Rate a video game trilogy like this chart does for movies. Ignore the movies in the pic, it's only to show what I'm talking about. Template to follow.
Here's the blank.
To anyone with Photoshop skills able to make a better template, please do so. I fucking suck at Paint and just downloaded this shit version.
empire is the best SW
>Indiana Jones
Staying in denial won't make it not exist user
Why is CS1.6 so low? It was perfectly fine for the year it was released
the way the graph is styled makes it so that it is only compared to the other games in the series, unbiased towards the year, similar games, genres, etc.
You made me realice I haven't played many trilogies
Niiiiiiiice. I probably could've put ME3 a bit higher. 2 will always be my favorite due to it being a nice contained sequence in the series story. 3 got shit on a lot, and the ending WAS lazy, I agree, but the gameplay was a straight upgrade over the other two games. 1's story is a classic sci-fi type. Love ME.
I seriously hope at least one person ITT played either the first or second game.
1.1 was the last good CS. After that they nerfed jumps, removed all the fun maps, made autosnipers OP instead of noob punishing joke guns, added the retarded shield and fucked up hitboxes, all because muh competitive balance.
>star trek trilogy
In what way is star trek a trilogy?
There have been five series. TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9 and ENT.
TOS had 5 movies.
TNG had 4 movies.
If it means the reboot then it can fuck off. Besides, the last one only came out recently and they plan to make more.
> Halo 4 better than Reach
> Hasn't played ODST
The correct answer is
Halo 2 > Halo ODST > Halo 3 > Halo CE > Halo Reach > Halo 5 > Halo 4
I hated the physics of Halo Reach, and fall-damage was particularly retarded.
It really was they tried as hard as possible to make the game like CoD. I'm glad they rolled some of that back for 4; that's why I put 4 higher than Reach.
>Thunderdome better than the original
Not with that second act and Looney Tunes finale
Like I said in the OP, just ignore the ACTUAL movies and instead focus on ranking games, friends. I only used that pic in the OP as an example.
You're an idiot
Dude, did anyone ever figure out why the DMC series went from DMC to DMC3? I thought the second game of a series with numerical naming schemes usually uses, you know, a 2… Fucking mysterious, man.
Superman had 4 movies.
template for those willing to rate a lot at once.
Reverse the 1 and 2 of Superman and you have the Zero Escape trilogy.
Thanks! Saved for future threads, deleted the old shitty one I used in the OP.
Bigger template for single trilogies.
Not saved.
It was a fun game for sure, the corridors were nice and creepy for a young me. I'm excited for the remake, hopefully it doesn't end up as shitty vaporware though. If really like a new decent that feels like the old one. I guess people don't like claustrophobic space 6x space shooters anymore.
>implying Star Wars is better than LOTR
Maybe I saved it
Haha I really really really like this image.
Can I save it?
In fact, I'd say mechanically it is still excellent. Certainly better than source and GO.
I disagree here. Dark Souls 2 gets a shit ton of hate, and I think it's because it came off of the success of the excellent first game. It was very different, and not as good a game as the first, but I really enjoy Dark Souls 2 and think it has some great areas and bosses. I also appreciate how it has the most weapon/armor/spell variety of any game in the series.
The graphs are absolutely independent of the other graphs you genius.
I don't know if saved.
How can you forgive this? All areas of the game are grey after that downgrade, they are all half assed, rushed, souless, boring, bland, like most of the things from dark souls 2.
>How can you forgive this?
Because I love the Souls experience, and however downgraded it is Dark Souls 2 provides that. I don't pay as much mind to the graphics as I do the gameplay, and for me the sequel delivered. Like I said, not as much as the first game, but I will always enjoy Dark Souls 2 for just being more Souls.
I won't ever make an excuse for the downgrade because it was pretty severe. SOTFS fixed it a LITTLE, but didn't bring it near where it was when we initially saw footage of it.
I can forgive a game for being ugly.
>I don't pay as much mind to the graphics as I do the gameplay
but the gameplay was awful, the worst of the series.
>SOTFS fixed it a LITTLE, but didn't bring it near where it was when we initially saw footage of it.
tbqh SOTFS on PC with a few Reshade filters and downsampling looks better than the original demo.
and the original demo with reshade filters and downsampling would look way better than soft with all of that.
DMC2 is a spin off game incorrectly named.
Only those three follow the same timeline.
This might come in handy later, gunna save it
Dragon age
Because most of you faggos refuse to help with ctrl+f operations
Guaranteed replies.
>Battlefront 2 not being at least on par with the original or greater
nigga the fuck you thinking?
>but the gameplay was awful, the worst of the series.
>cherrypicking the mimic, again.
The gameplay was way better than the first.
Bunny hopping ruined clan matches. I'll therefore have to say 1.3 were better.
seconding this. explain yourself
My nig. Was so excited for 4 after gettin CUHRAZY in 3, but was so disappointed. Graphics were nice, but just wasnt crazy enough
oh of course it was way better
I actually agree.
