Three years ago, the PS4 came out and 40 million people have bought it since then...

Three years ago, the PS4 came out and 40 million people have bought it since then. A lot of the die-hard fans bought it on a surmise that it would have exclusives, over 50 of them in 2014 even. 3 years later and only a couple of those exclusives have come out and they're still waiting for the others. One of them that was finally coming out next month(after 8 years of delays) was just delayed by 2 months.

This is okay though because Sony is releasing a $400 upgrade to the console, that's the reason it was delayed after all. The die-hard fans will eat up despite this bad practice.

And all this time they've been saying the PS4 is cheaper than a PC -- while paying for online. Even after 2 price hikes on the service.

Sony fans spend thousands of dollars on shitty PC ports and the bad service known as PS4. Hardware, software, online, it's all shit.

Anyone else find this fucking hilarious? How did Sony brainwash so many people?

Other urls found in this thread:

On the bright side first gen PS4's will most likely become dirt cheap second hand and people who don't care about grapics will be able to pick one up for next to nothing.

That isn't a bright side because PS4 games still run like shit and there aren't many games.

It's not worth it even if it is cheap.

If you want to play Bloodborne its probably better to get one for $150 rather than $400 at a gamble considering Bloodborne might not even get a patch.

Time to wait for PS5 when Sony realizes mid-gen upgrades limit game sales. Will be able to Enjoy all the "Pro" games at 60 fps instead of 30 through backwards compatibility. Thanks Sony.

>but bloodborne
Good post. Spending hundreds + paid online for a single game.

I'm not defending anything, if you don't want to play bloodborne theres virtually no reason to buy a ps4.

Just like the xbone and halo.

They used the same magic Nintendo did for the Wii, good advertisement, and same as the 360 which was multiplats and infrastructure and you sell the E3 conferences with your exclusives

As opposed to spending thousands and posting on Sup Forums.

Name another console exclusive that is worth a shit this gen?

You can't.

If Microsoft hadn't dropped the ball so hard in the Xbone reveal, then maybe Sony would be trying a little harder

when you're the top dog you get lazy

I find it hilarious how only a few years ago Sup Forums was adamant there would never be a PS4, and now Sony leads the industry, again.

>sonyfags will defend this

If Bloodborne is confirmed for a performance boost with Pro, I might think about finally buying a version of the console.

I'll let you know in november, user. At minimum it should run well in fire areas with the Pro.

That's why they'll fail now and Xbox is going to climb back on top.

I like the trophies

Surely there will be a crash soon?

it's a reverse of last gen

like pottery

As someone who was once a die hard Sony Pony, who bought a phat PS3 and sent it in for refurb 4 times in a row...

I have absolutely no idea why anyone who experienced the 7th gen would ever - EVER buy a console again. Sony fucked up with the PS3. I don't see how getting inspired by the competition to pay for online somehow resolves that in this gen.

I'm PC for the rest of my life. Tired of looking at upscaled resolutions, low framerates and jagged edges in every single fucking game. They're already pushing 4k when they can't even generate an image for native 1080p gaming. There's still zero backwards compatibilities. And people just keep buying this shit. It's surreal.

And how Xbox fans are still even a thing, this is just beyond me entirely. Didn't the community need to drag M$ away from their used games nazism kicking and screaming? They literally told everyone they intend to shit on their customers from high above and when they reluctantly change their minds, everyone loves them again. I can not understand it.

I could but there's a reason I haven't bought a console this gen and I'm making fun of the most popular one for being garbage.

Xbox is even worse.

You're literally a drooling retard conditioned for mediocrity.

Greatness awaits...

>he fell for the Sony meme

>A lot of the die-hard fans bought it on a surmise that it would have exclusives, over 50 of them in 2014 even.

While all the PC exclusives are either indie shit, or shit that no one plays like RTS's.

>And all this time they've been saying the PS4 is cheaper than a PC -- while paying for online. Even after 2 price hikes on the service.

Even after paying online, the PS4 is still cheaper. Hell, to get a GPU close to the PS4 Pro, you have to drop at least $600 on a GPU by itself while the whole PS4 Pro is only $400.

>Sony fans spend thousands of dollars on shitty PC ports and the bad service known as PS4.

While PCFAGS spend tens of thousands of dollars (if you're gonna bullshit your numbers, then so am I) on new parts that make barely noticeable differences.

