ITT vidya sins

ITT vidya sins
i've never played a single game for more than 100 hours

I've spent more money on costume sets for DOA5:LR than I have for the last 4 months of groceries.

I've played Starcraft 2 for over 5000 hours.

im not sure if i should be amused or disgusted by that ... get help user

I have spent over 600 hours in Skyrim and I enjoyed it.

i dislike zelda games

i roleplayed on terraria well into my 20's

even OoT?

Are you me?

I honestly don't think it's a sin. The game is for nostalgia chasers.

I think Witcher 3 sucks.

My favorite game is a Final Fantasy game (5)

I bought all the Sims 3 DLC after I had to decide whether or not I should help pay for my cousin's hospital and healthcare bills he was drowning in. I swear Im not a bad person. ;_;

I bought a lot of Mass Effect 3's DLC.

I have spent money on Pokemon GO.

I really enjoyed Megaman Battle Network Chip Challenge.

I do not like Megaman X3 and I do not understand how anyone enjoys it.

I'm 30 and I pretend to be a 14 year old fuccboi in WoW. I'm literally unbearable but for some reason people in my guild still tolerate me. It's hilarious.

The only FF game I've ever beaten was XIII

I've played 7, 8, 9, 10, X-2, and XII to boot.

wow you're a fucking cunt user
what the fuck is wrong with you

I've put more than 200 hours in a f2p xbox 360 game

the game is terrible but i just can't stop

I almost never plot in CKII.

Also, in Resident Evil and the REmake, I almost exclusively play as Jill.

I liked Pillars of Eternity.

I use a guide for almost every game I play, I vehemently hate missing shit.

nigger what do you eat

I follow traffic laws in gta

I never finished Skyward Sword. I guess I liked Zelda games, or I like the idea of them, but they're always so slow, so fucking easy, so simple... Maybe I don't like them after all. Although the new one looks pretty fun

>tfw longest I've ever comitted to a game was dota 2 with 500 hours.
>tfw don't know how to stick to a game without moving on.

Even on foot?

when my mother was having an asthma attack, i decided to finish an online match of CoD before helping her. It was the most shameful fucking moment in my life.

>skyward sword

What about the actual good zelda games?

I've played more pokemon than any other game in my entire life.

You're doing gods work, user. Someone has to fund those gooks somehow.

i've bullied 13 year olds into sending nudes on xbox live

>Mass Effect 3 DLC
I bought all story-related DLCS too, no costumes and guns, tho

Damn, nigger how do you do that? Diva X has been out for almost 2 weeks now and i'm already 65+ hours in.

I bought powergig, shit guitar and everything.

i have 300 hours of skyrim and my favorite thing to do is get raped by orcs as a dark elf, i haven't progressed past the first dragon encounter in

I duplicate items and disperse them to random low levels destroying their game progression.

How demented am I?

did you at least git gud?

I have bought and played all of the Assassin's Creed games. And by all, I mean all

Wonderful 101 is the game I regret the most buying

Even more than Yoshi Touch & Go, Golden Sun 3, my psVita and the Ace of Spades re-release on steam combined.

And before you ask, yes, I took my time and got gud at the game.

It's still trash.

I got competent, no thanks to powergig.

I still miss my money.

I never beaten any of Betheda's RPGs (Fallout 3, NV, 4, Skyrim, etc.) because I was more interested in the side quests and fucking around that I manged 200 hours and still have to visit the Jarl of Whiterun.

I savescum

I play games on the easiest difficulty

Which ones would you say are worth buying for PC?

I played Persona 3 on easy just to experience the story.

I couldn't get past the answer.

I do on a basis in Duex Ex HR because I can't be bothered waiting for the timeout in a hacking minigame and experiment with some options and routes.

same to both

You're fucking scum

idk, I rarely play through a game more than once
i'm not that kind of guy who finds joy in games without goals
and i don't really play multiplayer

Bless me Father, for I have sinned; it has be NEVER since my last confession.

I have:

- Bought games I have never played simply due to them being 80%+ on sale.

- Pirated games because I am cheap, a thief and refuse to support shitty developers.

- When I do buy games they're on G2A for pennies on the dollar.

- I insult, harass, belittle, bully and call other people "Fucking garbage." online via microphone; in hopes that they'll quit the game and go kill themselves.

- I spend more time talking about vidya on Sup Forums than actually playing them.

- I like Dear Esther, SOMA, walking simulators and narrative heavy games.

- I laugh when women in vidya are beaten, abused, degraded and/or raped.

same for me, but i rarely finish any games so it isnt exclusive to bethesda game

I've only played RE4&5 and think 4 is the best

Those niggas understand DLC. If you're gonna charge people, at least charge for extraneous shit, not actual content that affects gameplay.

I played Dark Souls
with infinite health cheat

it was still too hard for me to beat

What about RPGs? They usually have long-ass stories and tons of side content to get lost in. You don't play those?

I like Bioshock Infinite

Peace Walker is my favourite Metal Gear game.

I only have about 30 hours in it though.

Please tell me you got too lost in the levels to know which way to go to move on, at least that would make sense.

