Hey diddle, diddle, time for a Riddle

>It lived for a week
>but is not weak at all
>if you get on his bad side
>it'll throw you through a wall

What am I?

Lol nigga get outta cher wif ur gay ass riddles

>inb4 OP samefags and pretends to be Batman

>It may not be literate
>and it's literally dead
>it can put you in a grave
>it wakes from, like a bed

Who is Solomon Grundy?

>Face, like a tree
>Skin, like the sea
>A great beast I be
>Yet vermin frighten me

Solomon Grundy

>like a bolt of lighting
>it wakes from the dead
>it's only intention, is to spread dread

What Am I!?

>Trying to get the mouse in front of the elephant
Fuck those cats

You've solved my riddle this time Batman. But, I'll be back with more. Just wait and you'll see I'm more clever than you.

>I cuck and doodle too
>I'm a big guy for you

>He's quite the guy
>So full of Joy
>Fate made him Broken
>Now he listens to a toy

>You won't see his words coming
>Nor would you want to
>Because if you see it speaking
>You'll be the one bleeding

>if this post you should see
>respect its wish thoroughly
>reply with haste
>or your mother I will waste

Fuck you.

>A lifeless thing with no mind
>leads a life of crime
>it's only tools are lengths of twine

C'mon Bats, how could I possibly make it simpler without giving you the answer. Is the worlds greatest detective really this clueless?

>two faces one voice
>Its not Harvey Dent
>instead it's a person whose name starts with "vent"

>My voice is quite dull
>And I have messy hair.
>Don't feed me your bull
>I've got too much to bear.
Take a guess, boy-o!

>he constantly sucks dicks
>makes posts that are gay
>acts like a faggot
>and has nothing of value to say

Who am I?

me irl

isn't it narcissistic to make a riddle and have the answer be yourself?

Darn you, Riddler!