Playing vidya

>playing vidya
>mom and dad start yelling at each other in the other room

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Spider-Man 2 on the PS2 was a nice distraction, but I could not escape the reality.

>dad and step-mom start yelling at each other in the other room
>call my mom for a pick up
>good computer is at dad's, won't get to go back for a while
>later that night help drunk mom up the stairs


>playing vidya
>your uncle comes down to rape you again

>Playing vidya
>Dad wont stop beating the dog


>still living with your parents

>pause the game
>hold breath
>wait for it to be quiet

this is a nostalgia thread, user

ITT: fags that should go to a shrink

Anybody got any good parental arguing stories? Like what were they arguing about and did they take out any frustration on you when it was over?

>try to ignore it
>they drag you into the fight and make you pick a side
>right in the middle of the last level

Thank god I live alone now.


>Slowly become depressed as a child and becomes unable to enjoy videogames
>They never managed to drown out the sound of my parents fighting
>Feels anxious and somehow guilty of playing the game
>Try to feel nostalgic for games even though I have nothing but bad/shameful memories surrounding them

what the fuck

Why pause the game - you can drown out the fighting with the battle theme from Chrono Cross

>Jimmy I don't understand why you don't LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU'RE COMING HOME
>Shelia shut the FUCK UP
>volume up to 35 on your CRT

>still living with mom&dad
you must be 18 years or older to post on this board

cmon man, just as I thought I distanced myself from these memories


>Parents start fighting
>mom decides she needs some time out of the house to cool off
>tells me to go with her
>end up going to mall
>ask for a toy or vidya
>she feels more inclined to buy it to me after fighting than she would've before

Tbh I loved it when my parents fought

My parents rarely ever argued. I mean, they did, but it was few and far between. However, that's not to say we had a fully functional family. My dad drowned all his problems with alcohol. Anytime mother would start some shit, he'd just hit the bottle. Sometimes he'd start as soon as he got home before mother did.

Luckily for me he wasn't the drunk abusive type, but rather the drunk embarrassment in front of my friends. Can't tell you how many times I had friends over for late night weekend gaming and dad would make an ass out of himself and pass out in front of everyone.

You fucked her?

>Playing vidya
>Dad is molesting sister in the next room

Did you participate in the fun as well?

Fuck me dude, a torrent of bad childhood memories with a broken family are surfacing right now. They always tried to pit me against each other when they weren't doing that, my dad was leaving marks on me and my mother would take her frustration on me verbally.

It's like they took turns breaking the 3 year old me physically and mentally.

So many people say don't blame your parents for your problems but when I think about all the shit they put me through the majority of my childhood, how can I not fucking blame them for being too stupid to understand that marriage and children isn't a walk in the park.

Seriously, fuck every parent that argues in front of their children...

Fucking shit, you're right. I lost it.

>have to move back in after two years because college expensive and friends ditched you for an apartment
>dad is now dating a literal psyco
>she is crazy and plays the rape card
>cops laugh at dad's cuts
>cannot evict her under california squaters law
>have to lock door
>never keep anything in the fridge
>keep all my food in my room
>keep important documents in my car and not my room
>shut down my computer a certain way to know if she's tampered with it
>never touch anything without a paper towel/napkin
>the above after she peeper-sprayed the hand rail and my dad unknowingly wiped his face immediately after
>keep everything in boxes incase we find an opportunity to pick up and leave her in this squalor
>neigbors give me strange looks and won't talk to me
>she doesn't get what she wants, she just screams
>and screams
>and slams my dad's door
>breaks his door down repeatedly
>I can't even drown this shit out
>other family and friends confused why I just failed another college course
>this hell never ends for my father, feel guilty if I try to leave him alone in this


>playing vidya
>why don't you have a job?

>Spending the night at friend's house.
>Playin' that Perfect Dark in the garage on a projector.
>Hear a shatter in the kitchen.
>Everything goes fucking quiet for like 4-5 minutes.
>Suddenly fighting erupts, yelling and shit being thrown. Can hear it slamming against walls.
>Friend gets beaten down by Hardsim bots dressed like hillbillies.
>Notice he hasn't moved for like 10 minutes. Just staring at his controller.
>Walk with him to the gas station a few streets down to get some big gulps.
>He feels better, we go back. His dad orders pizza and it's like nothing happened.
It was the only time a fight like that broke out between his parents and with how mortified my friend looked, I can't help but wonder how often that shit happened. I never got to ask him about it, he moved away before ever could.

When lived with my family.

talk to a lawyer, not the cops

can't tell if serious or

pick up in terms of drive over to my dad's place and get me out of there.

She fucked herself over enough :(

>dad would rape my younger sister in the other room
>Cover my ears to shut off the noise.
>She's been addicted to drugs since
Video games

>27 years old and still living at home
>working garbage temp jobs with dwindling hope of full-time employment
>drinking every other night

I should just suck on a tailpipe and end it

your dad's a little bitch

lmao i just literally tell them to shut the fuck up and it works, cant wait to move out but i stopped caring about their arguments

Just hire a hitman user, the job gets done.

