Where did you go user?
We are still here playing.
Why don't you come back?
You are coming back aren't you?
Where did you go user?
We are still here playing.
Why don't you come back?
You are coming back aren't you?
Other urls found in this thread:
I played Tree of Savior on release and it was pretty bad, not coming back user.
Is there a good server yet?
Tree of Savior ended up being an abomination. They got the art style correct and messed up everything else.
I still play it occasionally. There really hasn't been a great server in a very long time.
There are a small handful of good ones, but each of them has some kind of issue weighing it down.
Don't you fucking taint me.
Not when I finally got my life back in order again
Come play with us.
Don't you miss me? Think of all the good times we had together.
Come on, just a little bit more farming. For old times sake?
>hype the game as the next RO
>somewhere down the road decide that the best MMOs are the singleplayer themeparks that literally no RO fan would enjoy
>still want to appeal to the RO crowd so make it grindy as fuck, but with absolutely none of the fun a grinding game entails
>makes some half and half fucking abomination that runs at 2fps and appeals to nobody
>remove all the well received features in the beta, like random field bosses for any full party
Tree of Savior has actually gotten worse, if you can believe that. Half the playerbase is openly hacking. I'm not even exaggerating.
Fucking hell. I am glad I did not jump on that boat after the beta. The pre-order packs were a red flag already.
Don't do this please. It was hard enough to let go the first few times, I can't emotionally invest myself anymore. Please let me go
Ironically the game is not P2W at all. The preorder stuff meant literally nothing. It has all the horrible fucking inconveniences a P2W game entails, like daily dungeon limits for starters, but no way to circumvent them. You can buy a subscription token with ingame currency in like a week.
user there's a new classic server with thousands of people playing!
But they're all Filipino!
Still doesn't help that the game feels so incredibly railroaded. Sucks all the fun out of the style of the game. I totally get why people would hack and bot all over the place. Anything to get to the fun part if it even exists.
On a similar note. Did anyone else play this?
Who Nova here?
I'm a programmer with a lot of similarly skilled friends and I've really been considering trying to rope together a team for a RO spiritual successor. The only things holding me back are time, money, and the idea that nostalgia might be blinding me. How would gamers of this generation handle a true spiritual successor to RO? Could a modern version of such a classic even hold up or capture the magic that held the original together? Was it lightning in a bottle or has everyone just been too afraid to try it again?
All I know is that RO is past it's golden years and there's no getting them back with the same game. It's too old, it's too dated, and everyone who enjoys it has already played it too death. I feel the only way we'll get the feeling we got with RO back is with a completely new world in a completely new game, which touches on all the points that everyone both loved and despised about RO in it's heyday, and to do it all without seeming like it's blatantly copying the RO we loved with a new coat of paint.
RO will forever be one my favorite games
Will it get localized?
I don't think it would matter honestly. I don't hate renewal myself, but there are a lot of people with strong opinions about it.
what server
I think Renewal had some good changes (level distribution) and some bad ones (questing hub, OP early game gear that invalidates common equips) but overall I'm indifferent. Well, they also removed some random maps and a whole dungeon for no raisin.
I doubt a game like RO has much a place anymore. Players these days like to be told what to do, and one of the great charms of RO was the sense of freedom available. Sure it might have been illusionary in some cases, but that idea that you could do what you want, and go where you want, while coupled with the charming art and music is what made RO.
I think a lot of old players still would like to play a game like RO again mostly nostalgia. Maybe it's a smaller group of really fond players who love to remissness on what was a simpler time. I'm sure there are some who would love to attempt to relive those golden years, but it might be an even small group who would be dedicated to stick around and give such an attempt a real go.
All of that said. I'm one of those people who feels the nostalgia often. I would love to play a game that gets it right.
I personally don't give a shit whether it's pre-re or renewal. I just want to play RO with new graphic, that's it.
I think RO is one of a kind, there's too many elements that make it charming and fun that you just can't really recreate. When it comes to mechanics and design though, there's lots you can learn from it that other games refused to, as well as a lot of old quirks that companies are too scared of today. That said, I don't think it's something worth doing. People's notion of what an MMO consists of is all warped by years of WoWclones and people just don't care about MMOs too much anymore.
