SEGA/Sonic making fun of Nintendo for all the bullshit they do in regards to fan games

>SEGA/Sonic making fun of Nintendo for all the bullshit they do in regards to fan games


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That second comment is gay as shit

the wrong kid died god dammit

>idiots think that's an official account

Just make sure it isn't Streets of Rage

maybe you should look up why streets of rage got DMCA before you say something stupid

>that second comment

Don't know what I expected


Why are sonic fans so goddamn autistic?

They put FNAF kids to shame.

yet Sega still can't create good Sonic games and made some of the most retarded decisions with console releases

>the wrong kid died god dammit
Everybody knows, user. It's no coincidence that soon after old Sega died, everything went to shit.

old Sega >>>>> everybody else in this horrible industry

sega did nothing wrong

Isn't the pot calling the kettle black? Didn't the SOR fangame get tanked?

>Sega doing what Nintendon't... AGAIN..

It is...

I... I don't know what to say. Thank you. My heart is racing faster now user.

>My heart is racing faster than the pitter-patter of Sonic's feet.

These are the people that SEGA embraces. They know their true audience.


besides fucking over retailers with Saturn-Dreamcast, useless upgrades and creating the most autistic fanbase in gaming.

They don't do shit with their youtube account so I guess they didn't bother verifying it

This. I've owned all Sega systems (and some of the add-ons) when they were current. The only thing that Sega did a bit wrong was keeping certain games in Japan. Other than that I blame all the numale faggots who didn't support Sega for the current state of videogames.

>My heart is racing faster than the pitter-patter of Sonic's feet

M-my heart is beating so fast! Faster than the pitter patter of sonics widdle blue feets!

I had a job at Sega's london offices for a while.

Literally no one there gives a fuck about anything. It's like their all australian.

>fucking over retailers with Saturn-Dreamcast
they didnt fuck over anyone
>useless upgrades
>creating the most autistic fanbase in gaming
there are autists in any fanbase of video games

>tfw you instinctively know that that wouldn't work because the 32X didn't support SMS passthrough
so much time wasted

>SEGA taking pot shots
>when they're a hollow shell of a company that can hardly stand on its own two feet and had a shitshow of a 25th anniversary event

If Nintendo didn't bail them out so much they wouldn't even still be here.

>two highly-anticipated games were revealed
Fr*cking epic...


>yu suzuki literally asked sega if he can have the rights to shenmue and they just gave it to him


>SEGA fans in this thread
>b-but if SEGA was still around things would be better!
>SEGA dindu nuffin wrong. They can do no evil
>the MegaSaturnCDX was a worthwhile investment, I swear!

There's a reason your company lost.

What video is this on?

>This #NationalVideoGamesDay, remember Millennials are somehow the root of all evil, because some expert said so.

Who is he referring to? What did he mean by this?

>a cringy live event negates the fact that sonic mania looks incredible

its called a joke dumbass

Game Grumps playing Green Hill Paradise Act 2

What video, faggot?

>the most anticipated release is a glorified Sonic 1 romhack

That's nice Sega but what ever happened to that localized version of PSO2 that was announced 4 years ago?

>le romhack meme

I've got that 8 your .gif was missing

bet the attrition rate is high, yea? no wonder, bet you most workers stay for under 4 years so what exact investment would they have anyway

leave australia out of this

Watch it again


where was this posted

It is, not my fault sonic autists like you are so starved.

I'll repeat, Sega wouldn't even exist still if Nintendo didn't save them, despite Sega shit-talking them back in the 90s.

>two highly-anticipated games were revealed

I know Sonic Mania and Sonic 2017. But Which two highly anticipated games were revealed?

Until Sega legitimizes Streets of Rage Remake and other non-Sonic projects I don't give a cunt's single hair of a fuck.

Are you sure? In fairly certain it does.

Oh, I thought it was on the release trailer video for the game. That makes sense now.


PS: That game you like. It's shit.
Have fun gi.

>It is

There's at least one person here that does not know how that saying works.

>making fun of the company that's responsible for your continued existence

Smart, hope they get dropped.

i didn't literally waste my childhood talking about worthless crap like this to be unsure, user. it wouldn't work

How about they allow that Street of Rage Fangame first?

What video is it?

daily reminder sega did nothing wrong

Delusional af

How about PSO2 sega I know your twitter guy lurks here


Sega would have died after the Dreamcast's failure if not for Nintendo.

a atreets of rage game that is good in 2016

sega could not do this, in 2016

vanillaware proved beat em ups could be hot shit in current era, slick, and fun

sega still cannot

fuck sega theyve not tasted success since the 90s

>Sup Forums isn't filled with Nintentoddlers

>Chris Kohler
Who cares about that fat fuck?

prove it.

Didn't Sega flagged Shining Force videos 3 years ago?

I just love the fact that some dude is actually getting paid to shittalk other companies as Sonic the Hedgehog.

yakuza says hello

>sega taking down ecelebs by flagging their shitty videos

like i said, they did nothing wrong

>it was the gamer's fault
>Sega didn't make bumfuck retarded business decisions and ultimately destroy themselves because none of the executives knew how to run a company and were too stubborn to let smarter people handle things!

Just because you had fun didn't mean they did everything right.

i will give you that, and perhaps it is all they have, so full credit to the yakuza team, i guess they make sega

pity the yakuza team doesnt run the company

Weren't there were normal uncommentated walkthrough aswell?

Sega makes deals with Nintendo almost every gen.

>two businesses make deals with each other


He meant "you are all right, you are good people, like me for telling you this"

It doesn't matter if hes right or wrong, because its advertising, baby.

Yeah, those idiots who you can see they are actually happy, poor fools haha.

sony & microsoft make deals with each other to, whats your point?


>creating the most autistic fanbase in gaming.

user please, they did not make nintendrones.

He... He doesn't know. My heart is racing so fast right now.

How fast?

Sanic fast.

Are you actually going to sit here and claim that there is a fanbase more autistic than the Sonic fanbase?

Is that what you're going to do?

As the pitter-patter of some kind of fast animal.

t. nintendrone

Smashfags are pretty awful. They're basically just a melange of various other horrible fanbases, including Sonic fans.
The paJAmas, you pick 'em up.
The paJAmas, you pick 'em up up up and put 'em on.

Theyre both fucked, but look up "(literally any name, try yours for fun) the hedgehog" and rethink your fucking life.