Why do new games cost $60 when movies only cost like $8?

Why do new games cost $60 when movies only cost like $8?

Movies make money in theatres. Delete your thread.

They should make something called an "Arcade Center" and place them all over the country and have new games release there first for two months and have idiots play them there and pay up the ass for it. Then the rest of us can get 30 dollar games months later.

Patchy is a cutie, I want to do lewd things to her frail body

>Movies make money in theatres

But patchy is actually a dominatrix?

Also video games cost $0 silly OP.

Most people pay for their games.

Being in the majority doesn't exclude you from sillyness, OP.

I'm not being silly.

Even if we would consider this, prices of games will be excessive

A blu-ray of a new movie is usually around $25

Redbox lets you rent games for $3 a day.

Most games these days are less than 20 hours long.

>movies only cost like $8
where the fuck are you seeing movies? 2006?

People rent games?

Movie is two hours, good game is one hundred hours. A movie is 4$ per hour, while a game is 0.60$ per hour or about 7 times cheaper.

>good game is one hundred hours
Not even most JRPG's are that long.

Yeah, Gamefly is a major success. It's the Netflix of games.

>good game is one hundred hours.
What the hell?


The theaters are the one's who pay for the licence.
The cost of the ticket goes to making that money back for each week that theater decides to keep it.

GameStop and other such businesses pay a one-time fee to receive a shipment and stock on a particular game.

It's two completely different types of business that cannot be compared. When the DVD set comes out usually the price shoots up to 30-50 dollars depending on the format.

Have some horsetits.

Then how come I just found out it existed?

Dumb animeposter.

Maybe because you don't go out much or you live in a shithole.

>'good' game
kekerino gtfo here with that bullshit

>doesn't even tell us what game it is
It's probably shit that you play because you have nothing better to do.

Movies have a wider audience which allows them to sell them for cheap while still making a profit. If you tried the same with a video game (assuming AAA budget), you'd lose shitloads of money because the people who would've bought the game for $60 now pay $52 less, and you certainly won't gain 7.5x the audience.

If you look at things like anime BDs in Japan, you'll find that they also cost shitloads. That's because only dirty otaku buy them.

There's a way to get yourself a gift certificate.
For whatever reason (and it's been this way for years) it takes into account the first-time buyer's price, which is really low, and then discounts that by like 15%.

It says it's only for new accounts, but you can use it on an old account (like I said, it's been like this for years).

In that way, you can get 2 games out at a time for $12 a month. So at the price of a single new game, you can get 5 months of whatever game you want, two at a time (which is important, because the most annoying shit is how long it takes to ship. Usually 4-6 days. So just play the other game while the new game is coming in)

Not bad.

One thing to note though, is that you don't really get the exact game that you want. Instead you build a sort of 'wishlist' and they just send random games from it to you, trying to go from top to bottom. Which is kinda dumb, but.

>If you look at things like anime BDs in Japan, you'll find that they also cost shitloads. That's because only dirty otaku buy them.
And only dirty otaku buy them because they cost $90 for 2 fucking episodes.


Bluray are expensive in Japan because Sony owns the patent rights and completely kicks people in the balls with high fees in releasing in that format.


they were overcharging even with dvd so that doesn't work

If they want to cover the costs so much... Then release it in digital format so the entire world can buy it.

It's not like BDs stop piracy.

Movies have multiple revenue streams coming in. They sell in theaters, they sell in blu rays, they sell merchandise etc.
Games only sell the game itself. Any game related merchandise that by some miracle actually sells is negligible as far as profit is concerned.
Their single primary revenue stream is not enough to support modern inflated development costs. This is why games are turning more and more to microtransactions.

The development costs themselves are still half of what movies use nowadays.

It's even been known most of GTA V's budget went purely to advertisment. And that was the "biggest game budget EVAR WOW OMG"

Video games have a stronger and consist revenue stream than movies do. Video games are a larger industry than film itself, even before microbucks started becoming the norm.

Movies rely on those other roots to survive.
Video games do not. If they did, there would be a hell of a lot more video game merchandise floating around.

Movies has DLC in the form of candies/popcorn and stuff also blue rays

No She isn't when I'm done with her

Don't sexualize Patchouli.