Similar art style or aesthetic
Smoother game play
That's it for me. What made RO popular like you already pointed out was the world was completely new and there was no direct explanation or lore. You had to search around for quests and lore. RO actually has deep lore but most people aren't aware of it because it's not in your face or clearly put out there like other mmos. I think that's what made it so great, it's a fantasy world in which you are an individual, nothing is forced on you. You can explore the world, level up, do what you want. There was no set rules per se, you didn't have do quests, you didn't need le ebin gear to have fun(unless it's pvp or woe I guess), heck their were days where I'd just sit and talk to random people for hours. There was no set way to play the game it was your choice, you decided how you wanted to play
>RO2 played it too safe after the original RO2 was a failure and is completely boring
i'm done with mmos only bad experiences come from them.
as much as I love RO, it's a bad game for us now (unless you're a neet) and I don't think it should have a successor
we're not the children we used to be that had all the time in the world after school to do whatever we wanted every day
I really, really tried to make this game work. It's simply impossible to play without cash shop items.
>Fallen Angel Wing, Heroic Backpack
>crazy hat #9999 that boosts attack 300%
>all those necessary shadow gears
>all those necessary cash shop Oridecon and Eluniums
>reset stone cash item is required for advancement
>new instances require instant revival items because re-entries are forbidden for abuse
>can't make money without running the same instances over and over for 24 hours
There are Nexon or NCSoft games less pay to win than this shit. You are absolutely required to pay, way more than what the game's worth.
>We are still here playing.
No you're not, my comfy private server died years ago and the online friends I made therein have all moved on.
Sven you nordaboo japanese fuck you lied to me about there being good porn here.
We are all stuck in the internet now.
Did CloverRO die?
I think this is the worst part. Many of us grew up with this game, for loads of us it's the first mmo, however we just can't invest the time into such games anymore. It's an indication of how we are growing older and how time passes by do quickly.
Most private servers are that way sadly
The only other option is the official servers, and the grind required on 1/1/1 rates is terrible
>People's notion of what an MMO consists of is all warped by years of WoWclones and people just don't care about MMOs too much anymore.
I mean it seems so goddamn simple an idea. Make a big open world, put challenging content out in this world. But also remember that it is a multiplayer game.
Everyone wants to make the next big solo campaign cinematic experience where all player interaction is completely automated.
In the rare case they don't, I guess some investors higher up in the corporate food chain panic and twist it into some mixed abomination. BDO was my last hope and they decided to fuck it up and cut their ideas across the board.
I live in USA and I don't want to deal with bad ping. I could play in iRO, but nobody parties except during lvl 85-150 in one single same map where kill stealing is rampant and nobody in the management team cares if you report faggots. So, essentially, I'm stuck with decent server with unplayable ping, or shit server and shit players with acceptable connection.
I'll be fine in FF14.
Not him, but I think the guy you're quoting was referring to official server. Only a handful of servers have features he mentioned, and the need of reset stone to change job is only in iRO.
I meant the official server.
>pirate server
No thank you
Do they really have all that on iRO now?
Jesus christ I'm sorry
it's a bit depressing because i actually do like tree of savior quite a bit
i don't think it stands a chance though, the target market is those very people who just don't have to time to devote to the game-- it's a bit jarring for me to hear all the complaints, especially when RO had many if not all of the same problems
i think as children we were just willing to put up with more garbage
well, jTOS seems to be doing well at the very least so hopefully the game finds a way
A successor needs to hit upon the key points of what made it enjoyable but also seriously improve the overall game so that there's nothing "lost" by spending most of your free time playing it if that's what you really wanted to do.
It's not that we don't have free time anymore, it's that our tastes are more refined and we're more selective about how we spend it, so rather than design something to accommodate someone who doesn't want to invest that much time in it specifically, make it so that it's genuinely fun whether you play for an hour a day or every waking moment of your life.
I tried going back to RO official recently, and the experience was absolute shit. Everyone was off on their own on well defined "Leveling Zones" doing kill over 9000 of this monster and come back for a reward at the quest boards.
There is no wandering off on you own and making random acquaintances and unexpected adventures anymore. Everyone is in their little "Offline-MMO" and just grind instant teleport hunting quests.
Even though the game now has an inbuilt party board, no one fucking uses it. I waited for hours too. What's the fucking point of the MMO if no one even needs a party.
handful of private servers*
I fucking loved it for what short time I played it. It was neat controlling three characters at once.
>There is no wandering off on you own and making random acquaintances and unexpected adventures anymore
No shit? RO has been around for 14 years. At this point everyone has already known all the maps like the back of their hands.
The in-game party matchmaker is so shit that in "New World" areas they don't even work, and notification is slow in areas that does work. That's why no one uses it.
It's funny how people say all the modernization ruined the game. People preferred playing and communicating in game the old fashioned way.
It worked.
What I missed about RO was /sit under a shade of leaves somewhere and some one comes by and says /hi. Then we were off killing things.
man, best part about WoE was going in not even max level and being able to help. Everyone could do something.