>playing video game
>daddy spanks my door shattering it into splinters and hurts my butt

>be 8 years old
>middle of the week
>cannot sleep so walk to bedroom of parents and ask if I can play vidya downstairs
>''eh...uh..what... sure....zzz''
>play my vidya
>suddenly dad comes downstairs and flips his shit that I have school in 3 hours and have to get my ass back to bed

I still consider it their fault.

> 26 years old
> still living with parents because shit's expensive and I was never taught how to take care of myself
> nothing to look forward to
> videogames do nothing for me
> tried to end it all with helium tank
> failed attempt because turns out they pump some oxygen into them now to prevent suicide

and here I thought sdfasd rqwe42q3

Why doesn't your dad just save up a few hundred bucks, pick up his shit and just fucking leave already?

Have you ever fucking seen a cat run a dog up a tree because I never have.

I'm sorry, user.

My dad cheated on my mom, she went crazy, and they both physically/verbally/emotionally abused me and my siblings for about a decade. We were homeschooled, so they basically trapped us in the house with them while they went at each other.

Have an anxiety disorder now, and still have the occasional bouts of depression, but I'm a high school teacher engaged to a medical school student, so life can get better, even from a shitty childhood.

>and here I thought sdfasd rqwe42q3
ded nigger storage.

>mom in hospital for over a month
>finally seems to be improving
>stop visiting her every day and go back to once a week and play vidya most of the time instead
>the week that i did this she suddenly started getting way worse
>was diagnosed with lymphomic cancer and my aunt kept it from me because she wanted to tell me herself
>by the time i was told my mom was in a coma
>died a day later
i don't blame my aunt for what she did because she thought she was doing the right thing and i should have kept visiting every day even if she seemed like she was getting better, but i really wish i would have had the chance to talk with her in the last few days and say my goodbyes and stuff

video games

Secretly record her and show as evidence, they cant ignore it then. I wish equal rights meant equal rights so we could bash womens skulls in out of self defense if they act violently. Unfortunately the justice system is filled with cucks who believe women are always in the right for domestic cases.

>I'm 9
>mom on phone
>"mom, can I grab an apple?"
>talking on the phone but looks at me dead in the eyes and says yeah
>munching on an apple
>mom finishes her phone call and see me eating and apple
>yells at me for taking food without her permission even though she said yes
>sent to my room and banned for snacks for the rest of the day

>be 12
>hear mom screaming for help
>go to see whats going on
>see through the crack on the door
>dads ravaging her and fucking her
>ask if they're okay
>no response
>hear mom crying and screaming for help

Scared the shit out of me and permanently made me fear being with women.

>Growing up playing games
>Mom and dad never fight
>Very happy marriage
>Always can hear happy talking/laughter in the background, my parents watching shows together or my dad playing guitar
>Feels comfy playing games in a lively home
>Leave home and do college
>Dad suddenly dies in a motorcycle accident
>Come home an visit mom
>Playing game in my old room
>House is in complete silence...


This is only a thing in Fat Land. The rest of the planet doesn't give a shit how soon you move out.

What happened after that?


The rest of the planet is too poor and has to cram three generations of family in a tiny dwelling simply to survive.

>flipped her shit over an apple
jesus christ

>playing vidya
>mom & dad start fighting again
>continue playing while raising the volume
>tfw the argument turns into angry sex
>tfw the volume won't go any higher

If he does not have her express consent, that video footage cannot be used. You could literally film her stabbing someone and it would be worthless.

Your mom's a perv and loves rapeplay?


>playing video game
>mom says dinner's ready
>another freshly cooked meal that she has produced after a full work day
>entire family is polite and respectful at the table with light banter
>dog and cat also nearby
It's good to be white

They were roleplaying, user.

Mom started drinking. I would come home from school and find her passed out on the couch and when my dad came home, he'd pick her up, take her to the bedroom, and fuck her.

She eventually divorced him after he tried to stab her a few years later.

Why did everyone hate Spider Man 3?
Both Game and Movie?
I played the abolute fuck out of Spider Man 3, at least a few hundred hours, and very much loved the Spidy 3 movie.

>It's good to be part of the upper class.


Are you implying white people don't do the most domestic violence? The statistics do not favor your argument.

What, you didn't join in?

>tfw this is my future
Sorry son

Seeing this thread makes me really grateful to not know all these feels.

>filming inside someones own property is worthless because it doesnt have some consent from someone who was brought in
Lol okay

lol americunts, I'm living with mommy until I die

>he thinks this is upper class
Just how poor were you user?

