
Wow Blizzard might actually save itself with that faggot gone

>his experience prior to blizzard was creating fantasies in a safe space
Everything is starting to make sense.

>"oh no chris metzen is leaving.. :(" on trade chat
>say "literally who"
>chat explodes

One of the best things. Tha

Are you alright user? Did candlejack get y

I told you Overwatch is a blunder considering how much they expected from it.
Activision's gonna sell their last shares soon to some Chinese billionaires.

>For stories about Thrall. For heroes like Thrall.

What did he mean by this?

what're you? 5 years old posting the candlejack me


>being so fucking loaded you retire at 42



creative lead of most if not all things blizzard

>Been playing Blizzard games since Blackthorne and the original WC
>considered myself a blizzard fan
>stopped because of WoW and SC2

I haven't been interested in a Blizzard game since then. I was probably a Blizzard North fan though.

seeing how some things and franchises have gone to shit we should be happy, right?

>is able to retire in his 40's

God damn.

Good on him I guess. Living the dream.

Right looks pretty nice right now

Well he was also around to make those franchises.

>I had no idea what I was doing

How can I join the club? Getting a job without knowing anything about it.

Enter an emerging industry/create one yourself.

There's a lot of jobs no one understands out there. The people in HR doing the hiring don't know what the job is. The manager who wrote the job description for HR doesn't know what the job is. The only person who knows the job is the previous person who quit it.

Finally we're free of this faggot. This is a man who didn't die a hero but became a villain around 10 years ago. I'm not saying Blizzard wouldn't have become as as sad as they are today without him, but SC2 and D3 would have benefited a fucking shitton without him at the helm


Go work contract work out of a camp. They're usually desperate for people and will train you on the job. Amazing money if you don't mind getting your hands dirty.

>insatiable passion for ideas
Richest idea guy in the the gaming industry?