Why did you leave us, Mayor?

Why did you leave us, Mayor?

Other urls found in this thread:


Isabelle is cute.


Ankha Minus8 cat house ankha minus8 ankha ANKHA ANhka Ahnka minus8 Anhnka is cat cat Ankha

Because Ankha left first.

Because I couldn't do more for and with Sable

cause none of you cunts puts out

You wouldn't marry me

Why did you drug and rape me, Isabelle?

Cause I realized the game is just daily chores simulator.

i work from 8 am to 7 pm now give me a break

Isabelle is on her feet working 24/7 so shut up.

I want to cuddle your brother.

I got bored

I'm sorry Isabelle please don't drown in weeds

I want to get knotted by her brother.

Go give her ear scratches and pets



Too much of a chore, was getting bored of it and other games were coming out at the time.

My only regret is leaving that jp woman in the dark without saying goodbye even though she had sent me cards and photos of her dog before swapnote became local only.

I sold my 3ds.

I regret it. I miss my town.



minuseight is a fucking miracle, though
>the assjob isn't part of the loop

Your game is BORING


FUCK! I forgot about the town!

Your game was a chore to play.
Peace, bitch.

Will amiibo support get you to come back, Sup Forums?

I couldn't ever interact with you besides behind a desk. And the game is boring.

reminder that bill trinen married you're waifu

Becuase you love somebody else, you know who.

that's gay though

It's not gay if it's Digby.

>We're never going to get a new mainline Animal Crossing game

>want to play with randoms on Sup Forums
>used my real name, birthdate and location

It would be a little gay.

Just let him wear his sister's clothes while he's giving you the knot and it becomes 100% straight. Letting him slap on a skirt has the same effect.

because you NTR'd me for trinen

Because I gotta catch 'em all, and slide between worlds. I gotta smash my foes, and see the dreams of two plumbers unfurl.

There's more to life than catching fish from the seas. I'm tired of weeds and getting stung by bees, so it's time to leave the mayor's chair.

The truth really is... I can't always be there.


Maybe it would be fine then.

This song made me cry.

Because you always shat on the carpet.

Perfectly fine.
As long as he's dressed femininely enough letting him stick it in your butt is perfectly straight.



Seems like sound logic to me.


So we're in agreement then.
Letting Digby fuck you is straight under any and all circumstances.


I'd fuck it, shoot, I'd fuck a lot of things.

It still feels gay, but I can't really argue with that.

It's a good song.

I don't even care that the guy who made it is a brony.

You're a straight guy.

As long as he's wearing his sister's clothes he's Isabelle.
It's fine.
Just let him handle it all for you.

But I want to fuck Digby. And cum all over his tummy

>this thread

Well, I want to get fucked and came inside of by Digby while he wears Isabelle's clothes.

I want both of these things

Because your game is boring and offers nothing to do, and while highly stylized versions of you may be nice to masturbate to, your canonical appearance is that of a super deformed disney character.

That's also good.

For you.

>It's impossible for me to check my town every few days.
Whoever drew this is retarded and needs to die

Would you rather have one of these threads?


How about you degenerates keep it in your pants for once?

i want a margie thread yea

I would

*salivates profusely*

*the air whooshes as I've relocated behind you*
*I sheathe my sword as your torso slowly slides off your body and hits the ground with a large splatter of blood*

More like great.

kill yourself tripfag


I played your game for 2 hours, realized the day/night cycle was actually based on real time of day, and had no further interest in playing.

These threads don't have much else going for them.

the same reason I left all my other towns


too late

Uhh, no.
*punches you in the face and then pees on you*

Uhh, no

I want to devour her cherry pie




Oh look, it's my biggest fan

That's not actually Boco.

Lmao I feel like everyday I realize more and more how fucking pathetic this tripfag is.


I didn't, babe, I've just been busy playing better games.

I'll swing by for a pity fuck in November, though.


Are you my evil twin?

disappointing JAV

I played for the first time in almost two years today.

Immediately I remembered why I stopped playing int the first place.

Explain while I'm downloading.

>not being able to appreciate a good blowjob

Virgin alert


every tripfag is pathetic and should drink bleach

I swear this is the third time I've seen this. Do you have seizures whenever see material related to the most recent minus8 flash?