Is the Russian bias in these games real?
Is the Russian bias in these games real?
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>implying the KV-1S isnt the best in its tier in WoT
If it is, then it must be resolved for the higher tiers, because I was one shooting russian tanks along side American and German tanks in tier 1.
If you make people play the axis, that's jail time.
In WT it is, WoT not so much.
so glad I beat my WoT addiction
these games are retarded
Also pretty biased in their planes and boats games.
>Install game, play some tutorial matches just to get a feel for the controls
>Queue 20 minutes for simulator mode
>No games found
>Queue for realism
>No games found
>Queue for arcade
>Game found right away. Turns out to be actually shit
I just want to satisfy my autism casually together with other people. Is that so much to ask for?
Any examples?
Play styles and realism.
Russian sloped armor is what made me chose the Russian line in WoT.
In warthunder i perform better in bf109s than Yaks
Not really, it's just sloped armor. Hit it head on and there's no problem.
>can't pen IS-2 turret
Hit it dead on in the mantlet
Hit viewports
If you even try hitting it a greater than 30 degrees it'll bounce.
For tanks or planes?
Games like this don't take armor quality into account, only thickness. Real world accounts from Korea had M4 Sherman 76mm Guns slicing through T-34-85s. In Warthunder T-34 armor bounces a ton of stuff well into mid-tier games
>all lines are good
>get better soft stat bias than anyone else, better terrain resistance, dispersion values, etc.
>high tier heavies have retarded spaced side armor for no reason
>tier 10 mediums are the best in the game
>the devs admitted they originally balanced the game around the is-7 bring the main vehicle everyone wants eventually, and thus should be OP, through they have rebalanced it over time
Actually, yes.
That's why ARMA3 is slowly dying.
You won't find jack shit for matches with starter tanks/planes unless its arcade. You need to be using late-tier 1 shit for the other modes.
>game made by russians
And played largely by Russians. The large majority of the global player base is slav and their satisfaction takes priority over balance.
>ameriniggers complain about russkies having bias when developing games
ITT: Projecting 101.
try project reality (it's free) or buy squad
I don't know about current examples in WoW. But lets check the last WG game I've played, WoWs.
>omaha class CL, a pretty neat american interwar CL
>"murmansk" premium russian ship, an omaha class CL loaned to the USSR and operated by incompetent and drunk russian sailors and it's maintenance done by incompetent and drunk russian mechanics
>murmansk have more range, better torpedoes and better AA than omaha
Is of balance/history tovarisch ))))))))))))))))
I have squad and have been enjoying it very much on the mumblrines server with the enforced voice chat on squadleaders. But that's not a tank/plane sim.
what game?
DCS. The best plane is free, go play it now.
Nigger, I murder T-34s with my fucking Pz 3 L.
The only thing that is off balance with the T-34s is the nuclear explosive filler.
Git gud.
>Pulling max G on probably above 500 km/h
Not even space technology can save that jet
Is American bias against Russians in all forms of media real?
>Being surprised that nobody wants to play simulator or realism mode in their shitty starter tanks
Of course not. Soviets legitimately had the best WWII and cold war tanks. This is an undisputed FACT.
you can't find those mods with tier 1 tanks. it takes 10-20 minutes to farm to tier 2
the war thunder ceo mains american tanks
If you squint you can see it was actually just ~400 knots
Is it true that in WT the Tiger II is the only tank with poor armor quality modified?
No, it's an excuse losers make to explain why they lost.
There might be some bias in WT's decision to cancel large warships in favor of PT boats and river boats. Russians had no navy, you could see where a designer might just write it off.
In terms of vehicles, nah. Vehicles are all based on historical data, and if you've got data showing they're wrong, they'll change it. They've done it before.
On the otherhand, WoT is all just fictional anyway, so claims of bias don't really apply.
Yes apsolutly.
I have over 1k hours in war thunder. Flying sim mode and sim tanks only.
I can tell you russian bias is 100% there.
>Soviets legitimately had the best WWII tanks
Cheap, easy to operate and maintain, low consumption of fuel and sturdy. Great for a real life war.
But fucking Nazis made the tanks with better stats for video games. That's a fact.
No, Russian tanks were the greatest during WW2 and they still are
Yeah, what the others said.
Unlock Tier 1 and above, you'll find plenty.
Starter shits = same kind of WOW twink players tier of retardation to win a bit more often.
Who won the war? Right Soviets did.
In WoT russian tanks are generally easier to play but you can outperform them with other tanks rather easily.
there are few blatantly OP:
tier 8 heavy IS-3 best heavy on this tier, can often let noobs perform better than average+ players
tier 10 mediums are jack of all trades and extremely universal, speed, dpm, armor (on turret) only flaws are low damage per shot and low gun depression, they are the best imo since they are far less situational than other nation top tier meds, but still require ~average person to use them well, otherwise they die fast.
russian artillery is extremely situational, same for tank destroyers.
tier 10 heavy tank IS-7 can let noobs perform (good armor random bounces) but its not as OP as IS-3, generally its underwhelming.
in current WoT i think each nation has its fair share of good tanks. for top tier tanks it would be
++ very good
+ over average
~ avg
heavy both ++
medium -
SPG tier 9, ++ tier 10 ~
TD T110E3, ++ T110E4 +
BatChat and AMX50B ++
AMX30 ~
TD --
Heavy IS-4 -, IS-7 ~
Mediums ++
TD 268 ~, 263 +
SPG 261 +
Heavy E100 +, Maus -
TD both ~
Medium +
China all --
Czechoslovak +
Great Britain
Heavy ~
Medium ++
SPG ++
TD -
ATM i think game is more or less balanced and also is going the right direction kinda. It used to be WAY less balanced and playable. it might be slightly different now i had a longer break, no time to play.
