Who /Reaper/ here?

who /Reaper/ here?

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I fucking love his character design.

Saving up for gold shotguns

>tfw Gabriel Reyes will never crush you with his thighs
>tfw Gabriel Reyes will never sit on your face
Why live.

>tfw you teleport in the middle of about 4 of the enemy team and unleash your special shotgun attack
>tfw it takes them all out and you get play of the game

You mean who /pleb/ here? Fuck Reaperfags.

>reaper teleports in
>put him to sleep

>tfw you tp to a ledge and hanzo shoots your face

I mained him in the beginning but then I picked up tracer

>got mariachi skin
>got medal victory pose
>got edgy neck slice potg intro
>got his new sit emote
>got golden shotguns

You should play a real character desu senpai.

I main Reaper, and rotate between Tracer and Roadhog when i feel like a change

anyone ever think of giving gabriel reyes filthy head behind a gas station while he twists his fist in your hair?

me neither haha


You should play these two

>tfw /genji/
>everyone expects me to either be a faggot kid yelling at his team or a godlike ebin pro genji
>really just average and find the character aesthetically pleasing and fun to jump around with

He is with me.


Traps and grenades all day

It would be hilarious if Reaper only said his cringey lines in his head because he'd be too embarrassed to say it in real life.

> hanzo
Have extreme hate for him
> genji
I play tracer so same shit


heh average

more like shit!


Fuck yeah
Funest terrorist ever



Who /Lucio/?

Ayy lmao
Also zenbro

>Everyone says you are edgy for being Reaper
>Reaper is a viable character for any team and is always useful.

There is no winning is there?

Lucio looks like the lost cousin from Bandeiras (kof)

The worlds against you
Just the way you like it

This, I don't even main him but playing him is pretty fun honestly

I like playing him but too bad I don't get to do cool wall ride stuff across the map cause I need to stay with the team unless I'm the last one then I just fuck around

>playing escort at Gibraltar
>quick play match, maining support characters, doing awful regardless because of no team cooperation
>say fuck it and decise to play reaper
>about 1 minute left until the end of the game
>sneak in and notice the entire enemy team is on the fucking payload
>drop down on them, use my ult and kill 5, killing the remaining tracer point blank
>manage to save the game while my whole team is in fuck all, nowhere
>we end up winning, get potg

I only fucking wish I had uploaded that clip, fuck that felt great.

It seems like the funnest times with Lcuio is when your whole team is dead and you're contesting a point during overtime and you survive long enough for your team to return

> tfw you get pushed off and almost die but you ride back to the point next to a cliff

Am I supposed to aim for the head with reaper?
Or should I be going for max pellets?

This guy seems so straightforward but I can't reap. It seems like he's entirely dependant on luck, or whoever you're killing not turning around.

Attack/Defense on Route 66 is the best place to wall ride. You can easily get up to the map's ceiling while healing near the first point.

If you manage to hit people while up there, it becomes really funny seeing the enemy team try and kill you.

Go for squishy
Then tanks
Rest your team can deal with
Wraith to friends
This has been a reaper PSA

87% win rate with this faggot. I really hope they don't nerf this guy.




Only decent and mobile tank shredder. Nerfing him would put D. VA, Roadshit, and Industrial German Metal higher on the list.

anyone else /winston/ here?

I'll be sure to send them your regards, monkey.

>Play Mercy
>Can take on a Rein/Hog with pistol and win
>Team complains when I try to defend myself against people trying to kill me when they do jack shit to protect me.

How many harambe jokes do you hear in a day?

too many


Im not a monkey


>has shotgun shells
>throws away the whole shotgun anyway

Where does he get them from anyway? His anus?

Should I start playing Zarya? She seems fun. Not much to her, right? Just shield team mates that are taking damage?

>tits not out
inaccurate desu

I'm /Zarya/
Zarya's really fun once you get the hang of her, just have really good timing on your barriers
They work well against dva's ult, roadhog chains (most of the time) and when reinhardt pins one of your teammates

Spam right click, shield when damage comes buy, melt D.vas who put up their defence matrix before remembering it doesn't work against it and flying away.

There's an art to keeping her charged. Don't ask me though.

What does it go through besides D.Va's shied? Reinhardt's too? Keep getting confused between Winston and Zarya's beams.

Just D.va, but boy is it satisfying when the other team tries to cheese with 2 D.vas and you shut them the fuck down.

>no real main for a long time
>had to play Zen once around the time he was buffed
>do amazingly well
>never pick anything else since he's always a good pick
>usually have silver/gold kills along with healing
>still strong as fuck after the nerf
>currently sitting at top 100 Zen players
>got to the point where I don't really know how to play anything else

send help

Zens slow orbs are about the same speed as Hanzos arrows, so you should be used to anticipating positions. Also they both have wallhacks.

Also meis secondary is similar.

Zen is better than both of them though.

Who /streetpig/ here?

post reaper music

no linkin park, he's too old for that


>no rein


hell yeaghhh motherfucker!


>not laneswine
>not pathboar

what is that stuff

Why is that everywhere now? Is it partially ironic that people don't crop it out?

Also, why have the Google image results become so much worse in recent years?

I hate his default character design. It's so busy and his hair is just too much. The football and the no-helmet hockey designs are far superior, and I don't feel that way about most legendary skins.

Reaper's edginess (with the help of comics) grew on me.

I just got OW a few days ago.
I'm taking a liking to Pharah,HoadRog and Rein,76, Zen and Winston.
>MFW a Mechless D.va or Tracer gets within hammer range.

I'm 100% at this point his edgyness is a joke to blizz
Some of his lines are like actually hilarious.

>mfw it's in the refrigerator

first game I played today I picked reaper, then the whole team did, just spammed REAP EM
the whole time, was pretty cool story.

>no Trailpiggu

I'm sorry what?

Anyone else get an erection when the opposing team doesn't check their flanks so you just come in kill their supports and wraith away? And you do this all day.

>still no lucha skin

I dont get it though.
Is reaps only useful against noobs then?

I always hear the cunt and put and arrow in his head no problem.

so you can still dream of being that deplorable.

why are they eating fanta orange flavored goop noodles?

>be DVA
>tfw you see a Reaper teleporting in for an ult
>tfw APM jom ollyeo bolkka
>tfw he's just spinning around uselessly shooting blanks as everyone lays into him

Where's my /meibae/ bros at?

Borderlands-teir cringe.


Kill yourself you are ruining the game.

>APM jom ollyeo bolkka
freeze dont move?

Don't mix up a D.va line with Mei ever again.

DVA's field




So what exactly is the point of Symmetra? Why would someone bother to play her instead of another defense character? There's some secret technique I'm missing, right?

I Main Bastion and almost always get POTG just by using turret modeOn PS4


put one behind enemy forces and flank dem faggots

>There's some secret technique I'm missing, right?

It's called a teleporter.
Get it in the right place, keep it defended, and it's a game-changer. Also, her orbs fully charged do 150 damage through any shield except for DVA's barrier, and pierce targets. Against a rein push it's fucking lethal.


No fucking wonder

>ywn poz lucio's neghole

what comp rank are you, I need decent players for that last push up into Diamond

>be clever and put teleporter behind them
>payload moves forward
>portal spot is further away from payload than spawn point

Never bought the game i just tried 3 Day Demo

Will buy it tho


>tumblr nose