wup wup screenshot thread! Everything goes edition!
Is ember any good ?
Un Forastero!
I enjoy it so far, its charming and relaxing but the game is pretty lightweight when it comes to character customization (only four combat attributes, skills are linked to weapons) and roleplaying (no social skills, few worthwhile dialogue options). I enjoy it but it is what it is and if you go into it expecting a traditional crpg with complex character customization and the option to really roleplay your character you are probably going to be disappointed.
Sonyggers not allowed, fag
>pcucks STILL triggered by Uncharted
>PC (((((((((((GAMING))))))))))))
its just that H&G is unstable as fuck and sometimes glitches out with the textures
What's the matte, you've never taken a short cut before?
What game is that?
>german party wagon
Wat games
tanks are useless if you get close enough 2bh
wot game?
Satellite Reign
specnaz 2
Aarklash: Legacy
Thanks my dood
Steam Slug
9/10 aesthetics. One point off for carrying TMP ammo despite not having the TMP + having it fuck up the consistency of the 9mm row
autumn is near
well, I just bought the TPM so that wasn't for nothing
Sure is.
Thanks for an actual assessment of the game. Hard to find here too often
thanks for 10 bucks i can live with the shortcoming.
some obscure russian game
it's They're Alive or something
Halo 3 PC when?
it looks like the developers really like condemned and tried to copy it and failed
Yup its They are Alive. Missed your post somehow. Got it at gamergate a weak ago for like a dollar. Alright way to waste an hour if you enjoy the genre.
Ansel is great, taking pictures at 8k is nice.
new homefront looks pretty good, that intro was really great, but then its boring as fuck
do that one more time, i dare you
Elder Scrolls game have the best night skies.
I need to play NT more