Favorite moment was as a Crusader, a got hit by an Asura Strike and Auto Guard kept me alive.
I always sat in front of the entrace to Payon Cave
It was a pretty popular grinding spot and made a ton of friends there
If that was all you need, then you should go play Trickster online. It's not any less pay to win, but it's those two things you want.
That and I miss standing around Prontera as a knight waiting for someone to get on when a swordsman would stop and talk to me saying how cool I looked and would ask what they had to do to become a knight. I'd spend a while helping them and when my buddies got on I'd bid my new friend farewell and I'd leave town to go on an adventure with my buddies.
As a kid it used to be my dream to be one of the top players in the game. I've only reached this in one game during the closed beta and I don't remember what the name was but I remember my IGN was Flower. I was the 4th one to reach level cap. It took me every waking hour after I got home from school to keep pace and keep my lead when I had it.
That made me realize the amount of time you have to dedicate to be one of the top players is insane. As I got older I see that now that path can also be paid for along with having a lot of time.
I don't know if I can play a MMORPG unless I like the story and know I can meet people to play and progress with. Final Fantasy XIV is the only thing that interests me but I don't feel comfortable paying a subscription when I don't have the kind of time I would like to play anymore and now that I'm grown up I don't know if I ever will have that kind of time in my life again.
>tfw you were level 94 nobody Linker
>Kaite-ing someone before the patch to disable it in WoE
>Requiem was initially announced as a comfy sprite based game styled after all of the spooky zones of RO
>released as a garballed 3D mess
What Could Have Been™
>and would ask what they had to do to become a knight
This was always magical.
You had it good back then when it was only time that was required. Nowadays, it's not that uncommon to see someone spend hundreds if not thousands PER MONTH on top of playing 10+ hours a day every day.
No one ever needed a party for most things in RO, it was always less efficient than sologrinding along a planned route.
>usual guilds fighting each other like normal
>sneak into one of them with my bro
>empty other than the guardians
>bro guarded the door handling stragglers while I beat the emperium down to zero
>we two man took down their emperium
>broadcast that they lost their castle
>they rush back in force
>they chased us though their lost castle in a Tom & Jerry fashion
>they almost got us, but we ducked down into the guild dungeon right before they took back their castle
>stayed down there and leveled until we both hit the level cap
Stuff like that is why I loved RO so much. So many memories of fun bullshit.
nah, I get my comfy grind dose with TOS
you got too shitty, deserted and broken to be fun anymore, even if high on nostalgia
Amazing game, amazing art, amazing music, maybe it's just nostalgia but fuck this game was great, so comfy to chill with guildmates and run dungeons with.
None of the DPS counter bullshit or shittily designed corridors in modern MMOs, and holy shit the LORE! was the best part.
>you will never do the Friendship Quest for the first time again
>you will never run Thanatos' Tower solving the puzzles again
>you will never see loli pope again
>you will never explore Bio Labs again
>you will never do Kiel Hyre quest again
I could go on and on all day, but you get the point. Even on private servers I made sure to do the job change and renewal quests properly and read all the lore, and the insane amount of quests hidden in the game instead of other MMOs having a bunch of quest givers (who most of the time are just "kill X monsters" or "bring me X amount of Y loot") in a very obvious hub.
Literally had my first ERP in this game with a dancer and priestess who was legit a girl gamer in the guild
Also the game that introduced me to Fatalpulse, Xration and Digital Lover
Maybe if you're playing in mid-high server. In low rate pre-re server, the best exp you'll get to get to 99 is to party in magma 2.
>Bio Labs
That part of the game got really dark.
rocker doll quite famous in men;;
i remember the super early days of the beta where the only playable class was swordsman and the baphomet was the boss in the prontera culvert. his sprite was upscaled to a massive size and you could only see his foot.
>None of the DPS counter bullshit
Loved RO and played it for way too many years. Every single MMO since has been utter shit for some reason.
Then I recently went back and was bored out of my fucking mind. That's about when I realized the only thing that kept me playing for years was the amazing friends I had made.
I wish I'd kept in touch with them over the years.
The stat system was also different back in those days. Was like that up though the 1-2 classes. Things changed around the comodo patch.
That's about every MMO to come out in the last decade.
General gameplay improves but the focus on social interaction went into a ditch to die. There's also a huge drive to make epic chosen one stories, for some reason.
While you're making my adolescent dreams come true can you also do a spiritual successor to Phantasy Star Online Seiken Densetsu and Mega Man Battle Network.
Yeah, if someone would rehash RO with all new content and a new engine. That would honestly be a great start.