PC gaming only works if you don't value your money and are willing to spend a lot of money for something that is only minutely better. Aka autists.

>Sonyggers still think they can use the indieshit meme when Sony was the one who fully supported, published, and advertised indieshit like No Man's Sky and the Tomorrow Children

At least Xbox isn't rushing out their mid-gen upgrade to rip people off ASAP.

>Multiplats aren't games

It's like you're beyond pretending to be retarded at this point.

>Sonyggers then
>"we have the best and only exclusives! No one can compete! Exclusives are all that matters! Multiplats are shit!"
>Sonyggers now
>"w-we might not have many exclusives, but we still have multiplats!"

How many years is a few?

At $599 it might have been true but qualitywise PS3 definitely won last gen, and I say that as 360 owner. This gen I went for the PS4 and it turns out they're all shit.

>While all the PC exclusives are either indie shit, or shit that no one plays like RTS's.
Backwards compatibility and emulation. And there are literally hundreds of good exclusives you shit eating nigger.

>Even after paying online, the PS4 is still cheaper. Hell, to get a GPU close to the PS4 Pro, you have to drop at least $600 on a GPU by itself while the whole PS4 Pro is only $400.
400 + 3 years of plus + 400 upgrade just so your games play -SLIGHTLY- better + full prices games(that are free or super cheap on PC). It's significantly more expensive. A PC that's stronger than a PS4 costs under $300 these days.

Spending $400 on top of $300 gives you a high-end GPU that shits on your PS4 Pro which is the equivalent to a GTX 960 by the way. Pro doesn't play modern games at 4k you mong.

>While PCFAGS spend tens of thousands of dollars (if you're gonna bullshit your numbers, then so am I) on new parts that make barely noticeable differences.
Why are you making up numbers?

seeI addressed them as
>shitty PC ports

Protip: Only underaged faglets give a fuck about graphics. Enjoy your F2P/MOBA/indie pixelshit on silky-smooth 4K 60fps while I play my glorious Japanese exclusives, PCpleb.

>EDF 4.1
>NieR Automata

what's the next one going to be, I wonder?

A 200 GPU will beat a PS4 Pro hands down, the specs for the pro are absolute garbage and are a barely noticeable upgrade. If you struggle to run 1080p 60fps on PS4 what makes you think the Pro is what's going to make it so much better for the same launch price. You're delusional and a die hard fan boy. I'm not even a fanboy of one console but jeezus just hop of Sony's dick.

>while I play my glorious Japanese exclusives
You mean the musous, nier 2, dragonball, naruto, edf, etc that's all on PC now?

Or the PS3/Vita scraps?

If your post was true then Sony wouldn't be scrambling to release an "upgraded" PS4 so quickly that does nothing but change the graphics of games a little. Guess it's PS4 that has the underaged faglets

>Protip: Only underaged faglets give a fuck about graphics.
Sony officially stated that PC's improved graphics and performance are the main threat to them.

I don't see a release date for FFXV or Persona 5 for PC.

>inb4 they'll come eventually

Cool, but I want to play them as soon as possible, not wait like a fucking retarded PCnegro.

If you're still excited for XV after the slew of bad news about it you're retarded.

>Persona 5
Who cares.

>mfw late adopter
Getting systems in their death throes is the best decision when it comes to games.
Cheap, often new revised hardware.
All the updates and services already present, and you can literally walk out of CEX with a bag full of vidya for literally dirt cheap.

I didn't expect any other reaction. Enjoy your PC-exclusive indie jumping sim #53454 and MOBA #756454, I guess.

I don't see you talking about exclusives.

Enjoy literally nothing but Bloodborne

>Sonygger still thinks he can use the indieshit argument when Sony was the major publisher, advertiser, and promoter of not one, but two indieshit games

There is a gigantic difference between caring about graphical FIDELITY (immature and stupid console users) versus caring about graphical CLARITY (intelligent PC gamers).

I don't care if I'm playing fucking Mario 64, I want it to run on a constant smooth framerate, with proper anti-aliasing and running on my native resolution. It feels better on the eyes, trust me. You should try it out sometimes.

>President kennedy had numerous affairs compared to Bill clinton yet the media never reported on it
>Bill Clinton had one affair and it became a huge scandal that led to his impeachment
Someone explain this to me.

Different time periods. Kennedy didn't live when the media was nothing about making huge scandals over everything.

