Be sharing apartment with Adam Jensen and Big Boss

>be sharing apartment with Adam Jensen and Big Boss
>come back from gym
>see this

wat do?

Fuck Big Boss. Kill Jensen.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry"

Stop you fucking idiots.

Oh look, it's that fujoshit that doesn't know Snake's scar is fake.

Tell them their faggots that should get a room. Then go to my room and play video games.

>most of Sup Forums will never experience the beauty of gay love

You guys are seriously missing out.

try to placate them both by offering my mouth

tell them to stop being gay, and tell big boss that you were played like a damn fiddle

"either put a fucking note or something on the door or take it to your rooms. I don't have time for this shit. fucking walkin in on this shit after the gym and all I want to do i have a sandwich and play some games but I gotta deal with this shit. Now I gotta wait for these two to finish before I get my sandwich fuckin bullshit"

and I would just ramble and trail off like that as I went to my room.

Tell them to do that shit in private.

tell them to get a hotel room and fuck off

How exactly is gay love different from straight love? Aside from knowing that if you're in a gay relationship, your partner has had at least 100 sex partners before you and is probably a bug chaser.

I'd let them ejaculate in my mouth


What's the sex like? I once posted an ad on Craigslist for a guy to suck me bit never went through with it

Is the S for Snake?

Their faggots what?

Gay love is just like having a best friend, but with the sex benefits and the love (kinda like bromance).

I would ask snek if this is what he was doing when he was suppose to destroy the weapon to surpass all metal gear

Speak for yourself

Gays are so fucking disgusting

Remember the basics of the prod, it's always the most silent takedown.

Being a bottom feels amazing when you get past initial pain
Being a top is also amazing because of the tightness
And then there's the billions ways how you can have sex
It's actually fun


>A gay sex information thread is the most interesting thread on Sup Forums now

>I'm a miserable prude


Call Dante to get those faggots out of my apartment.

Like salty milk and coins

Sorry for what? My daddy told me not to be ashamed of our cqc, especially with our good skill and all.

It's exactly the same with straight love.

aren't all gays deppresed as fuck or that only applies to traps?
I know for sure there is a high suicide rate but can't remember if it was for gays or traps.

i hate doggystyle tho
most of time it's just pain

Get between them.

>same as men


mostly traps, trannies and 'femboys' ive yet to meet one that didnt end up in us both having shitty sex and then crying together in bed

only the virgin and repressed ones

Join the fight. Anything else and you don't belong in that apartment.

>men are like women
Lol no, women are terrible to talk to they are annoying and talk about useless shit like makeup and kardashians or other retarded celebs

>fucked with a tranny
>shitty sex and deppresive as fuck despite the good lucks
What's the deal with that? I'm sure he/she fucked half the city yet shit was mediocre.

Holy shit put down that knife, you might cut someone's beautifully sculpted torso! I fucking leave the room for one minute honestly you guys

"you guys are fucking gay, put some shirts on."

>straight love
Yeah if we ignore the fact that women's brains are wired completely different from men's

>wat do?

Stop and wonder where you life has gone wrong.

on the scene

>power goes out

Just buy an onahole or those 20 pounds of pussy and ass molds and put it in warm water for like 10 minutes then fuck it. It's not the same, but it's better than your hand.

With a real girl however, it feels very pleasant because their insides are warm and tight. And whenever I went down on my girl, she smelled like lavender so I lucked out on that.

trannies are basket cases

t. tranny

Its not to late this can still be a good thread you guys. Post fav vidya men

It's too late


>if it smells like fish, its a dish
>if it smells like perfume......

user did not grow up with an older brother it seems

He was talking about gay sex

That's my picture
Also leave because both can kill me

its never to late to gay it up.


e w

Uh lavender extract can be used in food and as an oil help with cuts. It isn't solely used as perfume.

Eiffel Tower



Gays are alright these days, just gotta watch out for those sissyfags, and transfags.

>just gotta watch out for those sissyfags, and transfags.


I want to rub Adam's arms while he spits in my face repeatedly.


I want my men strong but not meat mountains

You could post more gay shot instead of dissing my tastes annon.


ottermode best mode

Different strokes for different folks just gay it up already.

>most of Sup Forums will never experience the beauty of being infested with deadly diseases
Bugchasers stay go

RIP thread


fuck you !


>in middle school one of my friends would always take me in a locker room bathroom with her to do unchristian things with me

Watch them have gay sex while recording it so I can sell copies of it

How unchristian are we talking about here.

I agree, they should be strong enough to steal family jewels and bring the bantz

>Gays are alright if they have shit taste

I just want to be gay with people.

>tfw gay and ugly

do you have a nice body or dick at least

he had a piece of wire threaded through his chest
wouldn't that have left a permanent self inflicted scar?

Wow, it's just like my japanese animes.

>tfw no hairy bf

guys give the best bj

I also like how they tease and suck on my nipples, it feels great cause they're super sensitive.

Why are they so sensitive user, have you been taking something you shouldn't?

Hook up with someone from Sup Forums then.
>tfw bf who sends me porn and shitposts with me too

>gf works in a gay bar
>would sometimes tag along when she worked
>fat as fuck
>hairy as an ape
>greasy as shit
>constantly asked out by literal degenerates
gays have such trash taste, they have a fetish for everybody basically imo

Nanomachines, son

>being gay

Gay people are the literal scum of the earth because they will never reproduce.
Even bisexuals are better

conc nade.

No clue, I'm a mans man who likes to life, have a deep voice, and grew a beard at an early age but god damn my nipples feel so fucking good when licked/sucked/nibbled

>likes to life
likes to lift*

I know a girl from georgia who had a huge fetish for the fat neet type.

She even had a bf of that type

I'm literally the manifestation of both my parent's worst genes, and I'm not misusing literally.
I'm 100% ugly and have mental health issues on top of it. The only reason I haven't offed myself is because then my dad would probably kill himself and I have a little hope that the future holds at least one great thing medical or tech related (the two things I'm interested in).

As a gay im slightly offended but then again i do have a fetish for a lot of things sooooo.

>worrying about being ugly when you are gay
can't fags get dick very easy?

As a gay you should throw yourself into an incinerator

cant straights get pussy easily.

hi Sup Forums

Thanks M8, everyone on this website should probably throw themselves in a incinerator btw.