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To feel good!
Who cares about ratings when you made that much money? Ratings have literally never mattered, especially since video game ratings are a joke.
Has Sean Murry killed him self yet? I heard he went dark weeks ago
How does a man just become dark? Reverse Michael Jackson disease?
No it isn't it's still $60 idiot
This to be honest. Hello Games made millions and they probably laugh at the stupid fanboys who are still in damage control mode.
its about the rating free falling you mong
Would have been a great game if they had just released it for $30.
They still made a shitload of money despite the internet being whiny fucks and crying like bitches.
With games likes this I'm glad steam refunds is in play.
and you better invest that money wisely sean since nobody will buy your future games
Bitch go suck a dick, we rolling in cash and shit.
I just don't get it
Almost a month since his last tweet, before that he tweeted almost daily.
Do you think he literally took the money and ran? Maybe to an island or something?
>game is terrible
>terrible games usually wouldn't suffer this much, they'd just get a bad rep
>Sup Forums creates memes about it, which gain massive popularity on reddit and then influence normies
>games terrible rep goes full cuhrazy modo and returns hit an all time high
>game completely fails before even a single week
memes control the world
I feel like the entirety of the dev team told him to shut the fuck up.
fuck ya
he knew what he was selling and like any salesman he said whatever would make the sale
and like any con man hes long gone
they could release if for free and it still wouldnt make it a game
Either he ran or he's in a massive state of depression because he really thought his game would be well recieved.
You people are god damn retarded.
The amount of money he made is no where near the millions.
Do you dumbasses not understand the idea of paying his team, Steam, Amazon and Sony getting cuts of the sales, cost of development, cost of shipping and handling, taxes, etc.
You people are fucking manchildren who never paid taxes outside of buying a burger.
It's called re-vitiligo and it happens to the best of us.
Wondering this as well. He hasnt made a tweet in weeks, same goes for HelloGames
and yet people will still hype up another clearly dog shit game
>the credit of your expensive marketing campaign ALL MINE
He's been keeping his mouth shut like a good dev should.
I hate people who won't stop making stupid tweets constantly about shit no one cares about.
Also, they've been posting almost weekly updates about bug fixes. They are present, they're just not an in-your-face kind of developer that throws stuff at your constantly. I mean look at the game. They showed like two trailers since it was announced, and barely talked about it since.
Oh yeah you guys don't listen to reason, nevermind.
both of these.
Why does Sup Forums get so obsessed with some games? You guys won't stop talking about them, even after everyone else has long since stopped.
you can go where that everyone else is >>>/reddit/
Trainwrecks are fun.
Compare this game's profit to other small teams, especially since it's sold at 60. They didn't even have to market their game as Sony did that for them. If you do that you'll see how much they earned.
I thought it was an indie game.
If he has a sponsor he just fucked up his career.
Why do people stop and stare at car accidents or crime scenes on the streets? Humans are instinctively fascinated with grotesque incidents.
Yeah, but just like when those people who slow down to rubberneck, it just becomes obnoxious after a certain point, and you want them to fuck off so they stop holding up the traffic.
>Weew! Lets drink beer and get excited about our stinking pile of shit!
I can't believe they were actually proud of this game. I mean I can understand being happy about development being done. But being proud of this turd of a game? They must be delusional.
>the "big bang theory" of anime video games sold more than a good game
>but muh cute girls and muh references
Fuck off
Why is this allowed? These faggots better buy Berseria at least. Watch it get less sales even though it's supposed to be a better tales game.
>>the "big bang theory" of anime video games sold more than a good game
which is it? I don't play these games
Is it some kind of national holiday in Cuckistan?
Too much for Tales of
>neptunia 96% userscore
>fucking zestiria 88% userscore
what the shit is wrong with steamfags
It's probably because of the symphonia pre-order bonus desu
Trails in the Sky is a bad game that's why it sold so bad. Only Sup Forums and a few autists give a shit about Falcom and/or Trails in the Sky as a whole.
They're both good games and are both better than Trails in the Sky.
>The Susan Boyle of videogames
An ugly motherfucker who disappeared after their brief 10 minutes of fame?
I suppose so
>give or take 2 million copies sold
>60 dollary doos a pop
>sony takes 50 mil back for their marketing
>70 mil left
>divied up between 15 people
>each dev gets 4.7 mil in their pocket
They will be ok
Their hands must be so greasy because of the cookies.
Yeah, but maybe I like to go a level beyond rubbernecking. The average bad game release is like baked beans on toast, but a No Man's Sky tier failure is like a triple-layered chocolate cheesecake as a follow up to a medium-rare steak served with chili fries topped up by ice cream and you get the idea analogies are fucking retarded.
