How are Pokemon going to defeat ancient ayys and Lovecraftian horrors?

How are Pokemon going to defeat ancient ayys and Lovecraftian horrors?

Other urls found in this thread:

Digital Monsters
Something something champions

Well these are NOT Pokemon.

through the power of friendship and pokemon beauty pageants of course!

nintendo just gets gayer and gayer.

Find some spunky kids

Is best girl going to be Expansion-chan? They even put a machamp in her background in the trailer.

>implying worst girl is best UB

I want her to be my mommy


wheres the porn
it's been multiple minuntes

Found a better picture



I missed this reveal, but i want to know about the discussion

What the relation between the ghost hat one and pic related, and and the tall white monster in the background of They are too similar to be coincidental

There is nothing official but it is either mimicking her appearance or she is an ancient ayy.

They are shapeshifters user.

Lillie and Lusamine are undoubtedly UBs, whether they know about each other and/or otherwise related or not.

What I wonder is who is Expansion, because Gladion seems like a bit of a stretch considering UB's codename and gains and his lines from the trailer, and there aren't any other characters who are as obviously vaguely suspicious.

the same way they beat god

>can make anything of either gender fall in love with it
>it isn't beautiful

max ev training

also ultra beast fights will probably be formatted like triple battles

we true RPG now

>we want the SMT audience

>can make anything of either gender fall in love with it
Here's your beauty.

I want to make her one

We sure do.



I want her to piss on my face and spit in my eyes

>The masketa man

Alright, so obviously the front one is a jellyfish, and back left is a copepod. Would that make the right one an amphipod?

Looks like a bodybuilder mosquito.

what pokes would you give him Sup Forums?

we jo jo's now!

Faba? "lanky character becomes a mass of muscles" isn't exactly uncommon in Japanese media. Plus his glasses kinda look like bug's eyes.

Considering we're talking about a region based off of Hawaii and the other two UBs are based off sea creatures, I would imagine Larry the Lobster back there would be some manner of marine animal as well.

>that waist

Back left one is a cockroach.


It's a copepod, faglord.

>its an Enemy spams Attract purely to piss you off episode



So any Pokemon becomes pic related when it's pitted against UB-02?

>Blonde and green eyes.

>UB-02 used Attract!
>It didn't affect your pokemon because it is an asexual aromantic attack helicopter!

man, what the fuck is even happening with pokemon right now.

I know the single player part will be the same old laughably easy vague mess of a story, but i'm almost regretting my decision to drop the series with all this weird bullshit that's being pulled.

I hope it can be hard countered by something like maxed out aime

Same with Gladion

Are you braindead?

Yeah how will you run for public office later in life when everyone knows you flipflopped on Pokemon

You aren't missing much, since all plot twists will be spoiled on day 1, but these trailers have been pretty promising so far.

As somebody who likes most Pokemon designs each gen and most of what we've seen of Sun/Moon so far...

...just what the fuck are these abominations?

>you can't capture Ultra Beasts with Pokeballs for reasons
>theme of the game is "it all comes together"
>yfw GF planned these since gen 1 and you can catch them with ultra balls

Not Pokemon.

So they finally made a Pokemon legitimately fuckable and waifuable

Not bad Nintendo

So Destiny Knot will finally have a use?


But plenty of pokemon are already ancient ayy's and lovecraftian horrors

But these are not Pokemon

>how do we go from this-
>to this?

New director wanted to change things up.

Gym format is gone and we're dealing with aliens that are a danger to both humans and pokemon.


>stretched out and shit quality

So if the UB's are human-Pokemon hybrid abominations does that make UB-00 Bill?

I use a destiny knot more than anything tbqh

Mega Sharpedo

So like Dioxys?

Not our fault the trailer's resolution is 9 times that of a 3DS screen.

>October 2016?

Who is that mosquito man? Is he tryin' to grab someone's prize?

Breeder life a hard life.

Isn't it "Digimon are our champions"?

I think its "are the champions!"