This is all microsoft has to bring to the table

>this is all microsoft has to bring to the table
why they let the exclusivity to cod go is beyond me

Other urls found in this thread:

>Only on Xbox One
Also on PC.

Forza Horizon 3 is out in a couple of weeks and Gears 4 next month. Also Dead Rising 4 in December. More than Sony has for the rest of this year desu.

xbox is shit and so is microsoft and this is coming from someone who only owns a pc and xbox one.

>car game
>meh game
>generic zombie game
no thanks

>These games don't count because I don't like them!

Whatever, sonygger. At least we're getting something. Enjoy Last Guardian in December, that's if it isn't delayed again if course.

This is all I need to here to know that you're full of shit, kill yourself Sony faggot.

I actually only own an xbox one and PC

how is it full of shit, they lost major players to ps4 and the competitive side because of that stupid decision

Well maybe you should sell the Xbone and buy a PS4 considering you don't seem to like many of their games. This isn't rocket science, nigga.

Hyped for FH3. Gonna get the demo as soon as I get home

I was considering that but PS4 has jack shit too, you have to admit this generation of games is pretty lacklustre

Has anyone bought it? How does it run on PC?

Who gives a shit, COD is a garbage franchise with a garbage fanbase. They fit right in with Sony faggots, the day Microsoft lost their exclusive deal to Sony was a great day because Microsoft could stop focusing on that retarded dude bro shit they kept pushing last gen instead of making REAL exclusives like they did when the Xbox 360 first released along with the original Xbox.

Yeah it's pretty fun but there isn't much variety in the demo. A few events, online free roam, and one car you can choose from out of four. Also...

its a 40 platforming/puzzle game that got like a 6/10 it is nothing special all i know is textures on xbox look like arse

I'll get it on steam. Knowing it's third party and not made by a MS studio, it will go.

Things like forza gears and halo will never go on steam though.

actually from a business point of view it was a horrible idea, since most of the little kids left, and so did the esports faggots

>focus on making real exclusives
so when is this going to happen?

Did it get a steam release date or is it still only on windows store ?

This entire gen has been SHIT. I'm 26 and this is the worst gen in I've ever experienced. Fucking remasters, sequels, and the usual multiplat garbage we see every gen.

>most of the little kids left, and so did the esports faggots
This is a problem because?

>so when is this going to happen?
It already is happening Xbox is a platform, monkey.

no shit its a platform you degenerate, but they have no real exclusives, and losing most of your player base is always horrible, no matter the age, even a retard can comprehend this

yeah i have played probably on 3 games this gen metal gear, a bit of deus ex (boring) and i cant remember the other


>but they have no real exclusives
Xbox, Windows 10, owned by Microsoft. Let's see if you can only play these games on Xbox and the Xbox app on Windows 10 both owned by Microsoft, doesn't that mean they're exclusive to that platform?
>losing most of your player base is always horrible
Dudebro faggots considered Xbox fanbase, if you haven't gotten that rope I will get it for you.

dude bro is what xbox is, embrace it or be placed on suicide watch


>xbox is shit and so is microsoft and and and
Yeah, yeah. Back to NeoGAF with you, garbage boy.

the lack of dudebros on Xlive is what makes me still play online games

Can't stand the hues and koreans on steam and average mestizo on PS4

what even is that

Based Ape Escape developers develop a platform masterpiece

ahahaah its funny because i used and a lot LOL, this is the mind of a dude bro

>tfw thought this was a slutty robot waifu posing for anal

Call of Duty and Xbox go together like Mountain see and Doritos. It's just a matchmade in hell.

please any dude bro here, if you were to sell me an xbox, what would you emphasize on, what exclusives would you recommend, it doesn't even have good hardware

No, original Xbox had so very unique games and so did the 360 before Microsoft bent over for modern FPS shit like COD, that's when the Xbox started going downhill and the exclusives wee slowing leaving the 360 with the system's only saving grace being its third party games. Xbox One now has Crackdown 3, Gears of Wars 4, Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5: Guardians, Killer Instinct, Forza main games, Forza Horizon, Halo Wars, Sea of Thieves, Rare Replay, Dead Rising 4, and Scalebound (please be good). Chances are we will be getting more announced next year.

Halo is Xbox, always has been always will be so you Sony faggots can keep your COD shit.

aren't most of those on pc too, like i mean the console doesn't really have a selling point

Isn't that game still in beta? And they're just doing that early access bullshit?

I love how the gamestop page flat out cites Inafune as Metroid Prime's creator.

>halo 5

Still better than COD

>Federation Force got better reviews

Inafune and the hacks at Armature are fucking finished

What part of Xbox is a platform that is a console and an app only on Windows 10 all owned by Microsoft do you not understand?


Not really

>it's real

hur hur "seeing windows 10 is microsoft, and so if xbox, they dey is good right, I mean why would i buy an xbox one if i can play it on pc" and you wonder why the xbox had a shit start in moving units, inbreds like you are the weakest link

Try all you want but Xbox 36p was pretty much the call of duty, halo and gears of war box. You could tell when all tv shows deoicting call of duty used an Xbox controller. Silly xbot.

>shoot shoot
the game
there is no difference

But Recore is being backed by the SuperStar developer, KG Inafune.

it's still a shit game

looks boring as shit

Lock on shooting may have worked in the past, but I just look at it and think this could work with both movement/dodging and aiming, that's how old FPS did it such as Classic Doom.

>mfw enjoying redout
>enjoyign rocket league
>enjoying towerfall
>enjoying div:OS and is hype for the second
>valdis story is nice
>even owlboy is coming soon
>so many good indie games

this gen is great m8

good bait post

>6 "good" games makes a good gen

Could the PS2 handle morrowind?

sure, if AAA trash is the only thing you play

It's because Microsoft is banking on Windows Store, pre-packaged with its Windows 10 OS, being its new gaming platform.

It's letting xbox die and pushing its shitty service onto PC fags.

By that logic there is zero difference between Dark Souls and Street Fighter

it's actually really obvious too, oh well last time ill be an xbox, if the name still exists next gen

It's pretty ok so far desu. Just got to say the sandstorm so still at the beginning but there's nothing I hate or love about it yet.


man that's what I am currently playing

>freedom planet
>dankest dungeon
>cities skylines
>skull girls
>titan quest
>grim dawn
>hyped for hand of fate 2
>does life is strange count?
>nuclear throne
>darius burst
>sunless sea
>Pacman CE 2 is coming soon


Yes and now your precious PS4 is a COD box Sony faggot.

You're still getting an Xbox game you dumb fuck getting it on Windows 10 is a sell for Xbox you dumb fuck. You can't even get the games anywhere else but Windows store.

You just explained COD, COD faggot

This looks like an indie game. Really cheap ugly and clunky

Morrowinds graphics would not be a problem, but the the item system and the map could never work on PS2.
Even making a PS3 port would be a demanding task due to only 256MBs of ram.
Morrowinds engine is also unoptimized Bethesda shit.

Inafune has that Midas touch going on.

I was hoping it was good cause the concept art I saw looked pretty cute.

But nope.

It plays like a 3D metroid but without the Nintendo seal of approval polish. Two hours in and not regretting the 40 shekels.