Good food analogy, I like it.
Sup Forums BTFO AGAIN.
>it's a Sup Forums doesn't understand that the consumers opinion means fuck all and the game was a wild commercial success episode
Because everyone else is just listening to the corporate tune
Hype up a game, talk about it for months so everyone knows when it's coming out, and don't forget to get the DLC.
Once the game is out, and the DLC is sold, the game is never brought up again. Because that's how the game press works. Nobody in the press acknowledges when they stopped playing the old republic, or battleborn, or No Man Sky after a week.
It stop being an indie game once he signed up with Sony as their publisher.
You can ignore conversation.
You can't ignore traffic.
kickstarter-funded and megacorporation-sponsored. $60 price tag. almost a million sales. singing their way to the bank, buddy.
>almost a million sales
and almost a million refunds
trails in the sky = TITS
No Man's Sky was scam job done by CCP to discredit Star Citizen to protect EVE Online's sales.
>3 cinematic experiences with anime in them
To be honest, I wouldn't prefer a single one.
sorry but nope, nowhere near
you sure seem to listen to Sup Forums like gospel, don't you?
are you okay, user?
> implying it only sold on Steam
>divied up between 15 people
>each dev gets 4.7 mil in their pocket
What? No. Have you ever worked in a company before?
Each dev will only get their usual monthly salaries and maybe a month worth of bonus for good sales. Only Sean made it rich; and that kind of sneaky bastard won't share.
ah yes, and i'm certain that 98% of playstation users successfully refunded the game to bring that refunds figure to a nice, round 1 million. seems about right to me, though i haven't done the maths!!!
>even after everyone else has long since stopped.
because you don't understand that reddit is a billion times more harder on the censor ship
I wouldn't be surprised. Sony was offering full refunds, no questions asked. If I were a console peasant I would have refunded just because I could.
They hired and PR team who are banning everyone steam for "criticism" they aren't going to post any more update until people calm down. They seriously think people are going to forget losing $60 in a couple of months.
>give or take 2 million copies sold
>60 dollary doos a pop
>sony takes 50 mil back for their marketing
>70 mil left
>divied up between 15 people
>each dev gets 4.7 mil in their pocket
>but wait Steam also gets a cut because they also distributed NMS
>he thinks Sup Forums has this much influence anymore
Crossposting nigga
>cost of shipping and handling
>found out recently about all the hype that guy made before the game was finished
>even showed on fucking TV shows to talk about his game
>all those promises that turned out to be lies
>he literally looked people in the eye and lied through his teeths
I don't fucking get it. It was either a really bold ruse or he fucked up somewhere and couldnt deliver what he promised.
Either way I have to admire him for making fool of so many people.
Man I had a friend who was hyped up for this shit for YEARS and after a week of it coming out and him locked away he came back out all depressed and dour. He actually hasn't spoken of the game since, I don't even think he's touched his PS4. The game was so bad it turned him off video games and into an empty shell of a person.
Sup Forums never made empty promises or lied on national television.
Did anybody really know about this until a few months ago or whatever?
There has had to be at least 100k returns when you factor in that people are still buying it as well.
>These are the people you share a board with
I really don't remember any major news about this thing until recently. It was kind of in the background every now and then but I never thought anybody gave a shit until their marketing went into Sony-powered overdrive.
But their marketing went into Sony-powered overdrive over 2 years ago
i watched it being announced on a stream full of Sup Forumseddit memesters
Oh, well then I guess I'm just retarded then. I'm not hugely into the video games scene. I don't follow much outside of the big dramas. That's where the fun is.
Even if all you did was follow the main three E3 panels (Sony, MS, Nintendo RIP) for the last couple years you would have seen the kind of marketing power Sony was throwing into No Man's Sky. Since the game never really interested me I never bothered to look into it much but I actually only learned it was being developed by an indie studio earlier this year. I was honestly baffled that a game with
>4 years
He ded yet?
>thinking any of this has ANYTHING to do with Sup Forums
the dude was on national television multiple times shilling his shit to normies and claiming it did stuff that it didn't
E3 as well
the difference being us talking about something doesn't affect you in any way shape or form
if you don't like the thread then don't post in it, hide it, and get on with your sad life
Anons think they slick he cryin :'(
>One million sales actually mattering in the age of modern COD and GTA
Considering this game was sponsored by Sony, this game was a fucking failure. Nobody is gonna trust any amount of money on Sean Murray's complusive lying ever again, considering it caused a bigger shitstorm than any AAA title ever has.