>tfw you finally build a PC and no longer have to defend your shit console in a shit console war
Feels good.
Tfw you finally build a PC and no longer have to defend your shit console in a shit console war
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I know that feel bro
It feels good to ascend
Falseflag thread. Awaiting 404.
delete this etc
tfw when you spend $1000 building a pc and see that its a daily struggle to make it run any game efficiently
How do you deal with the fucking keyboard
It annoys the shit out of me
So is building a PC yourself actually as easy as people make it out to be? I'm not gonna pay extra 500 bucks for someone to do so if it's like Legos
I don't blame you for wanting it to be the case, I was like you once, but be assured, I have ascended.
Welcome to the master race, user. Are you ready to
>Play your games in actual 1080p+/60fps
>Pay less for new release titles
>Not have to worry about how much space is on your consoles tiny HDD
>Free online play
>Massive library
>Mods to re-live your favorite games with entirely new experiences.
>Use any peripheral you want, ps4, xbone, kb/m, your controller is your choice.
>Create any content you can imagine with countless free tools
But what took you so long to get here?
>tfw you spend a grand on a box that cannot play Japanese games, the only good games made in the current generation
>you need to buy a console regardless
Well not all games are meant to play played with a keyboard like gta5 or mgs V pick and choose what works better
I was honestly very concerned about that at first, it was a bit awkward during the beginning, but after getting acclimated to slower paced and single-player games, I got very comfortable with it and was able to play online shooters with ease
Yes. Like anything it takes a bit of research and confidence but it's nothing the average person can't handle.
You'll also become self reliant when it comes to upgrading and troubleshooting.
Just look up some YouTube videos of how to do it.
It's super easy the hard part is doing the research and learning about all the parts just search on youtube how to build a pc and you'll be set .
I'm a PC gamer and I think you're full of shit.
Awaiting 404.
Not him but I recently built my pc as well. Playing multiplayer FPS games helped with getting used to WASD and the surrounding keys.
it's not as easy as legos, but it is for the most part just matching things that are labeled.
Here's some links I used.
If you can't build a computer with those four resources+your motherboard's manual you may be beyond help. Pic is the rig I built with no knowledge about computers prior.
you will get used to it, the human body and mind can get used to anything. I recommend playing genres that you didn't play on console (most likely RTS, grand strategy, a lot of indie games) since those will have controls entirely unfamiliar to you, so you won't have that horrible feeling of being used to a console controller in a shooter while trying to use a mouse and keyboard.
Why be mad then?
>build 1500$ PC
>just play Runescape
Send help...
>It's like he isn't aware every good JP game is coming out on PC too.
You living under a rock user? Just last couple weeks we've had
>God Eater 1 & 2
>Attack on Titan
>Various VNs
>Senrans were this summer
>Nier confirmed for PC
>Nioh probably going to be ported later - It's koei.
>Tales of all coming to PC
>Star Ocean 5 looking into PC port
>Stranger of Sword City already on PC
etcetcetc. Most of the GOOD JP games are on vita, most of the good vita games are getting ports.
Because OP is a shit poster inciting a platform way because he is a huge faggot shit poster.
How did you fuck up that badly? Alienware prebuild?
>500 extra
if you are talking about a prebuilt alienware monstrosity, maybe it's 500 extra. But you can buy all of your components separate like you were going to build it yourself, then just take them to a local PC repair place, they should charge only around 60 dollars to assemble it. To someone experienced, that's a complete rip off since it would only take them an hour and a half. To someone completely new to it, it's a lifesaver since you are saving like 7+ hours of looking at tutorials and getting frustrated.
That said it's so much better to build your own, that way if you want to make any change you can do it on your own, when you want to clean it you don't have to worry about anything since you know where it all is. It's just whether you want the easy way out or the right way.
>mfw I haven't even turned on any of my consoles since I got my PC running months ago
This might sound like a joke but is the same feel I had when I built my latest PC. I couldn't fucking sleep thinking my precious exclusives could be ported, and only playing the flavor of the month on weekends fucking sucked.
Plug your console controller into your PC. You fuck nugget.
Geez, you're such a faggot. And stop posting silly Chinese bees as veil to your mad.
Also, nobody believes that you're not an asspained console fag :3
I have saved thousands of dollars by pirating games.
>tfw you finally build a pc and realize that having to troubleshoot every little fucking thing amidst a community of smug permavirgins who only have "works on my machine :^)" to contribute
It's not fucking worth it. Fuck this platform.
