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let me help you with that 5
Leafy will be comfy at his new McDonalds job. Its nice he can shit talk SJW's and have 3 million subs but the guys a total faggot with one of the worst styles of editing on youtube.
R u a mod??
omfg dood
Thought it was gonna be Leafy shillin.
God bless, iDubbz that glorious faggot
Not video games
He is really good looking, I'm being serious, no homo though
>make your entire career literally just trashing on other people as hard as you can
i love callin people fags just as much as the next guy but like that's no reliable living
Why do we hate Leafy again?
He's just some guy who says what we're all thinking. With unwatchably retarded editing but still.
I think Youtube Drama faggots aren't videogames.
It says here your occupation is posting about e-celebs on Sup Forums all day. Care to explain?
I want a loli to bully my penis while calling me a pedophile pervert.
How do I make this a reallity, Sup Forums?
no im not explaining anything but you can come here and get on this dick
leafy is like an edgy faggot version of Ed from Ed, Edd n Eddy