I'm really sorry, user. Feel free to not answer, but how long has she been gone?

are you implying you're not a virtue-signalling absolute cuckold faggot?

since april

>playing video game
>parents fight
>dad walks by
>says "it's your fault" and slams the door on his way out

Fuck I thought I was the only one.

Ignorance is bliss, user. Bask in it.

>Playing Vidya with your brother
>He finally realizes that I've been giving him the disconnected controller so that he can also "Play"
>"That's no fair user, give me a turn"
>Dad suddenly bursts into the room, reeking of alcohol (Again)
>He grabs my little brother by the hair, drags him out into the other room and starts beating him mercilessly

White people are alright in my book but they never could handle disappointment well.

>family member makes the food
>upper class
Dumb nigger

That's not true. Video evidence of someone committing a crime is usually kosher.

It's called wiretapping. It's not unheard of for kids to secretly record bullying or domestic abuse and then get in legal trouble for it.

>playing vidya in my room
>parents arguing in the living room
>don't give a shit and continue playing

Damn I had a hard life.

Reminds me of my dad, he was never physically abusive(spankings when i really fucked up only). He would get really loud at me and my brothers when he got mad and thankfully never took out anything on my mom. He was a 2 pack a day smoker and would down a 6 or 12 pack everyday. It was one day that finally changed him. He would always get loud with my brothers except for my youngest, he yelled really loud and scared him which caused him to run into a wall cause he was blocking his ears and closing his eyes. He falls over and we just see blood gushing out of his forehead.

20 years later he hasnt touched a cigarette in years and only drinks when there is company. Its pretty funny to see how sweet he is with my nieces and nephews remembering how he used to be with us. He taught me people can change for the better and im forever greatful i got to learn that lesson at a young age

As compared to what race? Asians, who treat disappointment as a grand failure of universal proportions?

Or black people, who are (mostly) so animalistic they don't even feel something mildly complex as disappointment?

Fuck, man. I can't even imagine how hard that must be. I hope you're feeling okay.

Middle class is upper class to the on floor dirt poor.

All that in the first paragraph happened to me too, minus the homeshcooling. I have difficulties bonding with women because my mother left such a bad impression on me. Now sub-conciously I keep seeing my mothers bad qualities in other women.

It's so bad for me that I've had several girls ask me why I wont hug them or kiss them on the cheek or just get closer than just a handshake or if even that. On my fathers side however I suppose I should be thankful because I took all his bad qualities and now try my best to stay away from them.

Thanks for sharing, knowing others have suffered likewise keeps me from feeling like I'm alone in this.

>Still live with parents because no friends, or decent job to support myself
>Dad works garbage hours and comes home at like 7:00 pm
>Some nights he has to stay till 8:00 PM or 9:00 PM
>Upsets my mom that he has to stay so late
>My dad won't tell his boss that it's outrageous and ridiculous that he has to work till that time
>Tell my mom that if he did that they'd probably fire him
>Mom doesn't even care and says my dad is too old to put up with this and should grow some balls

He still isn't home yet and my mom said she doesn't want to see him because they're going to start fighting if she does, I mean, at least she's trying to avoid the bad route. I'd rather them not fight at this hour, especially when my dad was at work all dad and is probably tired and just wants to relax for an hour or two before going to bed.

God, I really hope they don't start arguing, it's hard to mediate their arguments because I really don't want to get involved and it usually has nothing to do with me. Sometimes I wish I had my own place, I just really need to find a full time job that pays decent, right now I'm working part time for like $8.00 an hour. I can't afford to pay rent/food and what not on 20 hours a week at $8.00 an hour, at least I have a college degree and it could always be worse I suppose.

>new friend invites me to his house to play vidya
>he's been over at mine a bunch of times so why not
>all good until his mom starts screaming at her husband
>loud thuds coming from down the hall
>his mom gets to the living room where we are, a fresh bruise on her face
>she wipes away a tear and greets me with a smile like usual
I wanted to leave so bad and he just said to keep playing. Later I realized his parents wouldn't fight when I was there. I wonder if it helped at all.

He's in jail, multiple murders. ;_;

Its a fucking camera.
On his property.
Recording what goes on/in his property.

That would be like saying someone got into your house to steal shit but the footage couldnt be used because it didnt have the invaders consent.

Every single day.
And then they wonder why I'm not even trying to find a girl.


>want to play vidya
>mom and dad starts to fight
>have to play tetris on gameboy cause they hog Street fighter the whole day

until she dies retard

>Or black people, who are (mostly) so animalistic they don't even feel something mildly complex as disappointment?
Blacks handle disappointment well because they've never really had shit due to institutionalized racism and many blacks don't get into fights with their spouses because they are never there anyway. Knock em up and keep em walkin

>replying to a shitposter genuinely
Nobody is stupid enough to think that, user. Stop replying.



we are both outcasts, even on a place like this

life's a bitch

You have to be upper class to be respectful and have a parent who likes to cook?

you are correct though in this case