So with that new ps4, are they going to make it where certain games won't be able to play on the old ps4s, effectively making it where you'd have to get a new one to play these games, or is that new upgraded PS4 for people who are crazy about graphics? Graphics are a plus but they're not really my main concern. I'm thinking about buying a ps4 and I'll be angry if it ends up being that there are games I can't play because you need to buy that stupid new PS4.

yeah even ancient games look good when you have them looking clear via mods and pc options like AA/AF.

>Backwards compatibility and emulation.
That's what my laptop is for. I don't need to drop $600 on a fucking emulator. I want to play NEW games, and pirating shit with a PC isn't helping the industry.

>400 + 3 years of plus + 400 upgrade just so your games play -SLIGHTLY- better + full prices games(that are free or super cheap on PC). It's significantly more expensive.

Why would anyone buy the PS4 twice at full price? Obviously you could sell your old one and buy the new one and pay maybe $200 out of your pocket. You're grasping at straws here. Plus $60/year is less expensive than paying $600 upfront. If you can't afford $60/year, you probably shouldn't be playing video games. Also it isn't required to play.

>A PC that's stronger than a PS4 costs under $300 these days.
That's a fucking lie, and we're talking about the PS4 Pro which would cost over $600 if you got the PC equivalent.

>Spending $400 on top of $300 gives you a high-end GPU

Yeah, GPU. That's it. That's not counting all the other shit you need to make a PC. And what's more expensive to pay up front? $400 or $700? $700 you fucking retard.

To get anything similar to PS4 Pro would cost a shitload of money and is a lot more expensive than the PS4 Pro, and is only minutely better. Anyone who doesn't realize this is an autist.

The new PS4 makes hardly any difference. It's a scam. The Horizon Zero Dawn devs even said there's hardly a difference

So you admit you're a PC gamer but are just shitposting.

Okay. Not reading the rest.

CPU is only 30% better, so its still shit, but the GPU is over twice as good. I'd like to see a source for that statement, I'd assume they haven't done anything towards the Pro at 1080p yet and we just saw the game at 4K*. Same assets and shit.

>bayonetta 2

>owning a laptop makes me a PC Gamer

Kek. Everyone has a laptop these days faggot, it doesn't make you a PC gamer.

But hey if you give up, I'm ok with that too.

A gpu doubling in power doesn't double performance or anything like that.

Here's your source bud

Also you can look up any gameplay tests for PS4 Pro. Still runs like shit. Just because the GPU is statistically double the power doesn't mean the games will run twice as good. But you're a Sonygger so you wouldn't understand that.

Well no shit its not changing gameplay, they even said in there its a visual enhancement.

Its still to be seen how big the visual enhancements will be, probably won't see it till like 5-6 months after launch because only Sony first party games and maybe shit like EA/Ubi games that just up the settings to like High/VH PC.

There are screenshots and gameplay videos already out you fucking drone

Game dev will just change, graphics won't.

Old games might get small boosts but it's mostly about resolution.

Multiplats will go from medium to low settings on PS4 and stay at medium settings compared to PC ports that will now look better. Again, mostly resolution is changed. No improved textures or AF or anything.

I messed up the third sentence here. I meant it will stay at medium settings on PS4 Pro.

What's the point of paying 400 dollars for a Pro when you can just wait for PS5 and play all the backwards compatible PS4 Pro games at 60 frames per second?

>he thinks PS5 will have stable 60 FPS

I feel like PS4 still won't be worth it in its end cicle, at least not as much as PS3 unless you didn't have a PS3 before.

Sony dropping the ball this hard has at least seemed to make a lot of the Sonyggers flee to Neogaf. The thread quality will improve because of this

>ever doing backwards compatibility again
Not when they can do remasters they wont.

Thank you, user.

>emulating ps2, GC, or wii games on a laptop

>NEW games

>he plays overwatch on a console because he's a poor nigger
wew lad

itt salty pccucks that wont be playing ps5 or xv

I'm assuming you meant persona 5 but if you are I have a cfw ps3 to get the inevitable undub

Best case scenario it'll have less dips below 30 fps. Don't expect anything more if even that.

If you think about it, that's very clever marketing. Sony basically gave up on delivering good exclusives, because they sold a shit ton consoles without them.
So, they have 40 mln loyal customers, and now they are selling the same, slightly upgraded console hoping idiots will buy it like they are buying a new Iphone every year.