I just bought the parts and since I'm not some Sup Forums-tard I don't know how to build it so I paid around 150 for someone to put it together
Your bait tastes dreadful. What shit hole did you get your bait from?
It's not 2005 anymore you faggot.
>no EDF
>implying Nioh will come when Team Ninja said that they won't make any more ports if people made nude mods for the PC versions
>ports of ancient console games
>a port of an OBSOLETED SK game
>"considering the possibility" means "we will"
These games are PS4 exclusive until otherwise proven.
Well I like computers more than I like videogames so might as well use it to play games too.
uh buddy.. I have news for you...
>Team Ninja
Is still doing PC ports. There are two confirmed in the next year. The fuck are you on about?
>PS4 Exclusive
The only good ones are Vita. Stop pretending PS4 has games.
I haven't even gotten to the part where I troubleshoot the vidya because I'm too busy dealing with the fact that PC component manufacturers feel it's a good idea to leave their firmware literally unfinished and let the 12 year olds and adults with superiority complexes defend the fact that they have to fix everything themselves.
silly consolefag, the good versions of darkstalkers are all played on PC
>buy game on console
>it's broken
>welp, better wait and hope the devs patch it in a few months!
>buy game on PC
>it's broken
>oh hey someone already figured out a fix after only a few hours
>I sure am glad I spent 4 seconds typing in the problem on google and clicking the very first result
Time to get into MMO wars, or video card wars, or y'know, back into console wars.
What a waste, next time, just follow a fucking Youtube tutorial second by second like I did. It's not as easy as a lot of people here try to make it out to be, but it's definitely possible by anyone who's not a complete retard.
Even watching someone else do it, It's still scary as fuck to install the CPU.
How are those indie games pcucks
You finally built your computer when gaming is at its worst, congrats
>tfw you build a pc, and HAVE NOTHING TO PLAY
Man I have the money and I really feel like buying a PS4 Pro when it comes out, but damn there's barely any good games that aren't on PC, it doesn't feel like it's worth it. I wish it had more exclusives.
Ya maybe if you're dumb
>Plug parts in.
>Turn computer on.
Are you autistic? I just put together a 6700k build for myself, one for a friend, and a cheapo AMD 8350 build for my room mate. None of them had any issues. Ever considered the problem is -you-?
>You finally built your computer when gaming is at its worst, congrats
That's really not an argument since PCs are almost completely backwards-compatible through emulation and community content.
That really only hurts consoles.
sounds like you bought a shit part from a shit manufacturer then, don't blame the entirety of computers because you can't do some research for a 1000+ dollar purchase,
>literally a smug permavirgin with nothing but "works on my machine :^)"
Jesus the meme magic is real today
>tfw same
>tfw my Xbone is pointless now
>tfw I have no use for my TV now since I only ever used it to play Xbox on anyways
>when gaming is at its worst
I know that as a consolefag this might be the case, I mean I've been there, just waiting for months for the new hot game to come out, being exclusive or not, most of the time turns out to be shit, I mean the PS4 has plenty of exclusives and the only good ones are Bloodborne and maybe Uncharted 4.
On PC there are dozens of games each month, and if you do your research you can find at least a couple of gems you didn't know every time you look. Not all are indie shit, just recently we had Obduction and Soma.
So he can finally enjoy games that were played 15+ years ago? Truly the master race
>people itt pretending there isn't a noticeable period of fiddling with PCs to get them to work/optimize them
Why would people just go on the internet and tell lies?
I meant
>no EDF
as in
>he didn't acknowledge EDF
>Team Ninja is still doing PC ports
You mean Omega Force. The only games they make are shitty licensed tie-ins or Romance of the Three Kingdoms. And even so, the best of theirs, Samurai Warriors 4 Empires, isn't on PC.
>shitty Vita games are better than PS4 games
Well the PS4 has three or so Yakuza games, and those will never come to PC. Maybe if Sega is feeling generous, they'll port one of the PS2 games a few years down the line while they keep shoveling western garbage down your throats.
>having the ability to play older games is somehow worse than not having the ability
Consolechild please.
>that were played 15+ years ago
You need to play the games when they are launched? Then truly PC is not for you. Old games get better every time because of mods and better machines to run them.
Well which is it nigger?
>Hurr games are dead enjoy your dust collector
Pick one
>can't komputah in 2016
There really is no excuse unless you're an old fuck who double-clicks links.
