Left or right?
Left or right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>getting rid of most of the panty shots
They ruined YU-NO fairly well.
Because it's more interesting when you don't see. Your imagination starts working.
>90s CLAMP-ish art
>standard VN art
I really don't know.
The one on the right has Lucina, so I pick that.
I wish we had more left but with updated colors. Way more detailed.
how about not wasting any time on this old kusoge at all
EVE Burst Error R is basically this
Fuck why that sounds so familiar
>righ characters look 7 years younger than thier left counterparts
>right MC has evolved to look like a huge faggot via power of weebshit
>rights fan service is more prominent and obvious
>right looks like it photoshopped some images
>left has F I S H N E T
Left all the way baby
Right is a clear victim of moeblob pandering
Oh look it's another one of these faggots
>left generic artstyles then
>right generic artstyles now
By definition an eroge is pandering, its not high fucking literature
I personally think the remake in terms of the style.
>Thick thighs turned into twigs
>YU-NO remake
desu lol EOPs will never ever get to play the remake
Announcement was last year, and it was supposed to release then too. It got delayed to November 11th 2016, though
The art is much more pleasing and I've never been a fan of super unrealistic panty shots. Ive just never had the culture of the underside of girls skirts being desirable, I don't immediately start fantasising about what's under every skirt I see.
I was excited too first but when i saw how big they fucked up i don't care anymore.
I must also tell you that the remake's screenshots OP's picture are the best you will see in the whole thing, there are other screenshots where everything looks like utter shit even worse.
>remove the adult elements
>make everyone into generic moeblobs only loosely based on the originals
Why is this even happening
left but I only care for vintage dating sims since the first and only one I ever played had that sweet sweet vapour style. It was even about a virtual world and all that good shit.
Can you post them? Only CG I've seen other than the ones in the OP is drunk Ayumi from a really shitty twitter magazine screenshot.
Left of course. How is this even a question?
I don't have them anymore but this: is an example.
First of all, left. As an update of YU-NO right is disgraceful, but that's not even it, the art is just bad.
Second, will the remake get a fan translation if it's just updating YU-NO's translation?
The Vita got hacked recently so inserting the text from the translation into the remake shouldn't be very difficult.
Left had more integrity
Oh, it's not coming out for the PC?
PS4 and Vita only
That's stupid, so all the sexual content is gone?
Yes, though the original game has already had an SFW port for the Sega Saturn
Welp, into the trash it goes. I'm not dealing with the shitty art along with the sex being gone. They didn't even add anything to the story did they?
We don't know for sure, yet.
Mio has cute feet
Speaking of remakes
Green Green remake
I like Right more, out of a purely sexual attraction level. The left is appealing, sure, but if I wanna get "Interested", the ye olde 80s anime style doesn't do that for me.
It's all anime porn anyway, don't act all high and mighty for jacking off to the "superior" porn for failures.
Sega Saturn version has more colors than the PC98/Windows one.
right. I do enjoy the modern moeshit artstyle more.
Every single one from the left except 2, 6, 8 and maybe 10 is superior.
I like the less emphasis on panty shots and clothes design/coloring on the right, but everyone looks ten years younger and I can't take it seriously.