Long time WoW players playing Legion, give me your completely honest opinion on the new expansion after 2 weeks of no-lifing it.
Wow legion
Julian Jackson
Anthony Wood
its shit
Nolan Perez
Compare it to WOTLK tier 1
Zachary Allen
first post, worst post
Brandon Fisher
Its scheisse
Levi Scott
Like it so far.
Adrian Allen
Liam Bell
I can't wait for them to make the two ranged Hunter specs to not play like shit and give melee Survival a reason to exist.
Lincoln Lee
Complete shit.
World quests work in D3 because you can tele through them. Theyre a slog in Legion.
Order hall missions are the worst of Garrisons and Shipyard combined.
Zones have zero replay value besides dailies, making it on par with launch MoP in terms of bad.
Artifact grind feels terrible.
Eorst expansion since Cata.
Evan Moore
>world quests a slog
>they take like 2 minutes to get to and like 3 minutes to do