Game has cliches from spy films like 007

>game has cliches from spy films like 007

What games do this?

Other urls found in this thread:

You posted it. Also how do I get mouselook to not be garbage in the second game?

I don't know, but they should do No One Lives Forever 3, that franchise was good. That spinoff shit game wasn't even made by the original devs.

Or maybe the guys who recently left Monolith and founded Blackpowder Games should make a spiritual successor.

There's a widescreen fix around the web, I remember mouse working fine with it.

Which Cate is better lads?

First one desu. Better voice

>game has the DB5
>can eject the passenger out

also better face

first. That choker does things to my dick though

I want to protect that smile.

I want to play a game of twister with her.

Evil Genius
cheesy 60s spy movies is a theme that really needs to be more popular in video games

What's with all the nolf threads lately? Not that I'm complaining, I love these games. Just curious.

Where do I get No One Lives Forever 2?

Any working torrents?

GOG sales, I guess.

I prefer 2

>No mention of GoldeEye for the N64

That was a blatant ripoff from 007


I actually looked because I thought it got added at some point.

Fuck that guy for tricking me.

>when the game has a Bond esque opening

Never ever.

It doesn't have that old spy flair to it. It's a more straight action game.

Also NOLF has the whole humorous style to it, 007 is a totally serious game. NOLF feels like Austin Powers female edition, except NOLF is funnier.

Timesplitters Future Perfect has a couple segments based on spy films. It's pretty fucking great too.


I remember hearing that the rights to NOLF were lost or something weird like that. Why doesn't GOG just sell anyway?

>Why doesn't GOG just sell anyway?

They will get sued to oblivion

Mgs3 man

alpha protocol is basically spy cliches: the game, although not really 007 ones, and they're handled with a little more care than just straight rip-offs
it's also pretty good, worth checking out

are you calling NOLF a straight ripoff? I'll cut you

Also reminder that key members of Monolith Productions, such as lead dev Craig Hubbard who worked on SHOGO, NOLF and FEAR, left the studio to form a new one called Blackpowder Games.

They just made a game recently called Betrayer.

Goldeneye feels exactly like 007. You're specifically looking for 60's 007.

The shittiest game in the series.

I don't know if that's what OP meant, but NOLF has a top tier humor with the whole spy theme. You don't see anything like that in games today, maybe outside of Double Fine games. The whole gadgets like the lipstick grenade and whatnot, that stuff was nice.

I've never played this game but that girl looks like Peggy Olsen :3

Nobody is going to say TS1 is better than TS3. But TS2 is better than 3, yes.

How do I fix this shit?

pls help

What OS you on?


Windows 8.1

>a game of twister
never again


Thanks Sup Forums


Is there any way to make the hud larger on NOLF 1 when using the widescreen fix? it's small as fuck.

piratebay is the only one i found with any seeders

Yeah, I found that out and got

>al franken

Do you have that problem without the widescreen patch too?


I'm thinking about uninstalling it. It looks like fun, but I can't navigate anything. Even all the text is question marks in game.

I remember awhile back someone was making (third person?) shooter based off corny 80's action movies where you could do ridiculous stunts while blasting away at people with twin SMGs and shit like that.

Anybody remember the name?

Double action: boogaloo?

NOLF is a better spy game than Goldeneye

Works on my machine :^)

That's the one, thanks.

Have you tried reinstalling?

There's another one that imitates the style of matrix and equilibrium. I forgot the name of it

Nope. I might try another torrent. The one I tried from Pirate bay was called No One Lives Forever Anthology, I think.

The Specialists

>The Specialists


I think the torrent that you downloaded is set to a different language or something. Try changing it back. Google how.

Destroy all Humans! 2

Yeah, try the one with NOLF 2 just by itself, it wad either the first or 2nd most seeded one. That's what I'm using, no problems.

??????????? ???? ???????

this game series is the only reason i still keep an optical drive around.

Looks like unicode problem, change it to us and reboot

Trying it

Thanks senpai

I have legit copies of both games but do the installers work on modern OS?

Why is 2 better? I'm playing through 2 now, and it's basically the same minus wacky story

>tfw no NOLF3
>monolith was told to make that shitty mordor game
>also to make some shitty multiplayer shooter when their bread and butter was always single player
>Rebellion got a chance to make a new Aliens vs Predator in 2010 but Monolith didn't
>there aren't any genuinely funny FPS like NOLF

these guys know whats up. the intro sequence of the game is a whole dedication to bond films.

still my fav mgs game ever. have an eternal boner for that song.

>if NOLF 3 came out today it would be an sjw fest obviously written by an angry feminist

monolith couldn't have made more nolf if they wanted to, nobody knows who owns the ip anymore. going by today's games its probably for the better the series stays where it is anyway.

>sjw pieces of shit complain that there aren't games made with woman as protagonists
>both NOLF and Beyond Good & Evil had good female protagonists, were great games but had awful sales
fuck those assholes

Perfect image to describe the situation

Every game that have cutscenes that include close combat with multiple people.
One of the bad guys attack while the others wait

Why is Monolith literally unable to make a good sequel?

Isn't it like 3 years old?

what's wrong with NOLF 2?

it started development in 2013 or 2014, went into Early Access, but only got released in late 2015

2 has better arcade, but three is still damn good. But it's Sup Forums so autists have to draw arbitrary lines in the sand

>basically the same

It's a little different. Hard (for me at least) to explain but 2 and 1 play a little more like perfect dark/goldeneye on N64 I think. And TS2 has a wacky story as well!

>He thinks Alpha Protocol has better writing and story than NOLF

NOLF is better desu
Obsidian games have great ideas but really poor execution.

You know why they had awful sales? Because male gamers feel threatened by strong female protagonists and don't buy games like that. Insecure, sexist pigs.

I'm a male gamer and I bought NOLF 2.

Please keep your insinuations to yourself and fuck off.

You probably just bought it to leer at Cate Archer, imagining all the dirty things you'd do to her once you have her blindfolded and tied to your bed.
You're practically raping her, you pig. Don't you feel any shame?

>he didn't
snow level cate is the cutest cate




>Cock goes where?



It's just not as great as nolf1.




>work at vidya store years back
>get into conversation about FPS games
>coworkers ask to just name two of my favorite FPS off the top of my head
>immediately say "Timesplitters 2 and NOLF 2"

