Hey Sup Forums
Wanna party?
Hey Sup Forums
Wanna party?
so glad she was confirmed to be female by the creator
now all you cocksucker faggyboys need to go somewhere else
Fuck you gayboi what the fuck did you just say about Poison(male)?
poison has a dick and there's nothing you can do about it
Yes, if by party you mean make me choke on your sweaty, rancid girlcock until I pass out and you fuck my throat raw.
Where's the dick? This Poison doesn't have a dick.
i fucking hate this meme.
>so glad she was confirmed to be female by the creator
But he confirmed she was converted to shemale before the game was out. Canonically, she's a shemale and this doesn't change.
Poison is far hotter for the fact she whips and appeals to femdom than for the whole trap/futa thing.
insecure people like you make me laugh.
I hate Street Fighter and all the Poison futa porn that exists is the only redeeming factor
She's a tranny.
>People pirate game and music and more
>People claim ownership of everything
>People remix music they dont own
>People make new games like pokemon without gamefreaks consent
Welcome to the new age if the internet says your character is trans.... they're trans
I like to go with the mindset that Poison is whatever you want her to be
I don't care
But the game says she's trans. What she was when she was initially conceptualized doesn't change what she ended up becoming in the final product.
>translated interviews say they only called it a man for fear of American feminists
>left it up to an official vote that confirmed she's female
faggots lose again
Translated interviews say she was changed to a shemale. And there's a FUCKTON of official sources calling her a shemale. Capcom just likes to avoid the question to avoid offending insecure homphobes like you.
If I was Poison I would only do black men tbqh
What you like is irrelevant. She's a man.
I like it. But can you really appreciate it with your ass like you could your mouth? And does it feel as dominant?
Yes user it's actually common practice to call trannies "she" whether or not they're women.
I'm too slow and docile for Poison so she has to take things into her own hands and make me cry
I'm sure poison got enough cum to fill your belly from both openings.
Poison for SFV when
I want a floppy dick mod for that.
going by this thread it would seem those handcuffs ad chains on her shorts are strictly from locking you to her dick.
Wouldn't mind.
Somebody has a make a doujin where she does that.
One cuff around her dick and balls like a cockring and the other cuff on a collar around your neck?
I like it.
Do you mean anal sex?
>people still think Poison being trans is still canon when she's almost always drawn and modeled with those perfect female proportions
Futa if anything, woman if not. Trannies wish they looked as female as Poison.
i want her to have 3 dicks is that okay
>Trannies wish they looked as female as Poison.
And men wish they looked as ripped as Ryu, that doesn't change the fact he's male.
Being as ripped as Ryu is possible if you're a bodybuilder. changing the width between your shoulders isn't, even with modern surgery.
I'd touch balls with Poison. No homo.
They're cartoonish 3D models, and previously 2D cartoons, stupid. They don't follow real life rules. Poison has been drawn perfectly "female" since the first game, doesn't change the fact she's a tranny.
the best doujins are the one where she has a penis
>Poison has a dick
>Roxy has a dick
God DAMN it can't any of these fuckers ever get it right
Your lose.
>futa on male
She was drawn perfectly female before they decided to make her a tranny, and now that it's been retconned there's literally no reason to think she used to be a man now.
Sure, now step aside.
They decided to make her a tranny during the production of Final Fight, dumbfuck. Every Poison you've ever seen has been a tranny.
what I find hotter about this is the implication that she's so much stronger than you that it would actually work
>come to sittiing up on the floor with your hands and neck tied to Poison's hip
>immediately just try to get up so you can flip her over and drag her around unitl you can break free.
>she doesn't move an inch.
>you tilt your head up as far as you can to see her smiling down on you
>confused, you try to pull off of her harder and feel the chain dig into your neck. You can't get up or away from her even if you squat and put all the strength in your legs into springing up.
>The chain on your neck and handcuffs rattle as if you're hopelessly pulling on them while they're attached to a fire hydrant or something
>She calmly turns to the left and walk foward casually
>Your whole body is being dragged with your legs sliding on the floor to her side, she's not even trying.
>you do everything to stand your ground a but she proceeds unhindered. You're just causing the floor to scrape away at your skin at this point.
>she gets to a standing height desk and porceeds to mess with something on top
>you can't tell what since you're still kenneling on the floor beside her, too overpowered to stand.
>you bring your legs into her feet and knees, attempting to trip her. She still doesn't budge
>you're now doing everything in your power to incompasotate these pair of legs holding you prisoner. Clawing, biting, and ramming several body oarts into them. Nothing. You feel soft skin when you touch her but its like she has the density of steel.
>she can drag you're entire mass without even trying but you can't move her at all.
>she trightens the chain around your neck
>you're now face to crroch with no soace on between. Her shorts are tiny as hell afterall.
>She lowers her shorts slightly
>a huge ruler's worth of schlong has suddenly appeard out of this lack of space and inserted inself directly into your throat
>inserted inself
I'll focus on the fact that you want her penis to be prehensile and just recommend some good tentacle rape to you.
