I'm going to leave this Ryuuko here for a moment, Sup Forums. Watch over her while I'm gone!
I'm going to leave this Ryuuko here for a moment, Sup Forums. Watch over her while I'm gone!
Other urls found in this thread:
B-but this isn't Sup Forums...
Guess OP lost his way
anime sucks
Don't worry, I'll take care of her.
Nonon is the best waifu from KLK btw
New season when?
This isn't video games
what a wonderful random opportunity to drop my favorite wallpaper
Shit, sorry user. Let her out of my sight for one second and this happens.
sorry dude
Kill la Kill game when?
Leave it to OP to lose his way.
This guy gets it
U suck
>le wrong board post xD
>you will never be a pedophile perma virgin weeb Sup Forumsutist
Feel good man.
meme la meme was fucking trash and you should feel like trash for liking it.
yesssss le waifu xd im such le weeb lol
>Sup Forums