Convice me to buy this game

Convice me to buy this game
Its too short?
It has repeatability value?
Does it worth the money? Because its pretty expensive desu
Tell me your experience with this game

If you're not going to play multiplayer, which is pretty good and I still play a couple times a week, it's not worth it.

First playthrough took me almost 18 hours.

only sonyfags """""""play"""""""" movies kek

It is skill based or pretty casual? Just asking both types of games are good and enjoyable in different ways

Not many single player story focused games have replay value desu

I have replayed the game a few times now though largely to revisit the locations and explore more

hahahahahahahahhahahahaha X D

it's quite casual in the sense there are few enemy encounters, you can play hardmode which makes the game a bitch to play but you're not going to be shooting waves and waves of enemies like other uncharteds

It's a much more adventure and exploration focused game

Did they ever add that co-op mode?

>realize there's no supernatural element to the story
>realize you can't play as Donut Drake
>realize Drake's theme is butchered and doesn't include the best part
> No Chloe or Cutter

Drunkman and Stately basically turned it into TLOU2 and took it way too seriously. Save it for the BFriday Sale.

It's very much skill based (as oppose to the rubberband mechanics in Uncharted 3's MP) but it's frustrating when you're carrying your always underperforming team.

After 4 months I'm itching for them to drop the co-op mode update.

I hate to sound like a gamergator, but how forced are the SJW themes/messages?
I had no problem with the last of us

Apart from the strong independant black woman, which you end up killing anyway, there's nothing else.

It's mostly casual and it's pretty fun. It does have competitive for tryhards.

it's a boring ass game with shit multiplayer, don't buy it

you actually dont kill her she escapes

There's none really. If there was you probably wouldn't notice.

Nate's son in the epilogue is a tranny.

If you played previous games GET IT!

If you like Uncharted multiplayer you will also enjoy it.

theres women and black people in the game

literally sjw: the game, fuck druckmann

its a 10/10 game, once in a lifetime experience that you can only get with the power of the sony playstation 4 computer entertainment system

the game is rendered in glorious 1080p while maintaining smooth gameplay and playability throughout.

the story and narrative are a masterstroke of writing and character design, everybody feels real to life and reacts accordingly. you will be emotionally bound to the game for your entire playthrough.

the gameplay design is some of the smoothest and high octane action ever put into interactive form. truly nothing comes close in playability of uncharted 4.

seriously, friend, if you have not already experienced the game of the generation then you are surely missing out on life. please do yourself a favor and buy the game

It's an okay cinematic story game, if you accept it for what it is you'll enjoy it. Just don't expect GOTY 2016 or whatever.

They said the same for Star Wars Battlefront
Good thing I got it for 5 bucks

Just buy the Nathan Drake Collection instead.

The combat encounters are a lot of fun but theres too few of them even though its 18 hours long. The pacing could have been a lot better.

It's great.
Good single player and great multiplayer.

that mental break down caused by a single game top kek

It's an okay game, i would get the Nathan Drake collection first if you haven't played the first 3. The things that people don't like about this game (e.g. SJW's, "muh movie") do not make it mediocre. The problems it has are that it's way too long, character motivations are pretty stupid and that the encounters/setpieces are not as good as previous entries. It's not the "cancer of the video game industry" like Sup Forums sets it up to be but instead just a little misguided and average. Game looks great though imo

"Game" is a pile of piss. Put the 40 pounds towards a PC.

polite sage

You get a semi-large campaign with a lot of detail. The multiplayer is actually pretty fun.
Worth the purchase in comparison to most other games on the market.