracer
Have you even played a single game or do you just throw money at it and watch the pretty loot boxes open all day
Unlike you, I actually earn loot boxes. I do matches and earn experience and I actually earn my boxes. I get nothing but shit but faggots like you don't even earn them, you just throw daddy's money at it until you get what you want
get with the times grandpa, what, you don't like how video games are played nowadays?
video games are for young people, maybe you're just getting to old.
You mad
It's called not going on a website to brag about how much of mommy's money you spent on a video game
At least you can have that view.
Not really. Threads like this are just stupid grabs for attention. Parents need to keep their kids away from the Internet or they'll keep just making shit like this
>50 crates from event start to end
>Got all legendaries, emotes and rares
>Except the one I wanted, the D.va rare
nah, there was a retard on /vg/ that wasted 200 on lootboxes and didnt got the skin he wanted
Don't be so upset, you're looking too deeply into things
>It didn't work the first 150 times I tried, let me spend another $50
Not him but holy fuck you're mad
Tracer always struck me as a lesbian. Maybe it's the hair.
The only lesbians are mercy and pharah.
Why does it have to be Mercy....
>Level 115
>44/62 unlocks
Good goy
>Not talking about the butch dyke
>I play Restricted Rock Paper Scissors
Is this you?
I saw a level 542 yesterday, I was blown the fuck away
She is a cock hungry whore.
She has.
You weren't the only one.
>Level 390
I wish I was a NEET.
What is the good one? The all white one?
>Gaining that many levels
Ask your mom if dinners ready.
>Spend 45 on boxes
>Didn't get what skin I wanted
>Asked for refund from Blizz telling them exactly why
>Actually got a fucking refund.
Its a one time thing but I honestly was surprised. They are more chill than you think
Is this bait?
You're a faggot.
And a fucking idiot.
does she really have a thong in the game?
Why would it be?
In most of the western world, consumers are entitled to refunds if they don't receive what they expect.
And in this particular case, it doesn't even cost them anything to refund him, as no actual product was opened or broken, and they might have lost a customer if he'd been unhappy.
You tell me
Then again anything that isn't part of the hivemind is shilling or bait