
Nintendo sure lets anyone into Smash these days.

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yet another fucking Marth clone

fuck sakurai

Fucking who?

>Almost 1 million subs

This is a fucking crime.

Really Nintendo? Really?

you are a bunch of idiotsif you believe this is rea;

It's just a model swap for Lucina. Calm your titties.

Shit's pretty easy to mod; I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't clamped down on this exploit (and they can fuck off if they do).

Fake as fuck
If it were real it would say "for Wii u/3ds" or something along those lines. This faggot isnt even trying.

Does anyone hate the way this guy talks?

How do we stop this faggot? Sign him up for gay porn site emails?

>There's no lyn 4 mod yet

>But there is for literal meme characters

guess ill do it

That's harmless. 2 words: shadow, realm.

>normalfags ironic weeb meme anime game

Trash this fucking this already.

>Be dev
>Make an alpha build of a game
>"It's okay"
>Starting making weeb-pandering video blogs on dev process
>Starts getting a following
>Development comes to a halt
>Now spends his whole day making cringy videos to promote his horrible game that'll now never get finished because finishing the game would the be worst thing for it now

Why? Also, what is it with devs posting DAILY UPDATES now? I swear to god if most devs most spend more time online posting about their game than actually working on it now. It's just like early access games, how you get the more difficult first 80-90% of your game complete in your free time and then suddenly shit the bed on the remaining 20% in multi-year development hell is beyond me.

And $5,000+ per month for doing nothing. That's more than me and I'm a doctor.

This can't be real..

wtf i hate nintendo now

If I remember correctly, the model used for her is a stock Unity model. It's really just more a matter of having the interest than the skill as it's really easy.

Remember; the very first model swap for this was Mr. Krabs.
I'm hoping some brave souls gets Smash Run working for Wii U.
Why stop him? I'm not a fan of Yandere simulator so I just ignore it. It's worked pretty good so far.

3rd party was a mistake

This is all your fault Sup Forums

>ignore him
But he's making more money than you.


i used to work at the company that made that unity asset store model he uses for all the characters. its so bizarre seeing that shit everywhere.

>Why stop him? I'm not a fan of Yandere simulator so I just ignore it. It's worked pretty good so far.
Because he's setting a horrible precedent for devs everywhere. His "game" is already 99% done and it was just supposed to be some gimmicky freeware game targeted at weebs. He's intentionally halting development to become a "Youtuber" now, and because of that actually finishing the game would the horrible for him. It wouldn't be that bad if his channel wasn't cancerous as all fuck.

Umaru in smash when?

I'll never understand how this guys trash-game can be this popular or why Sup Forums ever shilled this shit.

I see you are well endorsed in the latest memes.

It's because he stopped actually developing it and started making daily Youtube videos instead. This game does NOT in anyway warrant he absurd development period it has. More than likely the game is already finished by releasing the game would kill interest in his channel so he doesn't.

If he had just released it after two months of development and it was a "flash in the pan" weeb game then it would've been fine.

This is pewdiepie's fault.

violates the unity asset store rules, I think.

pewdiepie IS Sup Forums

Send him a single email every day.

Because he "has to" read every email he gets, and he "can't" filter his emails in any way, you will waste a measurable portion of his time with each one.

Seriously this guy is a fucking retard


And? Why should that bother me?
Then that's on those who are willing to support that kind of lifestyle for him. I don't want to support that kind of lifestyle for him, so I don't.

If you want to take a more active role then by all means, but I really think you're just going to wind up shooting yourself because all he has to do is claim he's being harassed. If it really bothers you, I'd say just remember that this is a temporary thing for him. Remember, those people ARE expecting a game, and MN9 can show what happens if you dick around too much. If he stalls too long, people leave. If he releases, the people get the game and eventually leave unless it somehow turns out to be exceptional.

It's a bubble, user. Just let it pop on its own.

͏ ͏ ͏

In what, Brazil? I do almost $3k a month as a CPhT.

Damn Meerkat bastard.

Perhaps he should release the game first before they have any of this shit.

Or actually create the character himself and not buy it off the Unity Asset store.

Wasn't she literally a stock asset from a Unity resource website?

Yeah, looks like he's stealing the credit.

unity asset chan

Someone pls spoonfeed me about this weeb game and why people hate it.

Just by looking at the comments section, it's glaringly obvious most of his game's fans are 15 years old at most. It's a suitably ironic twist for such a pretentious prick.

I actually cringed.

Well, at least now he can say Yandere-chan is in an actual game.

Because he is making a shit ton of money and they say he's spending
more time making videos than working on the game
even almost every video he makes is to showcase new features in the game and showing how to do the new mechanics so people are up to date and bug testers know what to do to execute gameplay features to find bugs

It's the way of Rami Ismail. No one wants to be a nobody dev anymore. Everyone wants to be a rockstar. Why waste your time developing a game when you can just give a ton of talks on how to develop a game?

We already have a saying for this: "That's so developer who has more tweets than lines of code". This used to be attributed to Notch, but nowadays everyone wants to be a special snowflake.

the dev acted like a weenie in the past under an alternate screenname
the game got popular
that's literally it

how do we get nintendo to delete his channel?

>wastes time on this video instead of making a game

>in the past
He hasn't changed. Also,

>The creator of this mod goes by the username Pikachuk! Thank you, Pikachuk, for taking the time to put this mod together!
are you actually retarded or is this a ruse