From there I think there are a handful of improvements that can be made to the game.
It's sad too. What really makes an MMO great is who you play it with. It's always been that way.
>What really makes an MMO great
While I agree, yes
I also think there are genuinely things RO did better than some modern games.
>Was it lightning in a bottle or has everyone just been too afraid to try it again?
Tree of Savior had fucking massive hype behind it literally because everyone thought it was going to be RO with better graphics. It subsequently canned because it is the polar opposite of that.
>That amazing feel when your heal scales up a notch
>Planting warp portals beside me and sending people to GH
>Buffing and healing little mages working hard killing Clocks and Alarms
>Spending 4 hours a week spamming Suffragium for my friends
Every little thing in that game was so much fun
Except this thing
Yeah Gravity made some questionable design decisions as the game got older.
The dungeons used to feel like little ecosystems with a decent variety of monsters.
They reduced the variety a lot as the game got older to the point it'd be like 2 monsters per a floor.
Payon Dungeon comes to mind.
I'm still pissed off what they did to Sage's abracadabra/hocus pocus
>2 Yellow Gemstones, cannot be reduced below 1 by any means
renewal after the rebelance update was a mistake
everyone post your favourite card
It was the same with the Geffen dungeon floor 1. Was a great place to kill poison spores, and farm spores for easy zeny for new players, but they had to throw a hunter fly down there and spoil it for everyone.
And I still played sage frequently after the hocus pocus nerf. I like the auto cast spell, but yeah. No fun allowed with gimmicks. The poor Bard and Dancer had zero place until the transcended classes came along.
>Friends are gone
>Meta has evolved
>New guilds i know nothing about
>Economy's different
>Gear's outdated, can't do new content
>Cant do pvp because gear as well
>Making money has changed too with updates
On top of that, I just don't have the time.
- Keep the stat system mostly as it is.
- Keep the fast paced combat, please don't use cooldowns, keep the animation delay.
- Keep classes specialized. Renewal ruined it by giving everyone nukes, mobility and AoEs.
- Keep the card system but improve the diversity of effects.
- Don't use instanced dungeons, everyone should compete for the same rewards.
- Focus on partying
I'm sure that if you keep these elements while modernizing the rest of the game it would be a great experience.
anyone know a good full download for battle offline?
all the torrents i find are dead
Oh hey guys, Ragnarok thread?
I feel like I spoiled myself out of Ragnarok Online by playing on those pirate servers with super ridiculous experience and drop rates I just breezed through every zone.
Not to mention everyone had GM commands like teleporting and shit so I never paid much attention to the world. I just teleported to where I needed to be, grinded some items and levels and then moved on.
Well, I was a dumb 12 year old at the time so I guess it was expected.
>le exhentai meme
The chrome extension stopped working, what do i do?
That's what she gets for not riding a Peco Peco.
pls help
>delete all *hentai.org cookies
>log into e-hentai.org
>go to ex
>mfw DB spamming south prontera entrance
I never got into RO so i can't relate with the nostalgia, i used to play this instead.
And do i miss the old days of it...
Just as I expected.
Thank you.
Do what said
Since he didn't explicitly say it, and you somehow couldn't figure it out without the extension, be sure to make a fucking account.
And he's not kidding about the cookies, most idiots overlook this step for whatever reason. I honestly don't know how so many people fail to access this site, getting to it is pretty straightforward.
>mfw back when they allowed DB usage in towns
Personally I think that ArcheAge was the best MMO for a very short period of time (beta).
I've been thinking about what makes it such a good game for a while now and I'd like to share.
The first big thing is that probably 50% of the entire game world is just housing. The biggest problem with this is that some people got shit out of luck and missed getting land - Which is why I believe they should've added instanced housing for those less fortunate. Seeing people tend to their gardens, hang out in their houses, and try to make their homes "stick out" as you walked by the road was great.
Why were you walking down the road? You were carrying rare spices from another region to an area that sorely needed them. Money made the game go round and running trade packs was a great way to make money. The more dangerous your route (ie PVP zones or even across the enemy continent) gave you more money.
I have lots of memories of spending 10 minutes loading up a merchant ship with a few friends and trying to sneak our way between continents to get as much gold as possible. I even sold my merchant ship services to a guild, and was protected by a fleet of galleon and ended up being part of a high-stakes war, with plenty of money to the victor.
Mounts and gliders were awarded to those with the grandest achivements like playing a shitton of PVP for example. The world felt more alive than WoW Legion feels, despite having a ridiculous playerbase right now.
>using hocus pocus on those DB monsters
It's almost like I'm a GM doing an invasion event.