I play primarily on console, and I've bought every iteration of CoD since Finest Hour.

What the fuck were you thinking?!
How fucking selfish do you have to be to ignore you hurting mother.

No. I'm just bad at it. Want to know what's even worse?

I tell all my friends that I beat the game and that it was easy.

We're anonymous here so who cares if I say this.

Same here, except the only other ones I've played are 1-7. Got close to finishing 3 though.

If you can't die by normal means, then what's keeping you?

The only Nintendo franchises I've bothered with are the Mario RPGs, Pokemon, MonHun (if that even counts now) and Fire Emblem.

How are the Metroid: Prime games? They're like the only titles that draw my attention.

the fuck is wrong with you man

You're going to live with this for the rest of your life user, good luck.

They're all very good
People (on Sup Forums) are divided between the first two, but most outside Sup Forums will tell you 1 is fantastic, which it is.

I think it's really underrated, especially how much there is to do and have fun for such a PSP game.

how the fuck could you not beat it if you had infinite health

Are you a fucking sociopath?

Yeah dude, all of em. But like I said, they always take forever to actually get to the content. I get impatient, wish the storylines and mechanics would go a bit deeper. Wind Waker was really a step in the right direction with the boat combat and having to track all the pieces of the triforce. GOAT game right there. But Twilight Princess dumbed back down again, Skyward Sword was insufferably slow and dull, I don't know. Maybe I just need to go back to being a kid.

i like minecraft

I used to hate other companies as a child because my parents didn't get me the system and I was a young retard

I'm trying to make up for it now since I have income and can play/collect the awesome shit I missed as a child in addition to the stuff I enjoyed.

not really
i play Diablo and i really like Souls series, but i've never played any of them for more than 50 hours
i just move to another game after i finish main story/campaign
me too
and i didn't like original Bioshock

Why do you talk like a retard?
>I laugh when women in vidya are beaten, abused, degraded and/or raped.
I get hard

Maybe this is a really stupid comparison, but they remind me of Ratchet and Clank, but in first person. Does it hold any water? I fucking loved those games and if it's similar I'm sold.

She put the chicken tendies in the microwave instead of the toaster oven again, huh?

I play mmorpgs alone

Everytime they patch a mmo and remove the necessity to do things together, remember that there are faggots like me liking it

see a psychiatrist.

I often play games on easy or normal not because I'm bad at games but because I don't like challenge.

Man, some of you NEETs are hella mad.
Fucked up shit.

I have never played a FF
I have never completed a Mario game
The only Zelda I liked was Minish Cap
90% of the time, I look up a walkthrough if I'm stuck for more than 5 minutes
I honestly enjoy visual novels and real life novels more than video games these days.

I guess they're similar, but R&C is more focused on combat, Prime is more about platforming and exploration.
I love both series, so take that for what you will

None of these are really sins, except for maybe
>I have never completed a Mario game
How? They're the most entry level shit.

Fucking nothing alike. MP is great though. It takes the metroid 2d formula of explore/fight/find roadblock, backtrack/explore/find power/ clear roadblock, so on so forth. They're fun. Very lonely experiences for the most part, and fun to experience for the first time because of the neat environments and creatures you encounter. Don't drop it just because its not like Ratchet and Clank.

2, Brotherhood, Black Flag and maybe 1 respectively are the most universally liked, so you should probably try those.
Also you can play them in any order and as stand-alone titles except for Brotherhood, because it's a direct sequel to 2

Mount and Blade Warband is so far, the only game I've put over 100 hours in on Steam it seems.

I'm often tempted to play games on easy for the story, but feel ashamed of doing so, so I go back to normal. Prime example is Pillars of Eternity.

Adding to that, if you care about the story enough consider revelations since it ties up both 2 and 1 pretty nicely I feel.

Don't even think about the present day plot though, it's shit.

I've played and beaten the Ezio trilogy.
I was wondering if the ones past Black Flag are any good.

Rouge is just more black flag. I don't know anything about AC past that.

It's OK, I mean I'm an objectivist so is logical that saw for your own need before oth-
>is an EA game
Literally and unironicalky KILL YOUR SELF

That's really retarded because the main quest is often the less generic quest

I play jrpgs and get right up to the end of the game, and then drop them

Fucking haunts me. It's always in the back of my mind. It's been 10 years since Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 9 and I still wonder about them. Fuck.

Don't know if it's really a sin, but I jacked off while playing Lollipop Chainsaw.

I do not release the game I made in my spare time, because I like to play it for myself and don't want others to ignore it or pirate it if they do not ignore it.
Everyone calls me crazy and say I can get rich, but I don't care.

Your game is probably complete shit

It'd be a sin if you didn't

Same goes for Shantae, in fact, every time I see a thread for it I almost feel obligated to jack off

I play Dwarf Fortress with aquifers off because I don't know how to deal with them

I'm going to have to second this

It's probably garbage


Wait, which part(s) make something wrong with me?

How do I talk like a retard?

As diamonds?

I have more hours in Dark Souls 2 than DS1.

I don't even PVP.

Also, I turn off my router whenever I get invaded.