What went right and wrong? Anyone knows?
Recore initial reviews are mixed
>What went right
its being sold at a "budget" price at $40. they didnt pass it as a $60 game.
everything else. I cant believe people were hyped for this game.
i literally said it looked like a 6/10 game
and im fine with that
looks neat, will buy when its cheap
Fuck i was looking forward to some genre defining experience.
then you're a fucking idiot, or you're very new to video games. It's very easy to tell when a game will be mediocre just from a few trailers, at least in my experience
It looks ok desu, I think Jimqusition has the most well-rounded review.
Some try too hard to be nice and say its charming and cute, and others sound like they are upset its a legnthy game or doesnt hold their hand.
I don't think any of his reviews are well-rounded. I think his pessimism outweighs anything else.
Sometimes when something is good you don't notice it until its missing (like modern blizzard games) and jim suffers from this.
Well i was never going to buy it to be honest because i don't have an xbox one but at the same time the E3 demos i had seen looked really interesting from a mechanics perspective.
The CGI trailer etc. looked meh at best.
the reveal trailer did make it seem like it would have been a neat adventure/exploration type game.
...then they released the gameplay trailers.
The only good thing they did was charge it only $40 bucks.
I assumed it would be a 2.5D platformer so making it 3D is an improvement to me
>I cant believe people were hyped for this game
Windows 7 release when?
The only thing well rounded is Jimmy's own body shape.
Can The Xbox One Become Anymore Useless Than It Already Is? If Gears 4 Doesn't Do Well It's Officially The Worst Console Of All Time.
>What went wrong
Case Closed famalamadingdong
Uoyeah you might be right.
You might not though.
Games these days are failing to capture the experiences that we all felt with the other generations
even my 10 year old brother thinks this and plays older games
Graphically it looks pretty good from the gameplay I'm watching. Makes me want a Trigun game.
link to the gameplay video ?