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These designs are boring as fuck

>this OST


Does this have the boss theme?

why is persona so fucking stylish

2chan's video game board already have the game and are planning to post spoilers

Catherine, No More Heroes, Undertale are way more stylish

Still waiting to see Goro's persona

Like fuck Atlus come on already

its 60fps right?


PS4 version is.

>we will soon be drowning in hentai of best girls


fuck off ebin console wars memer


I need lolidom and I need it now.

Do the protags always have to look like faggots? I know they pander to japanese girls but I wish we can play as a cool-looking dude for once.

it rips off japanese pop punk which is FAR more stylish

It has two new ones but not the one we've heard before.


Honestly the plot and thief thing seems pretty fucking stupid. And the characters look pretty boring compared to the previous games.

>but I wish we can play as a cool-looking dude for once
But you are, unless you think cool means looking like some buff Chad looking jock.

Persona 4 sucks and so do you.

Who do you consider cool?

Why is there still negative Margaret porn but a shit ton of Elizabeth porn

>Why is there almost no porn of a shit tier girl compared to best girl

I thought the protag had a naughty smile during the all out attack?

>a shit ton of Elizabeth porn

Will the Velvet Twins surpass Theo, Liz and Margaret when it comes to porn?

Joker looks pretty alpha to me desu

I hope there'll be a costume option where I can take off those stupid fucking glasses for regular play.

I don't know why but he looks like a completely different character without the uniform and glasses. In his casual clothes he looks just like me.

>liking an autistic moeblob instead of a 50s Hollywood esque ice queen

Id rather fuck Marie

because Elizabeth is the best girl the entire franchise ever had

Three days till EOPs get fucked.

Why didn't you stop being one when you had the chance?

>tfw you didn't learn Japanese

Margaret is really boring. Elizabeth's only flaw is that she has short hair

Because Persona isnt that good of a series

What is even likable about Margaret?

it's better than P4 atleast

Her fun parts come out every now and then. In PQ, she forced everyone to do JoJo poses when they entered the boss room.

I like short hair, guess we're just different people.

Tits, I guess.

I swear to god I better be able to social link them.

Social link Igor-sama when?

>tfw you passed N1

His eyes look like they're pointing in opposite directions

good job


Igor is the Fool Arcana co-op but I'm pretty sure the lolis will have plenty of scenes with him. His nose is just the best way to summarize the Velvet Room on the co-op screen

I was willing to see your side until you fucked up like that

What are the differences between the PS3 and PS4 versions anyway

Her voice, it's smooth and good.

Also have a soft spot for her since she was the first character I saw in the series and that introduced me to Persona/SMT.

I just the P5MC is more like P3MC and doesn't have the world revolve sucking his dick like the P4MC.

Purely graphical, here's comparison:


It would be fun to fansub this game.

Those plaid pants trigger the fuck out of me. What the fuck??

They look good faggot

New Personas leaked!

I fucking HATE the faggoty feminine nu male designs of Japanese games. Japanese guys are so beta

You don't even have a clue, Yu (P4) was a fucking swaglord.


Looks like Fuuka

I'm not going to debate about that sort of shit but I will say this much.
They look good TO YOU.

I thought the main from Persona 4 was alright. He didn't come off as awkward as the Persona 3 protag did.


They are slim and tailored like girl pants, shit that you never see on real school uniforms


I want to FUCK Ann.

What happened to the goofy cartoony faces in the all-out attack?

>They dialed back Joker's expression a bit
I'm not sure how I feel.


You have a blonde bro for that. P3 had Akihiko. P4 had Kaiji, i guess ?

Do you guys think he was really supposed to be Minazuki, but they dropped it ?


Why the fuck did they make MC's face more boring in the all out attack? He only has personality when he's a thief but nope gotta take that away from him too.

Maybe he still is. They just save it for the end.

Nah, not after leaks.

What leaks?

>P4 had Kaiji

>tfw my copy isn't coming in until Thursday-Friday at the very least

Thoughts on this.
>MC and the crew's face in all out attacks differs depending on the game's difficulty
>easy mode boys all look like sissy fucbois, girls look like moeblobs
>hard mode boys are turned edgy/absolute madmen while girls look like cuhrazy sexy sluts

I've been learning moon for THREE... FUCKING... MONTHS

and I still don't know enough to play p5


You can engage in untold levels of shitposting and stupidity right now over it like you always do though

If we don't get pron of Anne being fucked through her crotch zipper then Japan needs another nuke.

>cuhrazy sexy sluts

Too bad we never get to see Futaba in the all out attack screen because she's support only. I want to see her on my penis.

P5 is insanely popular right now, especially with FFXV delayed, I would be very surprised if this doesn't completely fill up Winter Comiket and gelbooru.

You know what needs to be completely filled up? Morgana's pussy.

>can't wait for doujins and fanart
>don't want to be spoiled by this shit

>new gameplay mechanic where demons take party members hostage and negotiate with you for their release
Maybe instead of faceless old men she'll get some Oni dick

Import the game then and hope to god there's the very slim chance of subs for people importing or just pretend to know moonrunes and just be the absolute madman.

>Zipper over exposed genitals
No please, please no.

Futaba is 4 feet tall and weigh 145 lbs.