Hey there Sup Forums. I'm doing a giveaway of a game I've been working on an online trading card game in my spare time for awhile. It's called Forgotten Lore. It's currently on Steam, in Early Access. Long story short, I'd love some feedback from first impressions of the game. Getting in, getting started, first few duels, that sort of thing.
The game is focused on PvP, but there is a pretty simple bot mode for grinding exp, gold, and cards. All of the cards in the game are Steam Inventory items, so any you get from drops/purchased with gold earned from matches can be freely traded with other players and even sold on the community market (like hats).
If you post your Steam profile URL, you'll automatically be given the game for free. No strings attached, you keep it.
sweet, I might give it another try then, I will discover your game all over again.
Colton Hill
Thanks user. I work a fulltime job so I can't dedicate as much time as I'd like to it. But I work as hard as I can on it when I do. It's my passion project right now. Oh, and that user is right the script won't get it unless you post full url
Elijah Davis
Cotey, you were a faggot when you were running 4craft.
Seems like you've grown up a bit. Good on you, mate. Best of luck on your project.
hehe, I actually just ran another 4craft last week. Was the typical "hype for 2 days then fizzles out" iteration. Made a custom plugin and everything. Oh well, was still fun
Kevin Cox
Wouldn't it be easier to ask people to just post in the format id/ and say you have a script running? Most people will get it wrong in its current form.
Nah, I tried that once and it was much much worse. I guess I could modify the script to look for multiple formats but desu its more trouble than its worth for threads like this
Shit, lad, I still have this game back when you posted it in November of 2014. Back when it was still CardGame.exe. Glad you're getting along. steamcommunity.com/id/DoctorWolfy/
Andrew Rivera
this is an anonymous imageboard, maybe repost url - you wont get a notification though it'll just silently show up in your library
>Can you guys please make an original card game instead of just making Hearthstone with slightly altered rules? >armor >poison counters >attacking minion doesn't take damage back >protect and taunt two separate keywords >half the minions can't hit face >different methods of mana regeneration
It doesn't have a lot of cards which limits its variety, but saying it's a Hearthstone clone is ridiculous.
Can you trade/give cards to other people in Spellweaver? This game intends to make full use of steam integration, including selling cards on the steam market.
Owen Jones
>tfw on my phone and don't know my steam profile link
Luke Cook
Maybe the visuals are deceiving me, but it looks almost exactly the same apart from a 4th stat added to creatures.
>Central hero figure with life points and what appears to be some kind of hero power. >Typeless single number mana cost for every card. >Counter at bottom for mana that probably increases by 1 every turn. >Single row of cards for creatures.
Tell me how it's different.
And don't start talking about card effects. If you just mean the specific shit written on each card is different, that doesn't count. That's not the rules of the game.
Why does every card game that's released follow the -exact- visual aesthetic of hearthstone?
Honestly I value originality as much as I do good game design these days. My question is, what is the developers end goal with this game?
Any sort of TCG as a video game format tends to fall flat for me. There's never any true collecting or trading aspect that feel personal like in real life, there's never any good single player(but has there ever for a TCG?). So that just leaves the competitive side to it.
You have multiple AAA developers now pumping out the similar games, so what are you doing that makes it stand out from the rest?
Brayden Gutierrez
i guess i could help give feedback
William Sullivan
Honestly, I trust you exactly none OP. I already got some Vietnamese fucker trying to steal my Steam account (quite literally, I had to change my password) so I'm pretty cautious right now.
it really isn't. Post your steam url and just play it, before shitposting
yeah mang, I'm trying to keep everyone on a "starter deck" as I add more cards to it. Kind of tricky since some people buy the game and haven't logged in, or even the other way around.
I think covered it pretty well actually
I really wouldn't say it's that similar. Yeah it's the fantasy vibe but that's about it. Trying to be a bit darker with the visual theme than hearthstone's cartoony look. The end goal for development is to have a fun and unique card game with interesting cards and effects. Something that's just fun to play.
And the poison counters and protect/taunt ones don't count. Those are card effects, not game rules. Hearthstone could add shit like that in their next set and it would still be the same game.
Landon Gutierrez
Why are you even making this game? With all the fucking card games trying to copy Hearthstone's success there is no possible way your game is ever going to catch on.