You forgot Four Swords Adventures
It's been so long since I played it that I didn't rank it.
That shit is fixed in later versions and sotfs and you know that.
It isn't so bad. Probably the same ranking as Minish Cap.
Close to mine.
>People nostalgia way too hard for this to ever be accurate in video games.
>These same people often don't go back and play these games again after their tastes have changed, they rely on moments within memories.
>It's not always possible to repeat positive experiences with later iterations because the people they shared the experience with or emotional/mental states have changed since then.
>that fedoracore list of movies
nerd culture was a mistake
That's the beauty of Zelda, IMO: none are bad. Even Skyward Sword, which around here is liked about as much as mosquitoes or an STD, has some excellent sections and strong dungeons.
In my opinion, Dark Souls II fell down most in enemy design.
95% of the enemies were "another guy", "a big guy", "a guy with lots of armour" etc.
No pisacas, no swamp insects, no giant lava caterpillars, no spider woman demons. It was just a big let down to have almost every enemy be a disproportionate humanoid, and even then, most areas' enemies are literally just regular humans.
Sure from a lore standpoint this might make sense for a human kingdom, but for PvE gameplay it's boring as hell.
That said the weapon/armour/moveset variety in DSII was fantastic and they finally had poise to a tee. I just wish that the A-team would swallow their pride and actually use some of the B-team's great developments but no let's just make DSIII into lore fan service with diet-Bloodborne combat.
I haven't even played Bloodborne but it's so obvious that they were falling back onto the hugely successful design from that rather than trying something new like DSII
Fuck your meter. It's PIE CHART TIME BITCHES.
Definitely agree with you there. Skyward Sword had some great level designs late game, and some relatively creative uses of the sword mechanics for puzzles. Wasn't the best, but it was still solid.
Those same exact things can be said for movies.
>Vehicles are less fun and useful
>Some of the best maps got cut, none of the new maps are as good
>AI are somehow worse than in the first game
>No starfighters on land maps except Hoth, instead they're all regulated to the boring-ass Space Assault mode
>Engineers didn't shit up every multiplayer match with detpack spam in the first game
>Heroes didn't shit up every multiplayer match with their existance in the first game
>Jet Trooper nerfed to uselessness
>EMP grenades removed
>Dark Trooper was much better with the shotgun than with the lightning gun
>Everything that made the four factions actually unique removed or dumbed down
>AI commands dumbed down to just "follow me" and "don't follow me"
>No prone
>Award sniper is fucking terrible and you can't turn it off
>Orbital strike > self-destruct
>Rebel Attack Speeder >>> Rebel AAC-1
>Why do some vehicles shoot fucking bullets
>Overall game feels buggier and less polished than the first
Mostly agree but swap MGS2 for MGS4
no it was never fixed and you know that if you had played it
So your experience and fun is at 100% when you combine those titles into one session?
>Confirming your manchild status.
MGS2 just isn't fun to play. for all its faults MGS4 has solid gameplay.
Good post, my man. I agree on the humanoid enemies being far too disproportionate versus the monsters.
>I haven't even played Bloodborne yet
This game is shitposted harder than most in recent memory, but Bloodborne is an absolute must-play and a 10/10 as far as I'm concerned. I started with Demon's so I have no intrinsic bias one way or the other. I love every game in the series, and think each stands on its own merits. I'd rank them like this:
Dark Souls = Bloodborne > Demon's > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3
The Old Hunters (Bloodborne's DLC) is insanely strong and one of the best pieces of DLC ever released. It's in the same vein as Bloodmoon or Hearts of Stone, IMO. If you've got cash to burn and care about the other few exclusives on the system, I'd say it's worth buying a PC just to play Bloodborne.
One thing I really liked about Skyward was that there weren't any one-offs; in some other Zeldas (especially TP) you would use an item once or twice and then never again. I think SS did a great job of making use of your arsenal as you played through. Really liked the items.
rating the ones i've beaten
>0 AGL
Binding Dodge to an stat is shit, ill give you that but if you would spend abit into ADP, shit like this never happens.
Definitely agree here. I think each entry could be bumped up a notch if you play with friends, even.
Agree for your ranking of 1-3. I'd put 4 equal with 3, and drop PW and V down several notches each, though.
I enjoyed VII the most, but agree with everything on your list except for XII being so low. I'd put it between your ranking for IX and X, personally.
>I'd say it's worth buying a PC just to play Bloodborne.
Jesus. The shitposting is so ingrained in this board that I subconsciously typo'd this. Obviously I meant PS4, not PC. God damn.
>Dark Souls 2 >
kek nice meme
>not getting the joke
I thought the scores felt a little low, that's exactly what I was missing.
PC games not shown for the same reason CDI Mario and Zelda aren't on Mario and Zelda lists.
have you guys played ds2 soft on 4k? it looks awesome
Dark Dawn wasn't a drop in quality at all. You just grew up and realized that Golden Sun was complete shit.