>t. playing for 6+ years (very beginning of testing), played comp. and clanwar EU, ran a top 100 clan
World of tanks does feature it on some of the tanks and guns eg Russian 57mm does 13% more damage than other nations 57mm for no reason what soever. But if you are considering playing war thunder for anything other than planes dont even bother. It may look nice but they are still trying to make ground vehicles work on an engine designed for planes and have literally p2w premiums.
Yeah, that's in my post, Ivan. You retarded inbreed.
russians had quantity, germans had quality
>Nazis made the tanks with better stats for video games
for arcade games like wot maybe but not for hardcore simulators like wt
>implying it wasn't nerfed to shit at least 2 years ago
>you can't be biased in a fictional game
German tanks had worse stats in every aspect but the gun. Their armor was trash tier. Only thing with decent armor were the big cats like Tigers, and those weren't better than Soviet vehicles of the same weight class. At least not in terms of armor.
>US gets the B-29 in WT
>Russians cry because its able to destroy 2 bases with a single bomb load
>B-29 is easy as fuck to kill but slavs don't like it because its not Russian
>devs give them the TU-4, a literal carbon-copy of the B-29
>it's .50cals are replaced with 23mm cannons that can 1-shot your plane from 2km away
>of balance ))))))))
When I first played WT the first thing I noticed was how fast and maneuverable the Russian planes were compared to the German ones
> German tanks outperformed Russian tanks 10:1
> German tanks had nice leathers seats and suspension and optics
> tfw Russian drove fucking armored tractors with barrel on top and Commissar yelling how their all families are on the way to gulags if he doesn't hit the next shoot
The only good German tank is Tiger everything else is shit tier garbage with paper thin armor.
>who won the Eastern Front with 2 other nations equipment and supplies?
Not really, when the Panther came out they lost more tanks due bad equipment then by enemy fire. 1vs1 German Tanks were better armored and gunned, but highly outnumbered.
Never played these games, are they centered around realism or balance? In real life all slavshit tanks wouldn't be anything but low tier.
>Great Britain
>TD -
What is wrong with you mate? are you forgetting the FV183, tortoise, AT2 and AT7? The AT TD line is great, the "new" one is pretty crummy though.
If you had read the thread you'd see they are about a fake realism in which russians are always superior.
Which tanks are the best at melee combat?
The History Channel was the worse thing to ever happen to Allied Armor, while severely sucking the dicks of Soviet and German armor.
The 88 was a good tank killer, but even from the front at good ranges, the Sherman's armor tended to stop or even ricochet enemy projectiles. The T-34 was a cramped, loud, horribly built machine. The Panther was lacking in decent armor and would shatter and crack after a few hits.
>hardcore simulators like wt
Well, seems their "harcore simulation" of Tiger IIs Vs cold war Russian tanks was too much for me ))))))))))))))))
What is PZ3 what is PZ4 ?
What is Jag series ?
What is Panther, Konigs ?
also have in mind my point of view is of top few % player so playing "worse" tanks still lets me rek faggots playing better ones in most cases (random battles).
i play mostly fun tanks, im not touching OP shit like rusmeds for instance.
i also played armored warfare and war thunder for a time, dont bother with that garbage both are inferior to WoT, especially AW. War Thunder has much better planes than World of Warplanes though.
i kind of rated that mostly on my experience in organized play. FV 183 and Tortoise are quite vulnerable alone, but yeah, i see a mistake. FV183 > JgPz E-100 in most cases especially solo play. bump brit TDs to ~ and nerf german to -.
It always amazes me to see a tank that got fucked so hard.
Posting tank gore time?
For what purpose
this is now a tank gore thead
Fucking hell, last time I played WoT France was still new.
Gotta go fast tovarisch )))))))))))))))))))))
Japan is in as well, Sweden is next
that was a monkey model too
yup, mostly by uptiering other nations tanks and by giving russian tanks superior hidden stats.
vodka balalaika
> Getting memed this hard
Y-yeah it was monkey model !! No way a fucking BMG could take out our invincible tank!
Even in a monkey model the blowout panels saved the crew you stupid fuckhead. If it was slavshit they wouldn't be roasted kebabs.
>russian tanks
American made Sherman made for Russian use that was stolen by the Germans and knocked out by Russians
I thought all Sweden had in WW2 was industries that made guns for other countries?
>small to mid HE rounds doing nothing on tanks where there should be spalling or injuring crews on certain spots.
>The whole Bounce mechanic
>HEAT actually bouncing at 45 degrees
>No overmatch mechanic
Lost int he sauce bruh.
Yes and ? Czechoslovakia was taken out before the start of the war, but using paper or prototype tanks to fill tank trees never stopped WG before
It's always nice to see Germans using captured gear. Games should really have that.
Here is a German captured Matilda being "re"captured by the British.
Bren guns are fucking great. Most underrated gun of the war.
Dude, they made a fucking navy for Russia. Swiss tanks wouldn't be a problem.
WT has plenty of lend lease or captured tanks and planes as premiums
Sherman-senpai carrying Ha-go-chan
>american education
>WW2 Russia
What? How?
>your head
Nice reading comprehension.
bote is of paper drawing tovarish )))
What is that flying? Looks like it's spinning.