>Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Delayed Until January 12, 2017
And here we have our first causality of FFXV's delay.
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Delayed
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Pretty much everything got pushed into dec or 2017. Just don't even announce release dates at this point
2.8 was originally a December release while they didn't give a date, this makes me think that it was probably early December originally.
Longer trailer
I don't get it. How can one game series get so extended and lose its charm? Why the 2.8? Is Kingdom Hearts 2 8 or 9 games long? Why couldn't they just continue with 3 after 2?
Because they didn't.
because square enix jewery
Because everything else were spin-offs or side story content.
>a shitty movie, a remake of a shit 3ds game you can just play on your 3ds and a demo of KH3
do people care?
KH3 is an early 2018 release in Japan
Yes. But if you don't that's fine.
>No Kairi
Only for the demo but I can live without it
You should have known what was happening when Nomura drew this.
>everything delayed except Sony's trash games
What's going on with Square recently? First XV and now this?
I care about the 3Ds game, because I couldn't be bothered to buy a handheld for one/two games
This is so fucking stupid. Why bother with a release date? Heck, why even bother for triple A games anymore? What do they even mean? Triple A games are just as shitty nowadays as the rest and most "Triple A" games are still a long way off for all platforms. Fuck this industry
How old is this image?
Everything got delayed. KH, XV, Gran Turismo, Last Guardian
Just don't even announce a fucking release date
fucking 2017 what a shame
I dont even care about this franchise anymore at this point, I'll be leaving first week in January for Uni and I'm 19, was 16 in high school when KH3 was announced don't give a fuck i'll forget about the game in 6 months.
Shittiest cover yet.
mid 2015
So the true Kingdom Hearts really IS in the realm of darkness? And the darksides/natural heartless are just trying to recreate it?
Makes you think...
Since like last year.
Seriously? Wasn't she supposed to actually matter this time? Fucking hell.
Dude. That's a really douchy thing to do.
>KH3 was announced THREE YEARS AGO
I think I'm going to be sick...
I've been waiting 11 years for KH3, you can wait 5 months for your otaku simulator faggot.
>Delayed generation : the game
So, in 2016, no Nier 2, no Nioh, and no KH 2.8, if Gravity Rush 2 is delayed, the end of 2016 will be officialy shit.
>hurr let's put someone that only appeared in the secret ending on the box
wait for kh3
>So the true Kingdom Hearts really IS in the realm of darkness?
That's been confirmed since the first game man.
they probably didnt plan on re-releasing all the spin offs into one disc back then.
What's wrong with Sora's head?
They're literally hoping FF XV saves console gaming in Japan.
What? Kairi was in the secret ending? Wasn't the secret ending just a image you get when you fly through the credits. And it's shit that axel is in the pic
Honestly is anyone expecting Gravity Rush 2 to actually come out in 2016 at this point?
>implying the demo isn't going to be 100% required to understand the plot
Wait what? I thought we nwver saw KH. I thought KH is the Heart of everything in the realm of darkness and is still light?
he looks like a different character now
There have been many different "KHs" in the series. According to Nomura we're supposed to really find out in 3. Mainly it seems like the characters have been wrong on what it's supposed to be.
I hope evil mirror aqua spawns some clonecest with her
God fucking dammit.
So all those spin-offs are actually in the main story?
If not, they should've named this game KH Collection.
Nomura what are you doing? First the timetravel/everyone is xehanort thing and now this.
But can someone also answer please this question
Calm down, it's pre-order shit for dream-eaters.
The 3DS version had the same shit.
There's a secret ending that has Riku bringing Kairi to Yen Sid so she can train to use her Keyblade. That's why she's been in BBS Vol2 stuff.
>spin offs
Just about every KH game deals into the main story.
He's talking about 3D's secret ending.
so what about 1.5 and 2.5? because those were released separately.
collection 1, collection 2, collection 3?
looks like shit
Why does the CG look worse than KH2 and BBS?
Alright then.
It was inevitable, that's what the game industry has become.
Expect KH 3 to have a season pass.
Why are they still so shiny. It's not that hard Square even fucking World of FF can do it
user 2/3 of the things in this game are new.
They've been trying to hire a lighting artist recently.
Square's main teams are on FFXV, World of FF, and DQXI atm.
No, it's delayed because Nomura is a hack.
It's because they're now supposed to look like Didney characters and not anime characters, it's some special shader they created for this.
Kingdom Hearts was swallowed by darkness during the Keyblade War. It's the light that destroyed Ansem SoD.
At least it's been improved since the first time we saw those 2 in the new engine. But it looks like they still haven't fixed Mickey's face.
Yeah that too. They're aware that it's an issue.
for comparison
You can make them look more like the CG without making them shiny though
It's being delayed so it can come out on NX.
I stopped caring tonight, yes waiting an extra month matters because I was basically on the edge of not giving a fuck when I saw the December release.
This is fucking stupid, this is some stupid ass remake and probably a 20 minute demo for KH3 and we had to wait 13 months for it, I'm done, I don't care about this bullshit.
There's other games to get excited for and I'll buy this POS when it's 20 bucks in 2 years maybe a few months before 3 gets released.
I don't fucking now honestly, it's so confusing because they always release shit with a couple of more shit.
It's like release a burger which only has one pickle or tomato. Then a new version comes out adding more tomatoes or pickles. Basically the same burger but adding one 1% on it and reselling it.
They've got to have delayed it for pro's release, right? I assume that's what happened with this, FFXV, and Last Guardian. There's going to be a ton of shit coming out from November to January.
>Shantae HGH
>Gravity Rush 2
>The Last Guardian
>Kingdom Hearts 2.8
>Resident Evil VII
I'll at least have some reasons to turn on my console for a while.
Kairi's hood doesn't even connect to the rest of her outfit.
>Only played KH1&2 when I was a little lad
Is the mega collection of every single game across every platform version coming out yet?
Literally no.
Wait the Last Guardian got delayed? To what?
Apparently there is a Pro version so maybe.
how is it confusing? are you retarded?
yeah sure, they released a lot of spin off titles but its not confusing at all to follow.
Downgrade confirmed.
It was supposed to come out in October, got delayed to December.
It would've come out after the Pro release anyway, so i doubt it
how new? It's connected to the shoulder straps
>questioning nomura outfits
Only delayed a few weeks I think, it's still this year.
She has a white strap that her hood connects too. It's been like that since KH2.
You can buy 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 or you;re outta luck.
What? If anything it looks slightly worse, cartoon graphics are meant to have soft lighting, not shiny/plastic.
>Guys this hair looks like shit
>I know! Let's add random black streaks to it! That'll REALLY sell it!
This will get delayed too.
Hey that was just my opinion man.
Nah, it's still on track.
I never thought I would ask for this, but I kind of wish they'd re-release 1.5 and 2.5 for PS4. I really don't want to have to dig my PS3 out of the closet every time I want to play those.
I doubt it
It was never in the way of XV, so there's no need
All because they wanted to make sure the poor BR's in South America who cant download patches could play it.
What is this
Nomura must be a tired man.
>PS4 Pro support is why it's getting delayed
thanks sony
I wanna see sonyggers defend this shit
I-i guess tabata has the last laugh after all...
Nomura is still mad about getting cucked.
You're retarded
It was delayed because XV is a technical mess