>Free to all windows 10 users
>Optimisations and Server Browsers on the way
Are 343 redeeming themselves?
This forge is great
Free to all windows 10 users
>windows 10
I'm not using Windows 10, Pajeet.
>>windows 10
That's the problem, honey
I don't have dx12 capable card, can I play this?
Still not seeing the problem here, are you just parroting other peoples shitposting or are you just memeing?
Im dont have dx12 and it runs fine for me, what card u got?
They will never redeem themselves for raping halo. That dumb bitch in charge said she didn't even like halo games before agreeing to make halo 4. They didn't finish the MCC and released it, then never bothered to actually fix it or really compensate anyone. They raped the lore, artstyle and gameplay and now halo is no longer relevant or really that popular. Fuck 343. Halo 3s forge while clunky and shit was actually fun to use and made for more creative shit through restriction. That's why all the custom games on 4 and 5 are just shit taken from 3 because those games can't do it any better.
>Still not seeing the problem here
Five rupees have been deposited to your account
Truly epic, instead of stating why you believe windows 10 is so terrible, the way your posting suggests to me that you literally know nothing about the subject matter and that you are infact under the age of 18, if you can provide a single argument proving that w10 is some sort of virus that needs to be quarantined then i will accept your opinion.
I got a 6950 2gb.
>Halo 3s forge while clunky and shit was actually fun to use and made for more creative shit through restriction.
>That dumb bitch in charge said she didn't even like halo games before agreeing to make halo 4
Sauce me on that senpai
It can't stand software that automates shit. 10 has taken this to another level. It tells me it's done shit and not what it has done or why. It has a mind of its own which is bad because if something goes wrong it's not my fault and I won't know how to fix it, and it just feels weird. We should get more control and not less
so this is what autism looks like
Regardless of what you think of "lore", the current gameplay of halo is still that of the original series, and the current forge mode is miles better then Halo 3's
You should be able to run it, but maybe not optimally
You seriously need to kill yourself
>still avoiding the initial question
>shilling this hard
You'll have more fun doing this on Sup Forums, Rajesh
Why are all the fucking maps just 3 remakes? It's all the same shit
Thanks man, doesn't hurt to download and try it out.
How can you not know about this? Why big budget shit with unlimited resources is always bland or bad. When you have less to work with you are more creative to make up for it, that is literally common knowledge you retard
>le shill bogeyman
Still no argument i see, i think you would prefer boards such as Sup Forums
Maybe because fans wanted those maps to return?
There is still plenty of new maps, maybe your just blind
>the Sup Forums card out of nowhere
Fucking hell reddit
You need to leave
A shame you were too young during Halo 3's heyday.
>windows 10 users
god damn fucking this. halo 3 was literally perfect. golden age of Halo. great matchmaking, great voice chat times, great customs, great forge, and bungie stats/website etc etc. god fucking damn and they raped it. the formula was perfect
sold my xbox one and i bought halo 5/mcc for that.
also i tried halo 5 on pc but its literal dogshit. even if they add server browser etc idc anymore. it wont have the same battle rifle from halo 3 and all the other things that made halo great. im cs go/OW now. dont give a shit about casual shit mouse feel console ports
but if casual worthless weeb nerds wanna play halo on pc go ahead
>Free to all windows 10 users
>Are 343 redeeming themselves?
Depends, if by 'redeeming' you mean whored to a magnificent corporate edifice- then yes.
They're redeeming the fuck out of themselves.
>cs go/OW now
CSGO and OW are literally dog shit. Play Insurgency and TF2
>plays csgo/OW
>thinks his opinion is worth shit
time to kill yourself
It's amazing yes, the winstore part sucks though, no exe's or any files, it's completely hidden from the user, it's so annoying. That and like none of my friends have windows 10, and for good reasons too.
dog shit realism shit tier no name game
dogshit ponyfag dead lootbox game
OW > tf2
>OW > tf2
Microsoft and Blizzard shills in the same thread, fuck
>I'm too young
>Free to all windows 10 users
Don't be ridiculous, there can't be that many people still on windows
Are you talking about the windows updates?
Open up a cmd with admin rights (press ctrl+enter when opening it)
Type in "sc delete wuauserv" (make a restore point before doing this in-case you need it sometime)
>dog shit realism shit tier no name game
At least the game actually works :)
>no exe's or any files, it's completely hidden from the user
>3 babies
The battle rifle in 3 was unuseable dogshit.
>Windows 10
I also don't meet the minimum specs with my gtx 580.
How do you get to those files?
wake me up when the server browsers here prolly takem like a year to do that shit
t. shitter
So its a level editor?
Does the actual halo game + campaign come with it?
>Free to all windows 10 users
No campaign, everything else except for match-making so you have manually join games, although they are adding a server browser eventually
>shitcanning Halo Online because they were retarded enough to make it Russia only
Nothing's going to convince me to "upgrade" to W10.
No campaign or matcmaking. There's also no Warzone which is a PvE/PvP hybrid. You also cannot customize your character. You got your map editor and your custom games, which is all you need.
>Optimizations on the way
>he fell for the win 10 meme
>bundled spyware
>forced updates
>DRM anti-modding store
>start menu ads
>lock screen ads