Personally I want a game that's like Sword Girls Online. That is to say, full of cute and sexy anime girls. I would appreciate a game where you actually play instead of just putting down cards and watching the rest be automated though.
Alexander Johnson
sword girls online was so broken and p2w, the art was really good though.
Card effects are relevant when talking about Hearthstone. Hearthstone's philosophy is simplicity. There will never be a poison counter concept in Hearthstone because it's too complicated for mobile phone users. Poison also exists as a counter to armor, since the minion always takes damage equal to the number of poison counters.
Another distinction is the "Attack" keyword. Right now, I think around half of the monsters in the game are capable of directly hitting the opponent's face, the rest can only damage minions. Hearthstone already has printed a legendary card that states "can only attack minions", but this card effect is the exception in Hearthstone and not the rule. In Forgotten Lore, the opponent currently owning the board but not being able to capitalize on it because they can't attack you directly is not an uncommon sight, and games can be straight up won if the other player runs out of Attack minions regardless of whatever else they have. This currently changes the fundamental dynamics of the game regardless if you try to segregates the concepts of "card effect" and "game rule".
Finally, it uses a mana pool system, not mana crystals like Hearthstone or lands like MtG. You have a method for gaining mana every turn, and when you spend mana, it's gone. Most people use the Leech style for mana, which is lose 1HP and gain 2 mana. The other method is discarding cards to gain a fraction of their mana cost, but there's no card draw.
>Any sort of TCG as a video game format tends to fall flat for me. There's never any true collecting or trading aspect that feel personal like in real life, there's never any good single player(but has there ever for a TCG?). So that just leaves the competitive side to it.
The dev's pitch is that it'll have full steam integration. Players can buy packs, trade cards between friends, or sell them on the steam market. That's how he intends to make his money if he ever finishes it.
I haven't even tried it yet, but I already have a suggestion. What annoyed me the most with other online card games is that you can't shuffle cards however you want in your hand. You would draw them from the deck or something and you couldn't shuffle them to fit your need, like sorting them by effect/attack, however you wished.
It could be a bitch move to script if it doesn't exist yet, but that's my suggestion.
It doesn't change gameplay or anything, it's just something personally for the users, cheers.
Will try the game when I wake up.
Lincoln Robinson
I don't know if you can do it now, but you used to be able to with a trollish 9~11 card deck with only big guys and an octopus mascot. Anything they played would get 1-shot or frozen for three turns, it was hilarious. A lot of those big cards got the nerf stick, and people whined about the minimium deck limit of 6 so it was bumped up to 16. No fun allowed.
This game could really use a tutorial. or at the very least an in game rule book that tells you what everything in the game is. like "souls are this" , " this stat on the card means it has x of this other thing".
Why would you post here if you need people who love video games
Jace Wilson
Scratch that. It just popped.
Joshua Barnes
What's your game written in? Tell us some of the tech behind it
Are you solo developing this? Did you do the art?
Benjamin Ross
I'll legit look into this, I understand why that'd be annoying.
I don't think I've really nerfed anyone ever, aside from the Freeze skill from 3 turns to 1. My philosophy is "fight powerful with more powerful" - simply because I think it's more fun that way.
Yeah, I feel you. There's a guy on the steam discussion page saying the exact same thing.
Wyatt Morales
It's Unity/C#. I'm solo developing the game, but I'm contracting out artwork and music. I had a guy devving the server, but he pulled out not too long ago and I ended up rewriting all of his code haha.
James Smith
>, I understand why that'd be annoying. It's not annoying per se, it's just more convenient. Not mandatory to have, but if you could have it - why not?
Don't beat yourself if it's too hard to script, it wouldn't change much of the user experience.
Thanks for the game user. I'll be sure to try it out.
Jose Barnes
What prompted this act of charity, OP?
Owen Taylor
user from the screenshots i see in this thread you need some better fonts
you probably already know that but just a thought
Carson Stewart
Marketing idiot
Samuel Richardson
Not a lot of people playing lately, needed some feedback. That's all, really. I'm not really out to make loadsadosh, I have a job for that. Just want to make the best game that I can, and feedback is necessary to do so.