>your favorite game series is now retroactively shit because there exists more bad games than good
What's her name Sup Forums?
>your favorite game series is now retroactively shit because there exists more bad games than good
What's her name Sup Forums?
Guilty Gear
Silent Hill, especially if you count all the mobile spinoffs and shit.
Yoshi platformers
>literally one (1) good game
Woolly world was alright I guess
paper mario
yoshi's island
Dinasty warriors
The Elder Scrolls.
Star Fox
Devil May Cry
Fire Emblem is getting really close.
Still replaying the old ones though.
Dark Souls should have been it's own one-shot contained story like Demon's or Bloodborne.
Silent hill
Mass effect
Dragon age
>devil may cry 1
>devil may cry 3
>devil may cry 4
>devil may cry 2
pretty sure that is more good than bad
Sonic the Hedgehog.
Fuck you. I liked both 1 and 2.
Havent played 3.
Dark Souls
Star Fox
Paper Mario
Thief is on the tipping point.
Mass effect
Dragon age
Dark Souls
Assassin's Creed
Most games that live long enough to become a series really.
Metal gear solid
Paper mario
Deus Ex. Human Revolution I could deal with, but Mankind Divided proved to me that each yearly release is only going to be worse and worse.
>devil may cry 1
>devil may cry 3
>devil may cry 2
>devil may cry 4
Sup Forums-tier taste
Arguably Final Fantasy
I don't have a single one that I hate. I love all of them
Also, arguably Persona
I love 3 and 4 regardless. 5 is gonna be great
Mass effect.
Dead Rising
1,2 and NV
Tactics, brotherhood, 3 and 4
That's a total of 4 bad games vs 3 good ones.
1, 2, 3, 3: ODST, Reach, 5
Sonic the Hedgehog
It's gotten so bad that now people think the good games are shit.
>Lufia 2 was the only bright spot in a series of mediocrity
>They remake the game into something worse
im glad you are dead, Neverland.
>dragon age
Resi evir
cnc, it really, really hurts dr, pls help
Come on now
Armored Core, early games were amazing, but they overdid it so much that the mecha genre will be dead for a few decades
DMC4's Dante is DMC3's gameplay polished to a mirror sheen. If you think DmC is the better game you're a fucking retard.
Final Fantasy
Even if you dislike Reach and 5, that's still more good than bad