I don't believe you
Sorry, I meant to write
>has to make a doujin where she does that
Not really sure what the fuck happened to that sentence. Sorry if your dreams are crushed, but we can still hope for the future.
oh, no I read it wrong, you're right mate
Lets battle!
>Cock so gargantuan a fuclking hand cuff works as a covk ring
Perfect, she'd be so much longer than the cuffs that you'd have no hope of getting her out of your throat without first ingesting the neccesary loads to get her soft.
Bad choice of words I guess. The idea is, you know how futas can often hide third arms in panties? Well that's definitly the case here. So once she lowers her shorts with your face already pressed into her crotch, her dick exits so swiftly its like it spawned in your throat.
Salem best "girl"
>its like it spawned in your throat
I'm digging your use of figurative language.
It's hilarious, but arousing.
>you will never be a girl(male) and suck poisons cock every day
Shemales are female.
Poison is trans. She has a penis. Deal with it you insecure nerds lmfao
No it isn't. It's like saying there are women who look like Chun-li.
There are thick mtf trans. It's not impossible. Hormones change where you body distributes fat.
>implying the ultimate goal for a trans woman isn't to look perfectly female
>implying there are none that achieve this
Its /r9k/ fags all over again.
They gave up on being accepted by girls so they lowered their standards to sissyfags and shemales.
Words cannot discribe my disgust.
>Shemales are female.
Not only is that wrong, as shemale has always been a word for dickgirls, but the word is now to "politically incorrect" that not even RuPaul can get away with using it, so it is about to stop having any "official" meaning.
>so glad she was confirmed to be female by the creator
It was confirmed that she's a post-OP y-chromosome bearing entity in the US, and merely a fierce mothertucker of a girly man in Japan.
>No it isn't. It's like saying there are women who look like Chun-li.
Chun's supposed to have hyper-muscular legs, and someone can certainly look that way with training.
>There are thick mtf trans. It's not impossible. Hormones change where you body distributes fat.
But hormones don't change the skeleton, and Poison is consistently drawn with a female one.
There's always a tell. They hide it in photography through angles and lighting. re: Brianna Wu's Twitter profile.
>There's always a tell.
On the ones where you CAN tell, naturally.
I'm willing to bet there's a bunch you've seen that have gotten away with it. Because they actually try to be female, and not psychos.
>Poison thread
>becomes mental illness general
Every time.
It's drawings user. They don't need to accept anyone to work. Poison having a dick just feels appropriate.
>brianna wu
>implying there is even a single person who thinks that thing looks female
Do you think Hugo would beat me up if I asked Poison out?
I'm talking about its twitter photo. We all know that thing is horrifying otherwise.
that's not it for the majority, they're still only fapping to 2Ds
The prevalent mental illness around these parts seems to be the want and need to prove points to faceless anonymous entities through insults and asspulls.
I just went through a pile of Poison doujins but I don't think I saw this one. Any good?
capcha: Be Longwood
>she just lays around her home afterwords
>often planting herself on her couch and watching tv as she rests her legs on your back and you kneel infront of her with her balls in your chin
>she also makes her herself 3 large meals and seemingky works on some other business you can't discern because you're effectively blinded
>you never leave the chains and her cock never leaves your throat
>you don't get hungry since she's been injecting you with heavy loads twice an hour
>finally she climbes into bed, laying face down, your head acthing as a lower pillow. Your back lays uncomfortably on the front corner of the bed but you can't do anything there.
>a few minutes after she doses off, light thrusts appear, bouncing your head on the bed
When it's in hentai form it's almost exclusively tagged as futa anyway.
>looks it up
The worst thing about going there is not the photo though.
>ageless comic book character on banner
>latest tweet is complaining about Xena and Gabriella being recast because they're too old to be hot
These people.
Well, it's the most popular tag.
sounds pretty good desu
That's because retards don't know how to tag things right.
Nope, sorry, your mental illness will never be recognized here
Thick veiny cock or cute feminine penis on Poison?
I prefer the latter personally.
I prefer thick veiny feminine phallus
Just make it smooth and add lots of manga gloss.
Smooth but still somewhat veiny.
Well, the veins are smooth too. Everything is smooth. And pink. Add a cute foreskin cowl and there you go.
Feminine as fuck.
Oh yeah, you'd have to be gay NOT to want that.
To prove your worth as a man, you must suck Poison's penis. To do otherwise is super gay.
>there are shitters who feel the need to ruin every Poison thread with "Is she or isn't she" bullshit
The only reason she's as popular as she is is because she's got a dick.
needs to be the size of a horse
she was a woman all along but in final fight era beating women was odd and highly loathed on
so they just portrayed her by a new gender but nowadays women want equality and was want to get treated same as men so capcom just said were "welp you guys want equality right? so be prepared to get your ass handed to you like men do, thats quite equal Right"
A whole horse? That's a bit extreme, isn't it? Does it also have four legs?
A penis the size of a horse would probably be really inconvenient.
srry i meant a horse's cock srry
i used to dislike futa on male but this exact doujin made me self-insert into the MC. Have I become gay? tell me Sup Forums
Nothing gay about poison.
yea ur gay welcome to the winning team
hand it over and nobody gets hurt
You talk like a faggot