Filename thread?

Filename thread?









Was there any follow up to this video? Did he get arrested or anything?


HOLY FUCK, so dumb... she doesn't seemed too concerned about it though, amazingly.

It's Russia, what the fuck do you think?

man she got drilled hard


top kek




How did that not rip off a chunk of her scalp?


this is still the most badass webm ive ever seen

I cant explain it but this video makes me feel really uncomfortable

well she seems quite shocked

What are these? Turtles? Mussels?


Look like crabs to me.

what are those?

half a nailsize of skin/fat missing if you pause the vid


Looks like lice

wtf is that

>not the full



My brother had lice, didn't look like that weirdly enough. They're kinda cool actually, I want some on my pubic hair. They're like little friends.

lice combing





Oh yes now I see it, along with a hint of betrayal from her.

Needs a name please



needs a name

wow she actually has a decent set of tits?
color me surprised.

Yeah I'm shilling for fucking pewdiepie, you retarded faggot.

Y-you too.


lol im not calling you a shill, im calling pewdie pie a shill. you wanted a name for the file i gave you one

>0.5% chance of Fire Damage

That's a kappa taking someone's soul the original way isn't it






>when he kicks the board in Haldeman then drops the guy with a hook all in one motion

Every damn time!






yep, saw it immediately


Unf. Who's this?



I fucking knew it, it went on for so long I was starting to think they were waiting for it to happen too.







Best out of the Cornetto trilogy


Naw man, order goes

Hot Fuzz
Shaun of the Dead
Worlds End

Radiohead music video


anri okita i think


>has a purse in one hand
>uses dog instead

What a cunt


Jesup christ



>fuckin madcatz
I don't know, it probably works better than most MadCatz controllers.

You post this like every time and nobody ever responds. I'll be the first to tell you this is just a lame attempt to push your scat fetish.

why are turtles such niggers?


Looks like fucking Mount & Blade combat lmao

What an asshole.

What a scumbag.


Thanks man