>haven't upgraded my pc in 5 years
>new games run like shit
>not interested anyway
>new console games are also shit
>spend my vidya time with emulators and old crpgs
>having fun anyway
Maybe I'm not the target audience anymore.
tfw you buy a console and no matter what you do it'll never run any game efficiently
this. shitposter-kun really outdid himself this time.
>games of today are shit
>oh you want to play old games? FUCKING FAG LMAO
Its about as good as watching sports broadcasts 15+ years ago
Sure there's 8 games worth watching but is it really worth 800 dollars
No fuck off
I learned a lot of stuff from maintenance to how to assemble the thing just by watching YouTube.
>tfw you switch your console on for the first time in years
>tfw you forgot how fucking slowly everything loads
>tfw you turn off the console before it even finishes loading the game properly
Ignorance is bliss when it comes to consoles. Once you've had better, trying to go back to them is painful.
t. child who first started playing vidya during the PS3/360 era
feels good not having to be a sonycuck that pays for online
Now you just need to get the other console and quit Sup Forums forever
I built my first PC by watching a video, nothing more, nothing less. Nobody helped me, it's easy as fuck. Now I don't even need to watch the video to do it.
Try 3do kiddo
You have a PS3 right? I just did the same shit a couple of hours ago and holy shit, not to mention the noise.
Wow what a load of faggots are all of you, you poor shitheads, i have a high level 1080 gtx pc and every console of the gen, and i don't have to play anyway I just have them for status, and to shit in every platform, you fucking weebs
woah dude you're so above it all because you have money bravo
>playing killzone 2 on ps3 after pc
>that feeling as if you are inside of a jelly or smth
>that awful autoaim
>that amount of blur
>killzone sf on ps4
>that fucking blur again
>first levels are so highly detailed
>last levels have lots of low poly objects
>that stupid owl drone
>lmao consoleshitters are so bad at games they need a drone with a machinegun and xray-markeveryone-vision
fuck this why did I buy a ps3,ps4 and a wii u from my brother? Fucking hell at least bayo 2 is fun.
So one of two options is possible here.
Either you're lying, and just quickly googled for a slightly obscure console released before you were even born.
Or, you did start playing games with the 3do, but in the 20+ years since it released you've only enjoyed 8 games (as you mentioned above). In which case how much of a faggot are you for spending so much time on something you hate.
>participating in console wars
You probably have a toaster, will only play console ports and spout master race every chance you get
Fellow Sonybros, comrades, family, I am fucking scared right now.
I am officially parting ways with the Sony brotherhood, I now have to purchase another console for $400 on top of paid online, price hikes, paid patches, all for overpriced cinematic experiences rendered on mediocre hardware at 20fps.. but this time on upscaled 1080p, not even 4K. I just can't fucking do it bros, Sony has betrayed us.
That's $1000 total in 3 years.
You were right PC masterrace, I should have built a PC, if I continue my ways with the Sony brotherhood I will be $1000 in debt to Sony, if we support this new console we will be fucking hypocrites. PC is already light years ahead of us with hardware from 3 years ago - All at the same prices we have spent in the course of 3 years.
This is the hardest decision I have ever made in my life.
I'm shaking right now. Somebody help me
Yep. Wanted to play Red Dead for a bit while my PC was rendering something.
Fucking hell how much time must I have wasted staring at loading screens.
Just be thankful you didn't have to download any updates, if that were the case considering the PSN download speed and slow PS3 installations you wouldn't have been able to play today.
How a console went to the market like this is beyond me.
rate my build famalam
>21st century
>How do you deal with the fucking keyboard
Are you living in 3rd world country or something?
Am I blind or are you going without a HDD?
And is 430W enough for a 1060? I don't know a lot about power consumption on the newer cards.
no poptarts/10
Is fucking shit that 1060 3gb is the worst possible way to go, get a 6gb
I have two HDDs already, just didn't include them in that list
Its fine
3gb is fine
>tfw built a brand new PC for the first time
>plug in my controller and use that anyway
>And is 430W enough for a 1060?
"Probably". Low power consumption is the biggest selling point of Team Green over Team Red for this (an upcoming) cycles.
I honestly can't see my self, let alone recommending anything less than 600, unless its a streaming box.
>buy a superior PC
>spend most of the time emulating console games
I built a pc for the piracy and im not ashamed
IIRC, the 360 was MUCH faster than the PS3, the speed issues likely stemmed from the Bluray drive, and how the hard drive was probably wired to only be as fast as the bluray was. I also find it funny how, despite having an ethernet outlet, I had to connect my PS3 via Wifi.